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Betty Houle

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Everything posted by Betty Houle

  1. Betty Houle

    Best RoH show?

    Next up: Who is the world's tallest midget?
  2. Betty Houle

    Which would you rather see?

    I don't need to see any of these choices...
  3. Betty Houle

    Best Comedy

    I love SPINAL TAP and the Python movies but what about... Annie Hall? Ghostbusters? A Night at the Opera? A Christmas Story? Top Secret? A Fish Called Wanda? Raising Arizona?
  4. Betty Houle

    Garfield & Friends On Toon Disney

    And in the works (with Bill Murray as Garfield): GARFIELD THE MOVIE!
  5. Betty Houle

    Rumored Star War DVD changes list

    I could of told you a long time ago that there was no way Lucas would kill off this creation which he loves dearly!
  6. Betty Houle

    Keislowski's Three Colours

    I love those three movies as well as The Double Life of Veronique!
  7. Betty Houle

    Hart Foundation v. Steiner Brothers

    Holy shit.....NO WAY!!! Believe it!
  8. Betty Houle

    Pete & Pete Storyline Question

    Not that I know the storyline or anything, but the fact that they kissed and such in the first season, maybe they broke up later or found out it was a improptu thing and wanted to see if it was something bigger. Either way...what was Pete's brother Pete doing at the time. That kid was GOLD Jerry GOLD!! Was that the episode where Little Pete was trying to go back in time cuz of daylight savings time? Yes!
  9. Betty Houle

    Pete & Pete Storyline Question

    I don't know. That was a fun show though! That Drive-In episode was one of my faves!
  10. Betty Houle

    Hart Foundation v. Steiner Brothers

    And Demolition had a match with the LOD, too...
  11. Betty Houle

    Owen Hart in NWA/WCW

    Pillman/Bruce Hart were Bad Company in Stampede. Not to be confused with the Pat Tanaka/Paul Diamond Bad Company in the AWA from the same time period. I think the Tanaka/Diamond team spelled it "Badd Company" ... I have memories of DDP spelling it out "B, A, Double-D Badd" You are correct, sir!
  12. Betty Houle


    It was a good movie. Pretty effective. I thought the final plot "twist" at the end was very lame though.
  13. Betty Houle

    Owen Hart in NWA/WCW

    Pillman/Bruce Hart were Bad Company in Stampede. Not to be confused with the Pat Tanaka/Paul Diamond Bad Company in the AWA from the same time period.
  14. Betty Houle

    Owen Hart in NWA/WCW

    Are you sure this happened? I thought it was just a Apter-mag rumor at the time...
  15. Betty Houle

    Favorite Flair-Sting match?

    Yeah, I didn't actually expect anyone to vote for it but I felt compelled to list it.
  16. Betty Houle

    Favorite Flair-Sting match?

    I think I hit all the major televised matches...
  17. Betty Houle

    Bowling for Columbine...

    I'm OK with the film being what it's supposed to be - a filmed editorial, a comedy, and a drama. It doesn't fit into any one category. If the Academy wished to see it as a documentary, so be it. I think it should have been in the running for best picture of the year.
  18. Betty Houle

    I Love The 70s

    I do believe you have inhaled. Way too much.
  19. Betty Houle

    I Love The 70s

    EXACTLY! Having said that, I do enjoy both the 80's and 70's shows. Harmless goofy nostalgia.
  20. Betty Houle

    Bowling for Columbine...

    But since the movie is ostensibly a documentary, basing it on lies, half-truths, staged scenarios, and speeches edited for effect is dishonest. There's precious little point in supporting a dishonest filmmaker who peddles his wares as the truth. This movie isn't supposed to be a presentation-of-facts documentary. It's a drama, it's a comedy, and it's a filmed editorial -- all wrapped up in one! One of the best movies of 2002. See, that's where I always got confused. See, I always thought that documentaries were supposed to be based on truth. Whereas documentaries that were based on nothing but lies and half-truths (which is what Moore does these days) were, at best, "mock" documentaries or just flat out PROPAGANDA. But I suppose I must be wrong. Strike three!
  21. Betty Houle

    Favorite Flair-Sting match?

    FAVORITE match not BEST.
  22. Betty Houle

    Bowling for Columbine...

    "After two years of trying to get an interview with Charlton Heston, Michael Moore (II) was going to give up. Showing up at Heston's house was totally spontaneous - on the way to the airport, a staff member suggested that they find his house using a star map."
  23. Betty Houle

    Bowling for Columbine...

    But since the movie is ostensibly a documentary, basing it on lies, half-truths, staged scenarios, and speeches edited for effect is dishonest. There's precious little point in supporting a dishonest filmmaker who peddles his wares as the truth. This movie isn't supposed to be a presentation-of-facts documentary. It's a drama, it's a comedy, and it's a filmed editorial -- all wrapped up in one! One of the best movies of 2002.