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Everything posted by gWIL

  1. gWIL


    More disturbing then gorey. Eli Roth furthers cements himself as the future of the horror genre with the most disturbing movie I have ever seen.
  2. gWIL

    Edge is the new WWE Champion

    Cena wins it back at the Rumble or they do Edge (make him, Vince's Golden Boy in storyline) vs HBK at Mania.
  3. gWIL

    will the world end this year?

    Wanna know what's funny? I've got a 99% in English.
  4. gWIL

    Arrested Development

    Fraiser is off the air? That makes me sad. Also Friends has its moments. About McDonalds, when I still ate meat, I would take a double cheeseburger over a steak.
  5. Someone has to say it... Friday the 13th series>Nightmare on Elm Street series. Anyway, is Freddy's TV show available on DVD? I have a couple episodes on video.
  6. gWIL

    will the world end this year?

    Pity about your English teacher. The text book was written by my Astronomy teacher, who is one of the most respected authorities in Astronomy in the Midwest. Better? English is a joke in High school.
  7. gWIL

    TNA Spoilers from Orlando

    I'm actually excited about both shows.
  8. gWIL

    What should I watch tonight?

    Upon watching Juice, I was dissapointed with it. 2pac was a hell of a rapper but the acting wasn't as great as I had been told. On an unrelated note, Marky Mark is a hell of an actor.
  9. Home from work, I want to watch one of my new DVDs tonight. Which should I watch? Day of the Dead 2 Seinfeld Playmakers Lewis Black: Black on Broadway TNA Final Resolution Nip/tuck season 2 Newsradio Land of the Dead Exorcist: Dominion One of the Rocky movies Juice
  10. gWIL

    will the world end this year?

    It's classified as 1 at least for now, so I'm correct. Besides, it'd be a Kuiper Belt object, and definitely not a comet. Although, upon further research, it appears they're now using "Trans-Neptunian object" in regards to Pluto, as well as enjoying "planet" status. Your gonna make me drag out my Astronomey text book aren't you. The guy that discovered Pluto, now even says it's not a planet. "Mysteries of the Night Sky" A.M. Klinger (2001) Revised and expanded 2005 Pluto does not seem to fit in with the outer planets, and for that matter, it doesn't fit with any of the eight planets. Pluto is composed of approximately half ice and half rock. ... In the early 1980's many astronomers wanted to label to label it as an asteroid; and, in the early 1990's, when Pluto made it's closest approach to the sun, it appeared to devolop an atmosphere similiar to that of a comet; therefore, it appeared to be a very large comet. ...Pluto is round unlike most asteroids. ...It's moon Charon is 51% the size of Pluto , making it the biggest moon ihn proportion to its parent planet. Charon is 20 times closer to Pluto than our moon is to Earth. Its mass is 16% of Pluto. It is believed that Charon is a broken off piece of Pluto, which further makes it unlikely that Pluto is planet. ...Pluto being classified as a planet has more to do with politics within the scientific community than science itself. ...If one were to classify Pluto based on current science, it has far more in common with comets than planets or asteriods. The text book was written by my Astronomy teacher, who is one of the most respected authorities in Astronomy in the Midwest.
  11. gWIL

    What should I watch tonight?

    I thought it was pretty damn funny.
  12. gWIL

    will the world end this year?

    Pluto is not really a palnet. It's a large comet.
  13. gWIL

    Bowl Discussion: January 2nd & 3rd

    At the very least I hope Notre Dame doesn't embarass themselves. I predict Notre Dame by a touchdown.
  14. gWIL

    What should I watch tonight?

    Friday night and after work I have no energy to do anything but veg. I went with Lewis Black and season 1 of Newsradio.
  15. gWIL

    Which is the best TNA DVD?

    Final Resolution was a great show and 12 bucks at Best Buy.
  16. gWIL

    What was worse?

    WCW 2000>WWE 2005. Any day of the week.
  17. gWIL

    What are you eating right now?

