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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Yeah, but HHH had in-ring talent. 3 Minute Noodles weren't that good, they had really bad matches, the only thing they could do was squashes, which I hate. Good rittance.
  2. Adam

    shane douglas..?

    Douglas-Raven in a few weeks. Oh yay.
  3. Adam

    Who is better of the two?

    Benoit or Angle? Benoit, been in the Biz for longer, more experienced, and while Angle has better mic skills and is more charismatic, Benoit is always a favourite with me. Eddie Guerrero or Chris Jericho? Jericho, the total package. Good mic skills, great wrestling skills, can high fly, can brawl. Eddie has that luchador influence, but Jericho is better. Triple H or The Undertaker? Undertaker creates more presence, and is a veteran. He has created a legacy like no other, and is better than H by far. Randy Orton or John Cena? John Cena has the look, as well as the ability. He has shot up quicker than Orton, so I'm goign with him. Rikishi or Billy Gunn? Rikishi can get a crowd going, and can move really well for his size. Kane or Kevin Nash? Kane, definately. Kane's character is way more advanced, and he has a presence that rivals that of Taker. Jamie Noble or Tajiri? Tajiri. Just watch his ECW matches with Super Crazy and Jerry Lynn to get an answer. RVD or Lance Storm? RVD. More charisma, better high flyer, everyones favourite wrestler (including mine) Booker T or Christian? Booker T. He can be electrifying, and can have a crowd on the edge of its seat. Should have got the big gold belt at WM XIX. Matt Hardy or Chris Kanyon? Matt Hardy has evolved into a great hell, and is majorly over. Future US Champ. Test or A-Train? Test can move alot better than Train, and although his mic skills are awful, Trains are worse. Test can actually get to the top rope too. The Dudley Boys or Team Angle? The Dudley Boys are one of the most successful Tag Teams in history. Call me in five years and we'll talk about it again, then they will be closer together. Hurricane or Funaki? Hurricane is way over, anhd has a great moveset. Bill Demott or Rodney Mack? DeMott was actually over at one time. This makes him better than Mack. The Rock or Shawn Michaels? The Rock. One of the best talkers EVER, and is amazingly athletic. HBK was awesome, but he ain't got nothing on Rocky.
  4. Adam

    Who is your pick

    Sorry if I am getting annoying, I don't mean to be.
  5. 'Here Comes the Ass' just cracked me up. This is hell funny, but so, so childish. A couple more... Gunn + Mark Henry= The Worlds Strongest ASS Gunn + A-Train= Hairy Ass Gunn + Richards= Crazy Ass
  6. Adam

    Could I get a Banner?

    Thanks LaParka, that rules.
  7. Adam

    Who is your pick

    Adrian, you are by far and away the most irritating poster on this forum. At least Banky and others are funny. Oh, and Bankys music kicks ass.
  8. Adam

    This can't end well.

    I liked Angle face in 2001, he had an edge. If he adopted the persona he had then (a little more badass) then he would be more than OK. As for the Tag Team angle, get Kurt a partner, a cruiserweight if you must. Just make it seem like Team Angle are a powerful entity and Kurt couldn't beat them on their own.
  9. How much do newbies get?
  10. Adam

    Return of the Monster

    I am one of the few people out there that like Kane. *ducks* I am looking foward to him coming back in his new gimmick, it will be interesting to see what they can do with him. Although I would much rather see RVD in the ME, Kane would be good too. As one or two of you has said, he is alot better than bloody Nash.
  11. Adam

    Billy Gunn...

    That was disturbing. Anyway, I see I have sparked mass arguement over my comments about the new guy. Well, maybe I went a little far, and I am sorry about that. I will not, however, take my opinions about Billy Gunn back. He only drew when he was in the NAO, and, in my opinion, that was only because Road Dogg was out there with him. Did I hear someone say 'Enjoy the product'?? What, actually enjoy the product that continues to insault our intelligence every week? Enjoy the product we continue to diss time and time again because of its sucktitude? No, I'll enjoy the product when it starts becoming enjoyable. Not before.
  12. Adam

    The greatest Avatar Ever!!

    oh right, thanks.
  13. Adam

    Do you guys ever..

    Yeah, that sucks, you guys are missing a great game.
  14. Adam

    best match tournament ?

    I won't politely disagree... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON?
  15. Adam

    Which wrestlers have you meet?

    I feel so crap right now, I thought it was great that I talked to Ric F'N Flair..... But Im an AUSTRALIAN, so I don't get to see anyone at all.
  16. Adam

    Who is your pick

    Well if Barrons getting through by default, my two picks Memphis and chave have to make it a triple threat, most votes wins.
  17. Lets throw a big party Memphis, you book the stripper
  18. Wolverine. Im happy, because he's always been my fav!
  19. Adam

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is a huge Metallica Mark
  20. Adam


    A Sting-Raven match would be pretty awesome.
  21. Adam

    Who is your pick

    The Showdown: Memphis vs. chave!
  22. Adam

    Billy Gunn...

    Thanks Jag, thanks for pointing this out. You would not have a clue what I think. I disagree with this guy. Do you know why? Because I believe, as do others, that he is wrong. Lets look at Billy Gunn. King of the Ring 1999. Intercontinental Champion. Hardcore Champion. Tag Team Champion about as many times as Booker T. He can't draw. His wrestling skills are far from brilliant, and the only persona that he excells in is one where he shows everyone his ass. Think about it, that does not make sense. We want good wrestlers on TV, and Billy Boy could only draw if he had a DX Shirt on and was surrounded by BG James and Syxx-Pac. People pop when you have come back from injury because they respect that you have overcome the injury. I think the pop will die down. Go ahead Gunn, prove me wrong, I'd actually like to see you go well, and I'd like to see your skills improve. You have had almost as many failed pushes as A-Train, and you don't impress alot of people. Did you read the post about Bill Gunn's future partners? We were bagging him out, we dont like him! I don't care if there are people out there that do, I am here, I don't, and Im going to tell everyone I don't like the man! As for the newbie, he called A316 a sheep. I am of the same opinion as A316, so I take offense to that remark. Just because someone has the same opinion as other people does NOT make them a sheep. It just makes them a part of the majority. If you don't like the majority, go home. If you want to fight us, try. I'm a stubborn bastard and I won't budge, so you will have to be in for the long haul. So Jag, use your brain. Don't EVER call me pompus, because Aussie blokes are never pompus, I'll leave that to you. I didn't agree with the guy's post, and he started bagging us in only his second post, so screw him. When you have talked to us for a bit, and you know what TSM is all about, you can express your opinion, and throw in a few smart remarks. Dont just come on here and straight away start bagging us, the last guy that did that was danndogg, and we all know what happened to him. Regards all, Adam W.
  23. Adam

    Why Kevin Nash is bad

    My god, you just don't get it do you Jag. We are bagging Nash because we don't like him. He is in the spot that 5 or 6 others deserve to be in, as is his best buddy. Funk basically doesn't have knees, but he could still put on a better show than Nash. Nash sucks, end of story.
  24. Adam


    Well Trips has more stroke than FGB, so there you go.