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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Garth

    DVD Burning Software...

    Cheers for that dude.
  2. Garth

    My faith is restored in RVD...

    Honestly, RVD is just as bad as Hunter. -=Mike Care to explain how RVD is as bad as hunter instead of just throwing out a complete generalization about the two.
  3. Although this is really insignificant ..... yeay for me!
  4. Garth

    Brits! Please torture David Blaine!

    I went down to visit this assclown the other day, he was asleep so we shouted aload of abuse at him until he woke up..... and then shouted some more abuse at him.
  5. I was going to be going to Mania, but i've just started college over here in England and i can't get the time off, so i've been so down these last two days because i knew the tickets were on sale. Although i did go and do some retail therapy to make myself feel better and bought Futurama seasons 1 & 2 on DVD. As well it would of been my second Mania so at least i can say i've been to a Mania before.
  6. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I'm pleased that Evolution music dosen't have the gay ass horn section on it in this game.
  7. Garth

    IZ Book-orama

    Promo from B. Dids on G-Money, and quite possibly some backstage shenanigns. I think it would make sense for my character to introduce himself to Dan Black as well as he's a fellow English person on the roster, and try to get on his good side. Would that be possible?
  8. Garth

    Eddie's Opponent at No Mercy

    I actually wouldn't mind if they kept teaming Shannon and Matt as long as they can become a viable part of the tag team division, they always need more credible teams so why not.
  9. Garth

    No Mercy Matches

    Because two McMahon's is obviously double the fun.
  10. I can see Shane winning this ala his LMS match against big show, with RVD playing the role of Test
  11. Edit: Double post some how. Shane vs Kane build up: piss break time.
  12. She gets no hight on her moonsault it just looks like shes falling off the tope rope.
  13. Son of a bitch, she just used the old skool expulsion.
  14. Has anybody elses PPV just died on them?
  15. It sounds like a ripoff of TWGTT's horn I really like the evolution theme but those horns just bring it down a notch or two.
  16. What the hells with the gay ass horn section at the begining of the Evolution theme now?
  17. *Sees Randy Orton video and begins laughing*
  18. I've so gotta post my picture of me meeting Test sometime...
  19. Is anybody else waiting for another comedy mishap in this match..... nah didn't think so.
  20. With the way there looking up at the sky and shit, you'd think spike was dead.
  21. WWE gives us the reason for that, that Spikes mother was french. I can see it now.
  22. Dammit they jobbed Stevie to that crappy ass looking....what the heck was it?
  23. If Unforgiven wasn't free over here, i would so not of bothered watching it tonight.
  24. I thought it was just a 6 Man Tables Match. Are the titles on the line? *Edit: Damn beaten too it
  25. Garth

    Book it up

    I'll can probably get a debut promo written up if you want. Any fueds or angles i can be used in more than happy to help out. Just PM me if any ones got an idea.