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Everything posted by gWIL

  1. gWIL

    Senate votes to expand stem cell research

    NASA is less than 1% of the budget!
  2. On Sunday, the WWE has a chance to make a star. Although we will likely see Batista squash Mr. Kennedy, they can pull of an almost Rocky like story with Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy doesn't need to win, all he needs to do is go the distance and take Batista to the limit. All the seeds are there, an unproven challenger steps up as a last minute replacement, a replacement likely to be destoryed. Have him go the distance with out using too many cheap heelish tatics and boom, new #2 heel for Smackdown. I'd go as far as to not have him do the name thing, because he is in the zone and focused. That would make for some great TV and gives Rey someone to face after King Booker wins the championship. It won't happen because Kennedy has reportedly fallen out of favor with management but with Smackdown's roster so thin they really need to. I'd like to see the Pitbulls win the tag titles and see a rematch at Summerslam and then a Dog Collar match at No Mercy. I'm thinking they just may kill Khali off before the match, then have Big Show take his place.
  3. gWIL

    Horror Update

    IIRC, I read that the Day of the Dead remake is unrelated to the Dawn of the Dead remake and that Gunn is pinning a Dawn of the Dead II. Also, can't wait for Eli Roth's coming movies. I think Hostel is the Exorcist/ Texas Chainsaw Massacre of our generation. The story about the guy having a heart attack while viewing it, the fact that when I went to go see it opening night the reaction in the theatre was unlike anything I have ever seen. It was totally quiet when it ended as opposed to the usual chatter. There where even people vomiting while leaving the theatre. It's almost a shame Quentin Tarantino was all over it, as it was better than anything Tarantino has ever done. Hostel II can not possibley live up to Hostel, it will be like TCM 2 or the Exorcist 2. But I'm sure Cell will be awesome. I'd really like to see him return to Cabin Fever as well.
  4. gWIL

    Starship Troopers 3

    From moviehole.net, Sony debugs Starship Troopers 3 Posted by Clint Morris on May 31, 2006 A second sequel to Paul Verhoeven’s “Starship Troopers” (1997) is in the works over at Sony, says Cincity2000, via Dark Horizons. Ed Neumeier will return to the typewriter to punch out the script, which, I’m guessing, will head straight to DVD – just as the first sequel, “Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation” did. According to the site, the film will have even more of a connection to the first film though, with some cast members from the original film returning to the fold for “Troopers 3”. Casper Van Dien mentioned via his official site that he is involved, reprising his role as Johnny Rico. Says the actor, “The script is along the same line as the first. It is Awesome”. He adds that Rico would now be a General in the film. Good stuff. Interesting. Starship Troopers is one of my favorite movies. Starship Troopers 2 was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Let's hope for the best.
  5. gWIL

    Fucking petty ass neighbors.

    Kitten’s head cut off Suspect ‘tired’ of stray cats Published: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 -- The Truth, A1 Last updated: 7/18/2006 12:00:39 AM By Tom Dolan Truth Staff ELKHART -- Dennis Witte didn't believe it when his neighbor told him he'd beheaded his kitten. "I thought he was joking 'til he showed me the head. He had the head in his hand!" Witte said Monday. Witte, who feeds strays near his East Street apartment, had taken a special liking to the 5-week-old, long-hair calico, he said. He'd given her the name "Two-face" because of her coloring. "She was very beautiful," he said. At about 7 p.m. Friday, the suspect knocked on Witte's door to announce the killing, reported Elkhart Police Cpl. Robert Roa. "(The suspect) told Witte he is tired of all the cats in the neighborhood that are running around loose, and that is the reason why he killed (the) kitten," reported Roa. Witte put the head in his freezer and later turned it over to Roa. The officer found the body in a nearby trash bin near the apartment, located just a half-block from the police station. "It was a cute little cat," Roa said Monday. In their search for evidence, police ran into a couple of witnesses but did not find the suspect, according to Roa's report. Monday evening, Witte said he was just trying to avoid the man he used to consider a friendly neighbor. "It broke my heart," he said. Anyone with information on the case may contact Detective Lt. Peggy Snider at 295-7070 or the police tip line at 389-4777.
  6. gWIL

    Starship Troopers 3

    You're right. Its actually been a while since I read the book, I may have to pick it up again. Also powersuits were planned for the movie, but they didn't have the money for them.
  7. gWIL