    Yesterday, Ihad like the tastiest, healthly lunch ever. Veggie sub on wheat bread with lettuce, onions, green peppers, pickles, pepperjack chesse, oil, vingaer, honey muster and pepper juice. With some baked nachos and ranch dressing and a couple bottles of water to wash it down. Ummmmmm! Might have to be my new everyday lunch.
  18. I swear I have that Sting one.
  19. gWIL

    Best/Favorite Games of 2005

    USC/ND was the game of the decade, period. I still cried though. EDIT: Before any one makes fun of me, I live in Notre Dame, Indiana aka South Bend.
  20. If we got rid of it we lose such great nuggets of conversation like...
  21. gWIL

    People Who Tailgate

    I was getting tailgated in a 45 mph zone, while I was going 50, I stopped at red light then went 15 mph because there was no way the guy could pass me. He was flippin out. It was funny.
  22. gWIL

    Red vs. Blue

    Thread derailment time... PLATFORM of the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party Concept Environment: Transfer all funds from public welfare system and extraneous government into environmental cleanup. Restrict the amount of land that can be used. Redevelop inner cities. Reward with tax breaks those with few electrical appliances. End frivolous and pointless industries, and force widespread recycling in detail. Culture: By localizing, we give each area a chance to define its own values and policies and way of life. Localization requires that we reduce outside economic pressure, and slacken central government on most things. The advantage is that local communities handle their own upkeep for the most part. Race: End all anti-discrimination laws in medicine, hiring, housing and government service. Each ethnocultural group will have its own space, its own laws and customs, and leaders. Crime: We will concentrate city areas and make land use more efficient, and deploy more street cops to patrol. No record database or DNA database will be kept. Those who commit repeated crimes will be exiled. Origins Libertarian originates in our belief in the autonomy of the individual. An individual without a world would have no way to even form the concept of caring about anything but itself. So avoiding that extreme we favor a world where the individual would have relatively few experiences of authority, unless it was doing something truly out of line. The nickel and dime stuff in government, chasing down kids with drugs and the like, crushes a system. A sparse and responsive government is better than a comprehensive but sluggish one. National Socialist is the concept behind governments such as the NSDAP in Germany and the current government in Israel. The society is owned, collectively, by the people, and it acts in their interest. Unfortunately most of these are democratic, insuring that the lowest elements of reason prevail. Green is a fraction of the National Socialist view on land. "Blood and Soil" is our doctrine of homeland, or origin to each person, and thus which ground is sacred to them and they upkeep for generations. Each ethnic group should have a homeland, because in a consensus group one can declare poisoning the earth to be a great offense. Platform for Jump-Starting Western Nations 1. Tax cuts for environmental objectives Closing the chapter of environmental disaster in human history is our first objective. A simple mandate for change will not achieve its goal, as business is an ecosystem unto itself, and must be given a chance to transition gracefully to a new way of doing things, much as it absorbs any new cost or technology. Over a seven-year period, we will increase taxes while offering large tax cuts for those businesses that achieve environmental objectives; only those businesses which do not produce tangible goods or services, such as pornography and media producers, will remain at the higher tax rate. These tax cuts will be sizable enough to allow businesses to invest most of their income into adapting to environmental requirements, and at the same time, building up infrastructure and becoming more competitive. The same program will be applied to individuals. Those households which own fewer objects, use less power and produce less waste, will be given a larger break than those who do. Television use will be a means of measuring a family's excess time and wealth. This will not be used excessively into pressuring individuals into a spartan existence, but to encourage limits on the excessive consumption of families as currently seen in the industrialized west. 2. Removal of normative objectives In all western states, we will remove normative regulation including all governmental moral intervention with the population. There will be no laws regulating speech, or that punish some for excelling in any field; further, all affirmative action and compensatory civil rights legislation will be abolished. Governments will be prohibited for makign suggestions for "progressive" social reform, and will be limited to functional duties and to funding cultural organizations for the upkeep of traditional culture. In public education, independent groups without profit motive will establish what is in textbooks, excluding all propaganda previously emitting from government sources. Further, welfare systems will be replaced with workfare programs, and all shelters for the disadvantaged will be moved away from functional areas of the city and given an institutional nature. All laws which regulate scholarships and hiring outside of strict meritocracy will be banished, and will be replaced by a system of promoting the most able. All anti-discrimination legislation in housing, hiring and education will be stricken from the books. 