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Everything posted by Garth

  1. That would be a cool name for it, although it would be funny if he called a regular dvd "basic thugonomics" and he has a top rope dvd andcalls it "complicated thuganomics" lol
  2. If thats true i think they must of been watching a different match to me. As enjoyable as vince vs hogan was it was nothing compared to Jericho vs Michaels
  3. Garth

    Latest WWE.com poll

    I soon as i saw that bout half an hour ago i said to myself i thought it was related to that. I hope Steiner gets fired anyway, his performances have been very bad bar his matchs with Jericho and Christian. 2 good matchs does not justify being on the roster
  4. I'd mos def like to see Jericho use the breakdown again it was a sweet move especially onto the chair on the Rock. It sucks that hte lionsault has been so downgraded everyone can kick out of that now, where as back in 2000 he was beating people with it.
  5. Garth

    Memories of first live event

    The very first show i went to was WMX8, i travelled all the way from England. It was well worth the trip, the event was great cus it was my first, looking back there were a couple of crap matchs. Toronto and all friendly canadians made it great though, nicest city i've ever been 2.
  6. lmao those are pretty damn funny, must keep some for future reference
  7. Garth

    The RINGU

    The beauty of the internet: free movies!
  8. Garth

    Heat Spoilers, Off-Air Raw Notes

    Definatly sounds like a good heat for this sunday. The only thing on Sundays worth watching is Heat
  9. Garth

    Angle/Kendrick finish changed

    it would be really stupid for them to of had Kendrick kick out of the angle slam it would of made it look like a nothing move which they don't want for there champions finisher.
  10. Garth

    Why WrestleMania XIX needs

    IMO they should have a cruiserweight number 1 contender match and make it like 6 or 8 ppl and have quite a few suprise enterants.
  11. I would like to see RVD vs Jericho fued, Booke T vs Jericho, and move Hurricane back to SD and have matt vs Hurricane that would be awesome
  12. Garth

    More crappy merchandise!

    That Jeff Hardy visor is crap, who i nthe right mind would wear it?(other than a bunch of hormonoly charged adolecent females)
  13. Garth

    An article about the Lame

    That was a good read and everything said was very true about HHH i would love to see him get his ass handed to him at mania. I think what would be a really great thing would be have a no DQ match at mania and have RVD, Kane and any other ppl that HHH has pissed on in the past come out and destroy HHH so Booker gets the win.
  14. Garth

    Kanyon's gimmick

    I think the idea of having him think the alliance still going would totally rule. Thers so much they could do with it as well.
  15. Garth

    The Ring

    I really liked the ring and despite a few plot holes which can easily be rectified by using the net or your imigination. Has inspired me to watch the old movies now i've got the ring and ring 2 japense with subs on video tape ..... but i'm to scared to watchthem by myself lol
  16. Garth

    Guilty Pleasures

    I mark out 4 Chavo, Test and Ivory 4 the pure fact that i've met them and they were real nice.
  17. Garth

    Something I noticed

    They we're all good ME at Fully Loaded although Angle Taker wasn't as good as it could of been. And HHH vs Y2J was one of my fave match of 2000
  18. Garth

    Smackdown Taping Tonight

    i really want them to just vacate the title and have the match at WM but i think they should still have Angle involved in the match some way possibly being the guest refferee for the match at mania that would be awesome IMO
  19. Garth

    New Matt Hardy Interview

    sounds like a good buy looking forward 2 reading that mainly for the mattitude rather than Jeff but it'll be intresting none the less
  20. Garth

    Top Ten Favorite Wrestlers

    1-Chris Jericho 2-Kurt Angle 3-Chris Benoit 4-Raven 5-Steve Corino 6-Eddie Guerrero 7-Low Ki 8-Rey Mysterio Jr 9-Chavo Guerrero 10-Hurricane Helms
  21. Garth

    RAW needs to be Taped

    I think being on a 5-10 min taped delay would make most sense becaause then there wouldn't be any soilers on the net before the show aired and the ratings would most likely drop if there was.
  22. I've had the same problem wit Evenseace as well, wondered if i was the only one with the problem guess i'm not.
  23. That would be bloody hilarious you know they would edit it out though.
  24. I would give the whole of Team angle to Benoit turn it into team Benoit and have Heyman manage Benoit it would be perfect and then in the future have them recruit someone to be in team Benoit to be a cruiserweight champion possibly Nova when they call him up thats how i would book smackdown in the near future.
  25. If you win the title i'm pretty sure you get to keep a replica of it. In all the shows they've done showing wrestlers houses they always seem to have a replica of the belt