    Starship Troopers 3

    I tried watching this once...after 20 or 30 minutes went by and I hadn't seen a single bug, I turned it off. (yes, I may be exaggerating that time, but it sure did feel like it was that long) They battle bugs for about 5 minutes then go the whole bugs take over human bodies route. It was terrible. The only good part of it was a little bit of satire at the end of it. Having read the novel, the only thing I feel missing from the movie are the powersuits. The book was surprisingly dull.
  8. So after quiting my job at the local sports bar in overly dramatic fashion, I got a job at Applebee's. Going to be strange going from a local chain to a huge corporate chain. My interview lasted a total of two minutes. I would just like to remind everyone to be nice to the people that handle your food.
  9. gWIL

    Starship Troopers 3

    Or perhaps 90% of the audience are dumb asses. If you want proof of that just look at the numbers Little Man did.
  10. gWIL

    7/20 & 7/27 Impact Spoilers

    Abyss vs Spike. Awesome. I love seeing Spike get his ass kicked. He has it down to an art.
  11. gWIL

    Starship Troopers 3

    I think you're giving it a little too much credit. I think it was part stupid sci-fi action flick, part spoof of old school sci-fi flicks. No, he's right. The director says as much in the DVD commentary. 'War makes facists of us all' or something to that effect. He grew up around the Nazis in the Netherlands.
  12. Last time I went there the food was great, might just be the one by you. That's funny coming from someone whose name is 75% caps My old username was in all lowercase. Now I'm just overcompensating for it. Denny's is in a different category. According to Wikipedia, Applebee's is the largest chain of casual dining restaurants in the country and Denny's is is the largest full-service family restaurant chain in the United States. There are more Denny's though.
  13. Honest question Czech, do you think it makes your posts funny when you type in all caps?
  14. I have never once been given a sauce for Onion Rings. Onion *blossoms* yes. But not Onion rings.
  16. From what I hear, Applebee's is less of a pain in the ass to work for. Plus there are quite a bit more Applebee's than Fridays. Thats about it.
  17. Are you fucking serious?
  18. You're welcome. I think I've had a good meal at Applebee's maybe once.
  19. I agree with this in principle. I'm for there being no nukes what so ever. However, untill an agreement is made to get rid of all of them, North Korea has the right to have them.
  20. What part of tactical alliances do you not understand? It's hardly a tactical alliance when they get you into more problems, than not having a presence in the middle east would.
  21. Speaking as someone who is 100% FOR gay marriage, you really don't know shit about Constitutional law. First off, there is no such thing as freedom FROM religion, only that the government won't establish a religion. Second, the Establishment clause is NOT, nor EVER wil be, justification for allowing gay marriage. Do me a favor and read up on constitutional concepts like "equal protection", and "due process". THEN you'll understand the correct way to argue for gay marriage. You'll find out it doesn't have anything to do with your anti-religion biases. Because they're one of the most likely nations on the planet to USE those nukes on us. This really isn't a hard thing to understand. Same reason why we don't want Iran to get nukes. Because they're unstable and prone to either use them on our allies in the region (Israel.....though I don't suppose you'd have a problem with them getting nuked) or sell / supply them to Islamic extremists who'd be willing to bomb us with them. BTW, you pretty much are anti-Semitic, hate to tell you. Anyone who argues that Israel doesn't have a right to exist and spouts off terminology such as "zionist", which IMO is basically the more acceptable form of saying "kike", is a Jew-hater. Perhaps you're just in denail. I know anti-Zionist Jews. They are the people that convinced me why we should not support Israel. Are they anti-Semitic? The 1st Amendment guarantees "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" that means it entitles a person to freedom OF and FROM religion. If you would, like, actually read it, you could see that. That pretty clearly states that a law can't be based off of religion. As such banning gay marriage, which is argued for on a religous basis is in violation of the 1st Amendment. On the Nukes, if I'm a smaller independent country and all the bigger countries have Nukes, I'm going to want them for my own protection. If one country has the right to have nukes, then all countries have the right to have them. If America is a country thats never going to use a Nuke, why do we have them? By the way, you're the kind of person that prevents intelligent debate by name calling and other elementary tatics. Grow up.
  22. 0.8% too much. It's fucking useless. Defend that statement.
  23. gWIL

    WON WWE News and Notes

    I might go to it.......... I was thinking of going myself. Cheap tickets are only $20 and for me Indy is only a couple hour drive.
  24. I think prisons should be turned into labor camps, where the prisoners build common goods for people to use. As for gWil's comments...his use of the term "Zionists" is pretty telling as far as his motivation for his comments about Israel... I am anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic and I resent that implication. The Native Americans were here first, and initially, there were more of them. Alright, everybody. Get the fuck out! I'm not saying we should make them leave, just withdraw support from them. If they threaten the use of nuclear weapons to defend themselves, then we would be forced to prevent them from doing so.