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Everything posted by gWIL
Yeah he did. Was it a medal or a ribbon? The photoshop picture with Jane Fonda. Not discrediting the 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" The media circus over the 'stuck in Iraq' comment. No the media loved John Kerry. Snuffbox, I want to know what you find so hard to believe about what I said early. If just look at the electoral college a Bayh, Obama ticket could win. I've yet to see you say one thing that in any way discredits that.
Because they were sooo nice to Kerry, Gore and Clinton.
Just refute this statement: A "bizarre pairing of two Midwest Senators" would easily capture the normal blue states and get quite a bit of the midwest including Ohio. Again enough to win pretty easily.
There's no way the religious right would allow Giuliani or Romney on the ticket. Frist is too much like Bush. McCain would match up well against them, though. Feingold will be no where near the ticket, having two divorces kills any shot because of the kind of people who vote on 'family issues'. Clinton is to polarizing to end up on the ticket and Gore's not running. A "bizarre pairing of two Midwest Senators" would easily capture the normal blue states and get quite a bit of the midwest including Ohio. Again enough to win pretty easily. Edit: Plus: the media LOVES Obama so a Democrat would get some postive media coverage for once.
One region of the country doesn't matter that much, because they both appeal to vastly different population segments. Bayh could turn some of the reddest of the red states, blue and Obama would be great for keeping the Democratic base. Again, let's see a better ticket.
They'll get the usual blue states plus a huge chunk of the midwest, more than enough to win. Obama on the ticket would also help bring out the minorities. Name a better ticket.
Senshi (or Homicide) with LAX would make a great fued with Sting over the NWA title. Bob Sapp coming in would be awesome.
Yeah, nothing shows you're a uncharismatic loser like getting elected 5 times in a place your party hasn't carried since 1964. Evan Bayh was the extremely popular tax-cutting, budget-balancing governor of Indiana for 8 years. He's also been a good senator, with vast experience in foriegn policy from working on the Intelligence and Armed Services committees. In addition, he's supported teachers and has been critical of the mistakes of the Iraq War. He's a family man with no ties to lying spouses, extramarital affairs, or multiple divorces. And most importantly, he won't get painted as a far-left looney the way Russ Feingold and Hillary Clinton inevitably will. QFA From Wikipedia, "He was re-elected governor in 1992 with the highest percentage of the vote in a statewide election in modern Indiana history." This totally untrue. I met Bayh the week before Election day (he was in South Bend supporting the now Congressmen elect Joe Donnelly whose campaign I was working for) and he give the keynote speech at a fundraiser dinner and was quite simply awesome. He hit Bush really hard but came across as regular guy instead of "some crazy liberal". A Bayh/ Obama ticket would be a sure fire wnner. I like Russ Feingold a lot, but he stands no chance.
Indianapolis says hello. The 12th largest city in the country yet with a great traffic lay-out, a huge amount of culture, beautiful scenery and on the best art schools in the country (Herron). Oh and a rather low crime rate. South Bend has perhaps the most well known University in the world.
1 never kissed a girl 1239 309.8 2 Candian Destroyer213 1129 282.3 3 Fazzle 1116 279.0 4 GENext 1116 279.0 5 Palumboners 1097 274.3 6 Bring Back Todd Pettengill 1089 272.3 7 Push Sean Morley 1077 269.3 8 Kris "The Punisher" Lee 1075 268.8 9 you've got the touch.. 1038 259.5 10 Team 914 1037 259.3 11 Todd Grisham's A Tool! 964 241.0 12 UTB Scorpions 961 240.3 13 Sternness Dust Alpha 958 239.5 14 TSM is for Losers 908 227.0 15 Dok's Office 907 226.8 16 CheesalaISGood 902 225.5 17 TNARules 891 222.8 18 Willie Slapaho 830 207.5 19 Ecorse Raiders 828 207.0 20 Do the WWE Dance 816 204.0 21 Team DeathbyBurrito 745 186.3 22 Hangin' With Mr. Kennedy 716 179.0 23 Saved By The Striker 681 170.3 24 Xian's Coalition 637 159.3 25 Omar20003000 570 142.5 26 TeamFranchise 552 138.0
Indiana at Minnesota. Most interesting game of the week. Does Indiana continue to not suck and become bowl eligible?
Show your tits.
Leena could end all the talk of her being a gimmick, by simply showing her tits. Come on, end the debate!
