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Betty Houle

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Everything posted by Betty Houle

  1. Betty Houle

    McMahon tells wrestlers not to speak to the 'net

    "Brock is such an asshole" Get a life, the all of you. PLEASE tell me you guys are all under the age of 20...
  2. Betty Houle


    Best matches? vs. Lyger (SuperBrawl 2) vs. Zenk (WrestleWar 92) vs. Steamboat (Halloween Havoc 92) w/ Austin vs. Flair & Anderson (Clash of Champions) vs. Johnny B Badd (Fall Brawl 95)
  3. Betty Houle

    McMahon tells wrestlers not to speak to the 'net

    Damn right! It's a wrestler's dream to not work for the biggest company in the country and to not be able to feed their family!
  4. Betty Houle

    ESPN NFL tips?

    I've found some great plays: Play actions passes where the receiver stops-and-goes. Killer.
  5. Betty Houle

    ESPN NFL tips?

    I'm entering a pretty competitve football league on the Xbox (ESPN NFL) and I am outclassed Needing some tips... -What are good quick passes in this game when I'm trying to avoid a blitz? I've found the screen pass to ny RB to be pretty effective. Others? -When do you ever use the shuttle pass? -Does the running back option pass EVER work?
  6. Cuz I'm kinda a geek. XBox rules!
  7. Betty Houle

    ESPN NFL tips?

    Wow, thanks! I'm going to try some of these when I get done with work!
  8. Betty Houle

    what games come with each system?

    I'm in the middle of deciding between a PS2, XBox, or Gamecube. What games come with which? And how good are those games?
  9. Betty Houle

    Does everyone else play a complete NFL season?

    I know someone who plays out every game for every team in the season. Frightening.
  10. Betty Houle

    what games come with each system?

    I bought both the Xbox and the Gamecube this past weekend.
  11. Betty Houle

    What were your favorite bloopers / fluck-ups

    nope not true. this isn't one of those urban legends it is legit. Although it wasn't a midget commiting suicide like everyone has been saying lately, he just got caught in the lighting wiring and was hung, it is legit though, I will try and find a press release. This IS the myth that will not die. The THREE MEN AND A BABY myth was the second coming of this for a while...
  12. Betty Houle

    A few questions

    Interogator/Kurrgan, Sniper, Reacon (Bull Buchanon), and Commandant/Jackyl. I think there was one other short-lived member but I could be wrong.
  13. Betty Houle

    Heatless Wonders

  14. Betty Houle

    The Orton Obsession

    I don't think the reation WWE was going for with Orton was, "Get that guy off my TV screen NOW." Everytime the internet people hate someone (X-Pac, Nash, Orton, HHH) it's always in a bad way. It's always in a get-him-off-my-tv way. It's never heat. It's never a good thing.
  15. Betty Houle

    what games come with each system?

    I guess I want both an XBox (for Halo and Halo 2) and a Gamecube (for the Mario games). The other games I would play (GTA, Football) are available for one or both of these. And I just might sell a game that comes with one of those systems.
  16. Betty Houle

    Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

    Three of the most memorable matches this year (a rather unmemorable year) were HBK-Jericho, the HBK Survivor Series performance, and HBK-HHH. He's not his former self but he's still providing some exciting, memorable wrestling!
  17. Betty Houle

    The Top 25 films of 2003...

    We now need a cross-reference list for the budgets of these movies o see what movies made the most profit.
  18. Betty Houle

    what games come with each system?

    Maxi Pad.
  19. Betty Houle

    The REAL Story On Kurt Angle's Neck

    If he was really going to go away, he could at least job clean or submit for someone in the midcard. One more Benoit/Angle match where Benoit actually wins clean could do wonders. And do it for Jericho, too. He still needs that big win. Elevate them. blahdablahda.
  20. Betty Houle

    The OAO Return of The King thread

    Well, I finally saw the movie last night. Great movie; my favorite ofthe three. Surely not the greatest trilogy of all time though. As for the previews... THE MASK 2??? Yuck.
  21. Betty Houle

    what special edition dvd do you want to see

    Doesn't a thread like this get started every 2 months?
  22. Betty Houle

    what special edition dvd do you want to see

    This has been announced for early 2004.
  23. Betty Houle

    Eddie Guerrero's Age?

    No, I hadn't met him at that point in time.
  24. Betty Houle

    It's official: Royal Rumble will suck

    I'd rewatch Diesel-King Mabel before I went to THAT particular show!