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Everything posted by gWIL

  1. gWIL

    So I'm Going to See Ja Rule

    I don't like Ja Rule, its more of an excuse to drink a bottle of Jack and have some fun with my coworkers (several are going).
  2. gWIL

    So I'm Going to See Ja Rule

    Yeah, we will in all likelyhood, golf. I'm not a big golfer myself as it takes me about 15 holes to warm up but then I play damn good.
  3. gWIL

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    Richards/Masters 2(!) > Title Match
  4. gWIL

    The OAO RAW Thread - 5/23/05

    Maybe a title change. To CHRISTAIN! One can hope.
  5. gWIL

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    I kinda like the Hollaback, Girl song. (Runs and hides) I mean it's terrible but catchy as hell. I've had it stuck in my head for like a week now. I turned on the Top 40 station with the intent of hearing, heard within 3 minutes, listened to it, turned it to the Hip Hop station heard within 5 minutes.
  6. Officials ask for public's help Penn to beef up security after bathroom-wall threat. By SUE LOWE Tribune Staff Writer MISHAWAKA -- Officials say they're beefing up security and welcoming concerned parents to Penn High School on May 10 in the wake of a threat scrawled in a boys bathroom. Penn High School officials and St. Joseph County police are investigating the threat found written on the wall of a bathroom stall Wednesday. In a letter sent home Friday to the parents of Penn students, Principal Dave Tydgat wrote that the message said: "On May 10th, 2005, all will die starting with the male athletes." He wrote that the message was in pencil and very hard to read. The principal wrote that Associate Principal Dave Risner was contacted as soon as a student reported the message to a teacher. Risner implemented the school's safety plan, which includes working with St. Joseph County Police Sgt. John Radde, who is Penn's school resource officer, and Randy Yohn, the school district's director of safety and security. "I can't share the details of this plan with you but please understand that it includes working with local law enforcement officials and increasing the level of our security in and around Penn," Tydgat wrote. "We are doing a number of things," said Teresa Carroll, the Penn-Harris-Madison school district's director of communications. Tydgat encouraged parents to send their children to school May 10 and invited them to come themselves. "If you wish to assist us on May 10 by providing an additional adult presence in our halls and lunchroom, you are welcome to call our office to make arrangements," Tydgat wrote. "Of course, it is your right as a parent to keep your child home on May 10 if you feel it is in his/her best interest." Carroll said absences will be excused, but students and their parents need to follow normal procedures to report an absence. School has been pretty much on lockdown, these last few days. But I think I'll go on May 10th. Although this may very well be a serious threat as its been all over the local news, while earlier in the year a bomb threat came and was ignored.
  7. Father says Bayh seriously considering White House run The Associated Press BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Sen. Evan Bayh is giving “serious consideration” to running for president, according to his father, former Sen. Birch Bayh. The younger Bayh has received considerable mention as a possible Democratic presidential hopeful in 2008, but his father's words Friday appeared to be the strongest indication that a White House run may be planned. “I think he's giving that serious consideration,” Birch Bayh told about 200 people at Ivy Tech State College's second annual O'Bannon Institute for Community Service. The elder Bayh, who served as senator from Indiana from 1963 to 1981, sought the Democratic nomination himself in 1976, but lost to Jimmy Carter. Bayh that his son is more serious and more conservative than he was. “I thought I could speak to the young people who were concerned about Vietnam and the hard hats who were concerned about making a living,” he said. The former senator was the featured speaker for the two-day conference on student activism and leadership named for late Gov. Frank O'Bannon. Bayh encouraged students and young people to put their abilities to use in politics and civic life. “I think young people want to believe they can make a difference,” he said. “God help us if a generation of young people come along that don't think they can make a difference.” I hope he does, as I think if could past Clinton, then he could win the election easily. I'm far more liberal than Bayh, but my family knows his father pretty well.
  8. Yeah, can't help you but have you seen the Robocop miniseries? I thought parts of it ranged from Good to average, can't remember the part I liked though. The Legion virus one wasn't very good, that I remember.
  9. I read the link and damn, I'm against the death penalty but these things make you think. She deserved at least 50 years though.
  10. gWIL

    Threat of School Shooting

    Update: It's May 10th and I am currently sitting in my Newspaper class. The school is almost empty since it was an excused absence. I skipped yesterday and hung out at a sportsbar. Today my Mom called in for me to miss but my Dad forced me to go. I wanted to ditch and go get the John Cena album, but nobody else would go with me. There are tons of cops and stuff here today though.
  11. WWF @ Cincinnati, OH - Cincinatti Gardens - May 8, 1998 Skull & 8-Ball defeated Savio Vega & Jesus Castillo Terry Funk pinned Marc Mero Bradshaw pinned Barry Windham WWF IC Champion the Rock & Owen Hart defeated Farooq & Steve Blackman The Undertaker defeated Kane via disqualification Jeff Jarrett defeated Chainz Vader pinned Quebecar Pierre WWF Tag Team Champions the Road Dogg & Billy Gunn defeated the Legion of Doom WWF World Champion Steve Austin defeated WWF European Champion Hunter Hearst Helmsley Almost match for match the same as a show I saw at Notre Dame. Except Dude Love was the guest enforcer.
  12. I thought this was a joke, then the American Civil Liberties thing came up, regardless that was great.
  13. gWIL

    Heidenreich Dance Party on WWE.com

    Heidenreich is soooo good as a face, get this man a fued, he's a great comedy character. Edit: His fued can be against Dawn Marie
  14. gWIL

    Threat of School Shooting

    About 50% of the student body (A Few Thousand) seem to think this is a legit threat. The other 50% are laughing in their faces. The jocks are all getting shirts with targets on them for May 10.
  15. gWIL

    You can't see me!

    Not bad. I'll pick it up, just to have it though.
  16. gWIL

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I'm not a Vegan so I eat a lot of Pasta, Pizza and other unhealthy foods. The great part I don't seem to gain in weight from this.
  17. gWIL

    Evan Bayh Considering Running

    I can't even remember the Republican guy running for Senate. Bayh was a GREAT governor, it was the Democrats after him that screwed up this state. And let us never mention Dan Quayle, I like to pretend he doesn't exist. Buy is correct for his last name.
  18. gWIL

    Threat of School Shooting

    Honestly, it's really not bad at all. I like it and feel safe for the most part.
  19. gWIL

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    Umm, I don't eat meat but don't really care for veggies or fruit.
  20. gWIL

    Threat of School Shooting

    As long as they take him out while he is still shooting the jocks, I'll be fine. At there is zero chance of us getting any time off.
  21. gWIL

    Evan Bayh Considering Running

    That's why I think he'll win. At this point a lot of hardcore democrats, such as myself want someone who can reach out to moderates and Republicans. If he can win over Clinton, I think he'll win the general election by a fairly large margain.
  22. gWIL

    More conspiracy theories!

    I don't think Bush did it..., but I don't think we know more than 3% of the story.
  23. gWIL

    The Political Compass

    No real surprise... You are a Social Liberal (73% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (21% permissive) You are best described as a: Strong Democrat You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (87, -106) modscore: (13, 44) raw: (1741) Your political compass Economic Left/Right: -5.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87
  24. For the first time in forever, Val Venis was on Raw. He looked alright against Edge, he was treated as a jobber but did get in some stuff, but the question is can anyone do something with Morley? He looked promising and then faded away. I think with the right gimmick he could get over, enough to be an upper-midcarder at worst. What I would do would be to have him come out next week and say that he has to take his career more seriously and drops the Val Venis name and goes with Sean Morley he challenges Edge to a rematch and wins but its considered a fluke so he does it again the next week and a fued is born.