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Betty Houle

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Everything posted by Betty Houle

  2. Betty Houle


    Man! HALO is one of the funnest multi-player games EVER! Nothing like hooking up 3 TVs and playing 6-on-6 CTF!
  3. Betty Houle

    Halloween 5 on AMC

    Hell no! The first one is a great horror movie. 2 is OK. 3 is an interesting idea, horribly executed. 4 is pretty good! 5 is pretty bad! 6 is a complete mess. Not frightening or good in any way. 7 is OK. 8 is weak.
  4. Betty Houle

    Avengers/West coast Avengers

    The original lineup of the West Coast Avengers was Hawkeye (as leader), Mockingbird, Tigra, Wonder Man, and Iron Man II (Jim Rhodes). This was in the mini-series that launched the group. They tried to get the Thing as their sixth member in their ongoing title but he only had an extended guest-starring role. Later on, just about everybody joined the group. Iron Man I (Tony Stark), Hank Pym, the Wasp, USAgent, the Vision, Scarlet Witch, the original Human Torch, Moon Knight (!), and many others...
  5. Betty Houle

    Not Another Teen Movie...

    I think people need to differentiate between spoofs, parodies, and satires.
  6. Betty Houle

    Unexpected tear-jerkers

    I cried during X-MEN 2 (I kid you not).
  7. Betty Houle

    What is that code from...

    So be careful.
  8. "Featuring the 8 best in New England" No, it features the 8 workers that a couple of internet marks in New England chose (discounting the one or two that turned them down). The list of 8 has some talent on it but...
  9. Betty Houle

    Jim Cornette in ROH on Augest 9th

    sorry dude, ROH got that one covered..... BWA-HA-HA-HAAAAA.
  10. Betty Houle

    Any of you heard of WFA?

    Maybe I'll go to the next show and report on the WFA.
  11. Betty Houle

    Any of you heard of WFA?

    You sound just like Jim Ross ya know? Buy the BBQ sauce!
  12. Betty Houle

    Any of you heard of WFA?

    Alex Arion does not suck. He's a really good worker with amazing selling and athleticsm. He's just not king of the flips and flops like an ROHer.
  13. Betty Houle

    Any of you heard of WFA?

    I've seen WFA in action and it's good stuff! It's not ROH but you still might enjoy the show. Plenty of action, a chick match, and more than a handful of gimmicks. Something for everyone!!
  14. Betty Houle


    Marginal thumbs up for IDENTITY. 3 (out of 4) stars.
  15. Betty Houle

    Which DVD should I buy?

    I like the 2outof3 falls match better.
  16. Betty Houle

    DVD Box Sets That You Want Released

    I love Roseanne but find it hard to imagine needing this on DVD. They show episodes 5 times a day in my area!
  17. Betty Houle

    DVD Box Sets That You Want Released

    There is a GC box set of some sort, correct?
  18. Betty Houle

    DVD Box Sets That You Want Released

    Larry Sanders Show Seasons Wrestlemania 1-20 (next year, I hope) The Dead Trilogy The Indiana Jones Trilogy (isn't this coming out by year's end?)
  19. Betty Houle

    Indies in Mass.?

    I wouldn't quite call GMW attrocious. But that's just me! NECW kept talking about TV but I wouldn't hold your breath. The WFA out of NH (run by Steve Bradley) has had 2 TV tapings but I think you can only catch that in NH and VT.
  20. Betty Houle

    Regarding Ender's Game...

    I love ENDER'S GAME; I've read it about 10 times. Never read ENDER'S SHADOW so I can't make a comparison. The only other Orson Scott Card I have read is SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD (good book) and some of his short stories.
  21. Betty Houle

    Suspiria to be remade...

    Speaking of sigs, I love the picture in yours!
  22. Betty Houle

    Suspiria to be remade...

    SUSPIRIA is one of my all-time favorite movies and Argento is on my top 5 favorite directors list. Remaking this movie is a CRIME.
  23. Maybe not sappy but it certainly was CRAPPY.
  24. Betty Houle

    Nightmare on Elm Street Series..

    Nightmare 1 New Nightmare Nightmare 3 Nightmare 2 Nightmare 5 Nightmare 4 Nightmare 6