3. Restore autonomy to the states In countries such a the United States, which are composed of independent state entities, these will be granted again their autonomy: the authority of the federal government will prevail in matters of international politics and that which is related to it, including the trafficking of dangerous weapons, but otherwise each state must define its own laws and crimes. There will be no interstate police agency; all issues of national security will be handled by each nation's equivalent of the CIA. 4. Reduction of legal complexity Law will be written in plain English, barring the need for it to express logical construction, and lawmakers will be encouraged to reduce the amount of law on the books to a few simple principles per topic, or as close as is possible. Clearly corporate tort law will never be as simple as legislation regarding homicide, but the proliferation of laws built upon previous laws with no thought of a system of law as whole will end. 5. Repatriation of non-Germanic populations In countries of Indo-European heritage, all non-Germanic populations and their offspring and possessions will be re-patriated to the appropriate area: Asians to Asia, African-Americans to Africa. Mixed Indo-European populations will be repatriated to Eastern Europe; mixed racial populations will be sent to Northern Africa or the Middle East, which are traditionally the areas for racial mixing. It will be acknowledged that this is not discriminatory, and no public scorn or retribution against these people will be permitted; they will be allowed to keep whatever wealth they have accrued, and will be treated honorably. 6. Create cultural center to oversee media Between academia and government, leaders will be elected to a new cultural center, which receives funding from government and is administered by the people of the leadership caste. Government cannot withhold funding because it disagrees with the choices of this organization, which will be responsible for creating public media, textbooks and other methods of passing on learning from the past and present. This organization is responsible only to itself. 7. Reputable international politics Outside of regulation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), all National Socialist governments will withdraw from international politics. Tariffs will be fixed, and no longer a bargaining chip with which one pacifies local industry; high tariffs will be considered correct for every nation. All foreign aid programs will be disbanded. 8. All undeveloped land is purchased by government Any land that is presently undeveloped, or in semi-natural state (open cleared fields), will be purchased by the government at market rates, and preserved as natural space. We have more than enough land for human use. Further, any land for which taxes have not been paid for three years, or which is derelict and empty, becomes property of the government and is preserved as natural space, or used in exchange for land which will become natural space. This will reintroduce money into the cities, and provide for the renovation of rotted inner city slums. 9. Tax incentives for inner city development To further help inner city residents, taxes will be raised in the inner city and large breaks provided for those who develop properties in those areas. This will encourage an end to the large numbers of unused and collapsing buildings, which result in no-mans-land neighborhoods which are too violent for any person to live in. 10. Repeal of laws limiting citizen autonomy Laws forbidding drug use, sodomy and rough personal conduct will be replaced by laws directing people who wish to engage in such behaviors toward specialized areas of each major city, chosen from derelict neighborhoods, where alone such things are permitted. 11. Return to strict meritocracy in hiring and education All hiring and scholarships and educational admittance policies will return to a strict meritocracy: the most capable candidate is selected, regardless of his or her wealth or advantages. 12. Any area more than 50% concreted must begin planting Localities will be charged to plant natural space in any area in which more than 50% of the available surface is covered with concrete or asphalt. Tax advantages will be offered to those who are renting or have bought in areas that are less than 50% concrete; higher taxes await those who wish to live on an unending slab of grey. 13. End tax-free status of religious organizations Religion will be recognized as a business, and subject to the same taxes as any other business, with the ability to deduct any public works or environmental actions. 14. Certain destructive things banned Banned, upon pain of death, will be: genetically modified foods; dumping of toxic waste; child molestation or possession of child pornography; possession of nerve toxins.
  23. The experiments were sucessful, the end result would go on to be known as... A-Train.