Rank Team Score Average 1 never kissed a girl 793 264.3 2 Bring Back Todd Pettengill 751 250.3 3 GENext 731 243.7 4 Fazzle 700 233.3 5 Palumboners 688 229.3 6 Candian Destroyer213 682 227.3 7 Push Sean Morley 678 226.0 8 you've got the touch.. 633 211.0 9 Kris "The Punisher" Lee 627 209.0 10 Team 914 614 204.7 11 Sternness Dust Alpha 604 201.3 12 Todd Grisham's A Tool! 582 194.0 13 Willie Slapaho 581 193.7 14 CheesalaISGood 565 188.3 15 TNARules 552 184.0 16 UTB Scorpions 549 183.0 17 Do the WWE Dance 544 181.3 18 Ecorse Raiders 529 176.3 19 TSM is for Losers 490 163.3 20 Dok's Office 475 158.3 21 Team DeathbyBurrito 462 154.0 22 Xian's Coalition 406 135.3 23 Omar20003000 376 125.3 24 Saved By The Striker 372 124.0 25 TeamFranchise 323 107.7 26 Hangin' With Mr. Kennedy 314 104.7
It's pointless to argue with you, HTQ, you'll just drive it into the ground, but I think a wait and see attitude would do everyone good. I like Russo, you don't, let's move on.
At least a face JJ is something new.
Where is the logic in the last segment before BFG running an angle that doesn't even build towards BFG? Would it not make sense to build towards the PPV happening in three days time? Since both will be at BFG, it does build to BFG plus it gets people to tune in next week. TNA needs to build a larger television audience, first and foremost, before they have any chance of getting more buys. The company using one to build up the main event of their biggest PPV of all time. Explain the logic in devaluing stipulations when the draw of your biggest PPV main event ever is a guy having to adhere to the stipulation of retiring if he loses? Everyone knew Sting is winning anyway, it was a foregone conclusion. Russo helped kill a national wrestling promotion. For all the good he did in the WWF, he has fallen flat on his face every time since. Other than time in WCW were he has a miserable working environment and had his legs cut out from hime at every turn, when has he had another real chance? I seem to remember the SEX angle to be quite good. They sure did. And then Styles and Daniels vanished so they could run a major angle to build towards next month's PPV. An angle that also made out LAX to be huge heels. An angle that made people want to see them get their asses kicked even more.
LAX faced Daniels and Styles in an 8-Man tag!
HTQ, Russo's 'good job so far', in booking the month of TV prior to BFG included: Not bringing Sting in to the tapings to build for the BFG main event. Easy, the videos built up Sting and made him seem mysterious again, the month of videos of Sting was better than anything they did prior with him. Disregarding building BFG in favor of next month's PPV Did they do anything at all on the last Impact before BFG to build up the tag title match? LAX did angle, but it was to build to next month's PPV. What would have them do? You can only do so many pull apart brawls. They faced each other on Impact for christ's sake. Having a You're Fired match where the loser didn't get fired two weeks before BFG where the main event was a guy supposedly retiring if he lost They just told us not to take their stipulations seriously, when the main event of their so-called biggest PPV ever was a stipulation match. Okay, this is true, but when has anyone taken wrestling stipulations seriously? The Eric Young segments are harmless fun. Putting Kurt Angle on TV for free and the segment then bombing Shouldn't something that major be on a PPV so people have to PAY MONEY TO TNA to see it? An Angle/Joe segment wasn't going to draw any addition buys. But by putting it on free TV, a buzz gets built which leads to more people watchinh Impact and hopefully more people buying the PPVs. People bitched and moaned when Impact was nothing but squash matches, and then they bitch and moan when you but good, hot segments on Impact. Which do you want? What if all the Austin/Vince segments had been on PPV? And we haven't talked about their insane world title tournament, which literally reeks of Russo. Which hasn't even aired yet, so no one has any idea on how it's going to play out. ... And hiring Russo as the booker when they have Jim Cornette right there makes no sense. Russo drew more money in a YEAR than Cornette has drawn in his life.
O.J Simpson to write book that details murders
gWIL replied to Atticus Chaos's topic in Current Events
Russo's done a good job thus far, everyone was gushing over the build to BFG, maybe we should wait and see how Impact plays out, before we declare that TNA's booking sucks.
Are we watching the same show?