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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Hollow Man" - Iced Earth
  2. Garth

    ROH has lost a ton of money...

    Thanks for clearing that up for me actually, I was wondering why it was down.
  3. Garth

    ROH has lost a ton of money...

    I'm sure I read that the ban was put in place a few months ago, and that it had recently been announced to of been lifted. I seem to remember over at the ROH boards there was thread everyone drooling over this news, as they believed it meant that people like Corino and Low Ki would come back, even though they stopped working ROH before the ban was put in place.
  4. Garth

    ROH has lost a ton of money...

    Nigel I believe lives and operates out of the US.
  5. Garth

    Anyone read any of these?....

    Fridge is my favorite mainly because it seems the least forced as its the first one. The other two are good, just this ones better. I still can't believe though with all the traveling i do i've never made it over to Ireland with it being so damn close and all.
  6. This is my first venture into Comic books and lit and I was wondering if anyone else on the board had read any of Tony Hawks books, not the skateboarder. He's written Round Ireland with a fridge, Playing the Moldovans at tennis and One hit wonderland. All the books follow Hawks eventually being coaxed into taking on rediculous bets Such as in the first one hitch hiking around the cirumfrence of Ireland while with a fridge. All three of them are excellent reads and if you haven't read any of them I reccomend them to you highly.
  7. Garth

    Your summer concert list

    Went to Red Hot Chilli Peppers at Hyde Park last weekend. Also going to Reading Festival on August bank holiday, thats all I know for now but would like to go to some others over the summer. Post #900
  8. Garth

    Jacqueline released?

    Grenier yes, but Conway I'm not so sure. Back on topic though, this greatly pleases me if true, she added nothing to the WWE, the entire time I've watched shes never produced a good match. Keep in mind I only started watching WWE in 2000, so I could be wrong and she might of done something worthwhile before then.
  9. Garth

    Recent Purchases

    Beastie Boys - The 5 Boroughs
  10. Garth


    I'd actually really love to go to this show, but I don't have the funds at the moment as I'm going to see the red hot chilli peppers at hyde park the day after.
  11. Garth

    ROH splits with RF Video

    I'm pretty sure for a long time he didn't want people knowing who the hell he was or something. What are the possible outcomes of this seperation?
  12. Garth

    London calling.

    I live in the city where Stonehenge is, if your gonna check out Stonehenge do it on the 21st of June the longest day I believe, we get all the hippy fucks in town, you can see the cloud of pot smoke coming down the hill into Salisbury. Fun is had by all. And by all I mean everyone bar the police, and conservatives in town they fucking hate it.
  13. I've been watched a fair few indy matchs the last few days that have been really good, I didn't think they deserved to have a thread to purely pimp one match I liked so I've waited a few days so that I have a few that I can mention. Samoa Joe vs Paul London - ROH: Enjoyable match overall, thought it didn't go as long as it could of done and it kinda felt to my like the finish came out of no where. Definatly worth watching but I wouldn't go out the way to find it. Bryan Danielson vs Paul London 2/3 falls - ROH: This match was superb, told a good story, had excellent selling and kept me entertained for the entire 40 odd minutes. Worth tracking down. TPI 2003 Finals: Possible Spoilers if you haven't seen the event just yet but want to and don't know the finalists Danny Daniels vs Alex Shelley vs Chris Hero - IWA MS: I really enjoyed this match, I hadn't really been into Daniels throughout the TPI tournament but this match I enjoyed his work in. Chris Hero was excellent and I liked the story of Hero desperatly trying to win the belt from Daniels. Shelley proved to me in this match why he gets so pimped out by everyone, this was the first resonably long match I'd seen him in, the others being matchs from the qualifying rounds of the TPI. Definatly worth watching and makes me pleased I bought the TPI. So what other matchs has the smark community been watching from the indy scene recently that they'd like to tell us about?
  14. Me ..... Oh wait, thats not actually a good thing. Curses *Shakes fist at FS, Kotz and Zack*
  15. Garth

    The OAO Back to the Future thread

    I realy enjoy the back to the future films, for me they've gotten better the older I've gotten as I understand some of the more subtle bits to the film.
  16. Garth

    Metallica doing it for the fans.

    Yeah theres that, and also I think that Scuzz got everything on film, there starting showing footage from the festival from tommorow night onwards. Would think that this set would be advertised a bit before they show it on there though.
  17. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    Motorhead - Killed by death.
  18. Garth

    Return of the King EE News

    I'm looking forward to this, have over the last few months really gotten into LOTR, want the 4 disk edition of ROTK to complete the collection. Already double diped and bought 2 disk editon of it, but that was due to never seeing it at the cinema and really wanting to see it.
  19. Pick up Tradition Continues - has a really good 4 way on it and the match between Punk and AJ is damn good as well.
  20. Garth

    Metallica doing it for the fans.

    I have a bunch of friends who were at the festival and saw this, they report as being one the best things they've ever seen. Pissed I passed up the chance of going to this festival with them because no doubt it would of been a great time and i would of been able to see this go down.
  21. Ah right its all so clear to me now. I THE TSM DRAFT
  22. Yeah this is some interesting shit yo. WAY more interesting than studying for an exam on Nazi Germany. One thing though, why the fuck do they call you spoon?
  23. It appears Christian is now going to be out for a few months as his back injurys quite serious, heres the link to the article. Christian Out Really sucks as I think he could of moved up the card over the next few months if he was still around. Poor guy. Get well soon Christian.
  24. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    Turbonegro - Get It On
  25. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    John Williams - Imperial March.