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Everything posted by Garth

  1. I predict a Maven heel turn and join evolution. Also why is it that i can't watch Randy Orton and just crack up laughing?
  2. Garth

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    I just finished watching the Iron Man match, i'll say this: i found it an enjoyable and worthwhile use of 60 minutes of my time. I think probably why i found it so enjoyable was because i went in to it with quite low expectations, as almost everyone round here had been slating it as being pretty poor. I thought it told a good story of Kurt having to battle up hill the majority of the match and coming very close to winning with the fianl ankle lock but having victory snatched away from him. But eh what do i know?
  3. Garth

    Just Started College

    Just thought i'd come onto the forums while i'm at college today. Its my first day and i'm really enjoying it. I have so much free time though its unbelieveable. Hows everyone else finding college so far?
  4. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Oh that god damn sucks, why's it not out till the 14th of November over here, thats just criminal.
  5. Garth

    September 11th Anniversary

    I remember getting home from school and just watching it on the news for ten mins. Then just thinking wow thats fucked up. My life didn't stop for it, nor did i feel particularly sad, i feel kinda guilty for not feeling any emotion over it though.
  6. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Cena's enterance is cool, until he gets to the bit where he's folding his arms, that just looks retarded. I also like the F-U in this game it looks sweet.
  7. Garth

    what kind of drink are YOU!?

    You're a Potty Jello! Basically, this means you're Alcofuckinholic. I'm sorry, but someone had to say it. Nice
  8. Garth

    Just Started College

    I'm at home now with my time table, i've been pretty lucky, i have no classes that last longer than 2 hours. The thing that sucks though is i can't come home once i've finished classes on two days where i finish by 1 because i live so far away from college and have to wait for the coach at 4.
  9. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    *Yawn* its Jazz don't care about todays wrestler.
  10. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Thats an awesome looking photo of storm getting super kicked and blood going everywhere. I can't wait to do something like that to my friends on the game when it comes out.
  11. Well i've got the demo on my pc, but now i'm having to trawl through websites trying to find the relevant update for my graphic card drivers
  12. Garth

    New Mattitude Commentary

    Thats what i thought when i saw that as well. Again as usual a good read from Matt.
  13. So the demo's defiantly worth getting a hold of? Because i'm in the process of downloading it now.
  14. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Relax dude, there're alternate outfits in this game, remember? ;p Yeah, i forgot. Also Golddusts enterance is really cool.
  15. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I think its gone back to 8 for this game.
  16. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Stevie dosen't have the pink trunks....outrage!
  17. Garth

    What are you listening to right now?

    Polyphonic Spree - Soldier Girl
  18. Garth

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I like that third pic of him, it looks just like him. His enterance is quite cool, his video and proper music better be in the final edition though.