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Betty Houle

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Everything posted by Betty Houle

  1. Betty Houle

    Biggest Underachievers

    I really can't agree with the Lex Luger comment. He was always a name and he made millions of dollars. That sounds like a success to me.
  2. Betty Houle

    The Old School questions thread

    On top of my head I can think of Harley Race, King Tonga (Haku/Meng), Demolition Smash (who did that sweet double slam spot at SummerSlam'89) and Ronnie Garvin. When did Smas EVER slam Andre?? Certainly not at SS89 (although he did slam the Bossman and Akeem in that match)?? I didn't know about Haku/Meng. When did this occur?
  3. Betty Houle

    The History of the Horsemen

    Although I’ve enjoyed similar write-ups posted to this forum recently, I found this one to be annoying. There are a dozen or two really minor mistakes that would be easily ignored individually; collectively, these mistakes are quite annoying in a write-up that seems to be detail-orientated. The other problem is that the style seems inconsistent. Is this a kayfabed telling of the storyline (which would be fine)? No, because the occasional “smart” comment is made along with some typically dense personal opinions. In this case, whenever the write-up drew attention to the writer I found it off-putting and distracting. And he used the word “goodness”, another crime against nature. And the paragraph on the Benoit-Liger match from Starrcade 95 is, to quote George Carlin, “full of things that piss me off”. But a lot of thought and work probably went into this so whatever.
  4. Betty Houle

    Insider Timeline: 1996

    I never said you did...? I said he wasn't that though.
  5. Betty Houle

    Insider Timeline: 1996

    I know all this. I was half joking with my post; I was just making reference to the way some HBK-haters go out of their way to find new ways to bash him. I don’t really want to get into this again but… If you took what I said literally, what you said doesn’t illustrate how HBK wasn’t a draw “in any way, shape, or form”. Yes, he hasn’t always been a draw and is associated with some really bad ratings and buy-rates. He's also associated with some very good ones. He’s headlined (or co-headlined) over two dozen pay-per-views, some of which were quite successful. He also played significant roles in a bunch of other successful PPVs (Summer Slam 2002 and Wrestlemania 21, to name just a couple). And he did boost house shows in 1996 and drew 48,000 people to the 1997 Royal Rumble during a downtime for the company. Not saying he’s the greatest draw ever in American wrestling (that just might be Hogan, another person I’ll defend when few others will). Let’s not discount him entirely though!* But that’s enough of that! I’m enjoying these articles and hope to see more of them. I’m always looking for time-killers between work! *And, hey, what's the Wrestlemania with the lowest buyrate of them all? 13! Why? Because Shawn wasn't there!
  6. Betty Houle

    Mid-South/UWF (1979-1987)

    Keep these coming (if you have them)! They're a good, fun read!
  7. Betty Houle

    Insider Timeline: 1996

    These statements are obviously false as many HBK-haters have repeatedly told me he's never been a draw in any way, shape, or form.
  8. Betty Houle

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Even if this is a blown spot (and I'm not convinced that it is), there is nothing about it that looks like a blown spot so it doesn't detract from this great match at all. It looks like Mysterio goes for his move and Eddie catches him and back suplexes him.
  9. Betty Houle

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    Thanks for posting it. I'm always looking for things to read when I have a moment to pause during work. Incidentally, I can see including the ECW PPV on an essential PPV list (although maybe not on a best PPV list).
  10. Betty Houle

    The Old School questions thread

    If Wrestlemania 13 was originally supposed to be Hart-Michaels, who would Austin's match been with? Any facts? Any speculation? Anyone?
  11. Betty Houle

    Roddy Piper the worker

    He was a very good worker for a time. He drew big money and put on matches that entertained people and he had charisma and could talk like a bastard. He didn't suck in the slightest.
  12. Betty Houle


    the Jimmy Hart book? the Harley Race book? the Dusty Rhodes book? the Terry Funk book? the HHH workout book? the Bruno Sammartino book? the Jack Brisco book?
  13. Betty Houle


    Arn Anderson's book and Ted Dibiase's book are both garbage.
  14. Betty Houle


    Bought and read the Funk book. Damn good stuff!
  15. Betty Houle

    Billy Gunn doesn't like HHH

    You would if the WWE was signing your paychecks.
  16. Betty Houle

    15 Best WWF/E Wrestlers

    Roddy Piper- No Paul Orndorff- No Bam Bam Bigelow- No Ted Dibiase- Yes Rick Rude- No Mr. Perfect- definite No Razor Ramon- No Lex Luger- No Bulldog- No Owen Hart- definite No Vader- No Ken Shamrock- possibly Rob Van Dam- Yes Booker T- Yes Edge- No
  17. Betty Houle

    15 Best WWF/E Wrestlers

    I have to believe that Mr.Perfect as champion would have been a complete disaster. Sure, he's an amazing performer in the ring but was never much of a draw. I don't think he had a World Champion level charisma either. I just can't imagine a time when this would have worked.
  18. Betty Houle

    Roger Ebert Supports Terrorism

    Oh come on, what's next? Forgiving him for giving "Blue Velvet" one star? I don't think so! You may disagree with him, but I've never read one of his reviews where he didn't justify his opinions on the movie. One way or the other, you know why he felt the way he did. He doesn't pan stuff just for the sake of it, just like he doesn't praise without backing it up. I don't always agree with him, but he's never produced a review where he didn't at least use solid reasoning about why he liked or disliked a movie. No one is going to agree with anyone else about every movie that comes out. I don't see why people get themselves in a frenzy because someone thought differently of the same movie. Exactly.
  19. Betty Houle

    The Official Sin City Thread

    You say tomato, I say tomato. I thought she was godawful.
  20. Betty Houle

    The Official Sin City Thread

    except Michael Madsen I didn't notice.
  21. Betty Houle


    Thanks for the comments! I'm trying to just have a "essential" wrestling book collection because I (and my boyfriend) own way too much shit. I read parts of some wrestling books at Borders to see if they're worth my while. Some of the above books I haven't seen in-store yet. I'll probably get the Brisco book and the Funk book.
  22. Betty Houle


    ...tumbleweed blows by...
  23. Betty Houle

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    That is hardly "easily the worst match the two ever had." Even if you're discounting house show matches, it's not their worst big match. It's quite good in the eyes of many (including them and me). And Bret only kind of disliked Michaels at this point. It was well before he really disliked him. I have seen plenty of their house matches and their prior PPV encounter at SSeries '92. This match stunk. -=Mike I've seen matches of theirs that were worse. The Iron Man match is great in all actuality.
  24. Betty Houle

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    Hey, WCW did it with Starrcade 96. Actually, I'm not sure when they ever told people that match was non-title so never mind.
  25. Betty Houle

    The Official Sin City Thread

    He was amazing; he just did another incredible transformation in the way he talked and carried himself. Didn't stop me from noticing how bad she sucked though. Not that it's easy to deliver Miller's words without them sounding silly or just plain bad (although everyone else pulled it off). Satan save me from "ownage" and "goodness" and any other "undeliciously moronical speak".