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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Garth

    CM Punk story

    Thats Hiliarious, even more reason for me to love Punk than i already do. He was awesome when i met him, wish the photo of him and I had come out.
  2. Garth

    Matt Young's Pro Wrestling Training Diary

    Interesting stuff, looking forward to reading more about it, as i will start training in around 6 months to a year once i'm driving and can get to where the training centre is closest to me.
  3. Garth

    What are you watching right now...

    Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark. Forgotten how good this movie is, enjoy it much more now as last time i watched it i must of been 8 or 9, allot better with a greater understanding of history.
  4. Garth

    Who knows alcohol?

    I've actually got a vial of Absinthe at the moment, brought back from Prauge for me. I tried some and it's truely disgusting but incredibly strong. It tastes like black jacks (the sweets) but with a horrible after taste.
  5. Garth

    Movies you like to quote

    Not a movie but me and my friend quote Futurama and Family Guy all the time.
  6. Garth


    Can someone please describe what the Tear Drop suplex is for me.
  7. Garth

    Since Benoit is #1.....

    The world heavyweight title possibly?
  8. Garth

    Great idea for Y2J at Rumble

    I really like that idea. I'm hoping that HBK wins the title at the rumble because my dream mainevent for Mania would be a final rematch between HBK and Jericho, but theres no way thats going to happen.
  9. Garth

    Fully Loaded 2000

    For a long time HHH vs Jericho at FL was my favorite match, and i liked the build that Benoit vs The Rock had.
  10. Garth

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    I've just watched the HBK/HHH match over here in the UK, i tuned in about 5 minutes in i think, so i can't really give it a rating. But they were doing something right if they had me on the edge of my seat totally into the match, even though i knew the finish.
  11. Garth

    New Year's Resolutions

    You Saint you!
  12. Garth

    New Year's Resolutions

    - Hit the Gym more often.
  13. Garth

    Ska Punk genre

    I wouldn't say i am a huge fan of this type of music, but it is very enjoyable and different. If i'm in the mood for something a bit up lifting this is what i'll put on. Would I be correct to assume your from Southern England if you know of such bands as:Whitmore, Spunge, and Solabeat Alliance. Because their all either or have been local bands in my area.
  14. Garth

    What do you look like...

    Dude! If you grew a beard, you might actually look like Kevin Smith. Sweet, time to get to work on that then my friends.....
  15. Garth

    Smackdown! on New Year's Day

    I'm not sure but i would of thought so considering it would of been recorded the tuesday so theres nothing stoping them airing it on the thursday which is new years day. But it seems likely it will be a best of as they did one specifically for Raw.
  16. Garth

    Recent purchases

    Yesterday: -Back to the future trilogy -Red Dwarf Season 3 Today: -LOTR: Fellowship of the ring (special 4 disc dition) -LOTR: The two towers (special 4 disc edition)
  17. Garth

    What do you look like...

    Got a digital camera for christmas so heres a new photo of me:
  18. Garth

    So overall how was your Christmas?

    Mine was average, Presents were good nothing particularly standout, enjoyed having the family over though, just learnt my grandparents were going to be buying a house in the city were i live soon, so i'll be able to see them lots more which is really cool.
  19. Garth

    The OAO Games and etc you got for Christmas

    Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
  20. Garth

    the OAO what did YOU get for xmas thread

    I got: -Digital Camera (at last, can now get some up to date pictures of myself) -Printer for computer -Microsoft office (to do college work on) -Rob Zombie CD: Past, Present, Future -Broken Sword 3 for PC -Futurama Season 4 -Indiana Jones DVD Boxset -Wrestlemania XIX DVD -Hair Dryer and some other random bits and pieces.
  21. Garth

    Jericho Is OTR

    Christians also held the lightheavyweight title as well, meaning Christians held 5 titles also.
  22. Garth

    The Darkness

    I more partial to "Love on the rocks with no ice" of the album.
  23. Garth

    The Darkness

    They've got videos for: I believe in a thing called love, Growing on me and their christmas song - Christmas time (don't let the bells end)
  24. Garth

    Weird Things you collect

    My hats are out of the usual their not just baseball caps or whatever. I have a fur russian hat with the scythe and hammer badge on it, a WWI Russian hat which is basically a bit pointy hat with a red star on the front, i have a pink cowboy hat, etc those kind of hats.
  25. Garth

    ID checks for video games

    I live in the UK so this won't affect me, but you already have to be a certain age to buy some games here. Most noteable example being the GTA series of games as you've had to be 18 to buy any of them.