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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Garth

    Sequels or Games Never Made...

    I want to see Monkey Island 5 made. My favourite series of games and I want another one dammit.
  2. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    Goldie Lookin Chain - Self Suicide
  3. Garth

    Recent Purchases

    Picked up today - AFI - Sing The Sorrow Misfits - Collection 2
  4. Garth

    Recent Purchases

    Evenesance - Fallen N.E.R.D - Fly or Die Outkast - Love Below/Speakerboxxx
  5. Garth

    Recent purchases

    Just went on a trip to Turkey and they sell really good quality pirate DVD's out there for rock bottom prices so i bought: -Spiderman 2 -Kill Bill 2 -Lost In Translation -King Arthur -Troy -Walking Tall Also today bought legit copies of - Spiderman & Whats Eating Gilbert Grape.
  6. Garth

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Whys that then?
  7. Garth

    Recent Purchases

    Picked up: Soundgarden - Superunknown Audioslave - Audioslave Megadeth - Youthanasia They were in a deal 3 for £20, a bargain if i do say so myself.
  8. Garth

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    I picked up the Soundtrack, but not the screenplay though. Its a real bastard its not released on DVD in the UK until November. I don't know if I can wait that long dammit.
  9. Garth

    Hey, who here is British?

    I know, who'da thought it eh?
  10. Garth

    Hey, who here is British?

    Yep, I'm British.
  11. Garth

    Terroist Documents found in lay-by

    Just a space, can sometimes be say a burger van or something there during the day.
  12. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
  13. Garth

    The "what WWE are doing well" thread

    Doing something with Rhyno who's one of my favourite undercard guys.
  14. Garth

    Terroist Documents found in lay-by

    Its where you can pull over and stop on roads more or less.
  15. Garth

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    Water - Rehydrating myself after all the drinking.
  16. Garth

    What beverage are you drinking right now?

    Orange Juice
  17. Garth

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    I really enjoyed the movie. Enjoyed it way more than Spidy 1 even thoguh I was really into that one anyways. Not sure how it rates compared to X2 as I haven't seen that in so long as almost as soon as i got it on DVD i leant it out and haven't seen it since. Kirsten Dunst wasn't too bad in it, its funny as I don't really consider her anything special yet shes appeared in my 2 favorite movies of the year thus far. I thought Doctor Octopus was a good bad guy as he was convincing to me. This was because no matter how wrong any of his actions were he believed them to be completely justified. Thought he could of been utilized a bit better but thats the only thing that I wasn't so keen on about the movie.
  18. Garth

    Recent purchases

    Buffy Seasons 1 & 2 Reservoir Dogs
  19. Garth

    WWE Vengeance extra matches money pool

    I believe its all the free non Vengeance 2004 matchs you get when you order the webcast.
  20. The Naturals vs Christopher Daniels & Primetime Kazarian & Michael Shane vs Shark Boy & D-Ray 3000. Alex Shelly & Abyss (w/Goldylocks) vs Mikey Batts & Jerome 3LK vs Elite Guard AJ vs Sabin vs Petey Williams
  21. Garth

    Rhyno chasing La Rez...

    I loved Rhyno during his initial WWE run, still am rather partial to him now, he just seems to of lost his edge now he has to throw in all the rest holds and his intesity isn't the same. He's still damn good and I would love for them to actually do something with him and give him a push. He seems to me to be pretty over anyway, by giving him a run with the tag titles and putting a bit more focus on him again, he could easily be built up to an IC contender IMO.
  22. If we're talking great musicians from Canada how the hell could you forget Avril Lavinge man?
  23. Garth

    The OAO Raw thread for 07.05.04

    Flair at ring side. Or Eugene on the faces side That wouldn't make any sense though as Eugenes been siding with Evolution as of late, so maybe Batista, HHH, Orton and Eugene vs Edge, Jericho and Benoit.
  24. Garth

    What's religion are you (or should you be)?

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. New Age (88%) 3. Liberal Quakers (87%) 4. Neo-Pagan (83%) 5. Mahayana Buddhism (82%) 6. Reform Judaism (80%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (77%) 8. New Thought (74%) 9. Theravada Buddhism (72%) 10. Sikhism (70%) 11. Scientology (68%) 12. Taoism (66%) 13. Jainism (62%) 14. Secular Humanism (58%) 15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (57%) 16. Bahá'í Faith (56%) 17. Hinduism (56%) 18. Orthodox Judaism (47%) 19. Nontheist (40%) 20. Islam (33%) 21. Orthodox Quaker (32%) 22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (17%) 23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (14%) 24. Eastern Orthodox (11%) 25. Roman Catholic (11%) 26. Seventh Day Adventist (9%) 27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
  25. I swear this is like the third time this has been posted now.