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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    More Middle East turmoil

    During the Civil War? I don't quite follow where you're headed. How about the Jews who were forced to leave their homes elsewhere in the Arab world between 1948 and the Six Day War? Where's the outcry for them? Up to about 900,000 Jews forced to leave their homes because of Anti-Semitism. Well, Jews have been forced from their homes in various parts of the world for a good millennium plus, so I don't know how bringing that up helps. I just don't get what the international community really wants Israel to do otherwise. Just live with the constant terrorism, or should they take Ahmadenijad's solution and all move to Alaska? The UN set up Israel, so they should accept the reality they're faced with now, and allow Israel to end the violence like they need to.
  2. Dobbs 3K


    You're probably paying a little bit extra to have the 1080p resolution...which I don't know if that's a big deal at that small a screen size, like others have pointed out. I would love to replace our 48" rear pro eventually with something that does 1080p (since we have a PS3 now), probably with something like a 42" flat panel, but I'm going to wait until the prices fall further. I don't see a point in paying a premium for a feature that is not _that_ much of a step up from 1080i/720p. I am amazed at how nice Bluray discs look at 1080i on our current TV though. I didn't think it would be that noticeable since we had an upconverting DVD player we were using, but the BDs are a definite step up.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    More Middle East turmoil

    Israel has conceded plenty of land in the past. You can't expect them to cut their own throats to appease the UN and the Palestinians. Really, there are over 20 Arab countries in the world, and it's like some can't concede that the Jews should have just one homeland of their own. I don't know...I just think it's silly that this scenario with Hamas has repeated itself over and over for the past however many years. I think Israel should just ignore the international community, finish them off as quickly as possible, and be done with it.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Boy, do I miss Elijah, Cade & Murdoch. I miss Cade and Murdoch in the tag scene especially. It seems like they could have gotten a whole lot more mileage out of that tag team than they did. WWE could really use another rough and tumble heavyweight tag team. It's seems like their current teams are usually pairs of cruiserweights, or comedy teams. Miz & Morrison are about the only viable alternative they have right now. Carlito and Primo are more like pretty boys who happen to be brothers. I'd love to see a new take on the Road Warriors or MVC type mold in WWE. I know everyone loved Burke, but it seemed like he never really found his niche. I kind of dug his team with that big guy, Sylvester Turkay (sp?)...then they let him go, and after that it kind of seemed like Burke just sort of floundered around...he was supposed to be the leader of the New Breed, but was never positioned as a real main event threat. Then after Shelton Benjamin came to ECW, it was sort of like his "young cocky black athlete" role was stolen out from under him.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    "Doink" has been used in various indy promotions for years. I mean, ECW even did a take off of it with Bourne Again years ago. I would think that after all this time that WWF/WWE hasn't tried to stop other people from using it, it would basically be a case where they haven't protected their trademark, so anyone is free to book "Doink".
  6. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Sorry if this was posted somewhere already, but I found this amusing. Linked from the Observer site: It's a vid that pays tribute to everyone who left WWE in the last year. Man, you could make quite an indy promotion out of all the guys they released or "came to terms" with.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Guys, I think Marney is dead.

    Expect your TSMulogy to be one of the finest. Yeah, I'll deliver the keynote address. (rezlizes there's no such thing at funerals, but KOAB already used eulogy.)
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Summerslam isn't that big of a deal anymore...basically just another monthly PPV. It used to be that it was the only PPV WWF had between like WM and Survivor Series...now, obviously that is not the case.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    More Middle East turmoil

    There's no reason Israel shouldn't just outright crush Hamas at this point. I mean, Egypt is even pointing the finger at Hamas at this, claiming they warned them this would happen if they started attacking Israel again. It's 2008, not 1968. I don't think Israelis should be expected to live in constant fear of terrorists anymore. Yeah, we can rehash the historical contexts ad nauseum, but when you attack the controlling power of your country, your people are going to suffer the consequences. The best thing for the region would be the eradication of Hamas, and I think even many Arabs wouldn't be against it.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Happy new year!

    Went and had dinner with the wife, her sister, and her husband at this really good Irish restaurant in the Milwaukee area. Saw a movie after that, and then went home. Pretty standard night for us, I guess.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Boy, I know bitching about your favorite team is cliche even around here, but my Brewers sure haven't done jack so far this off season. There was talk Doug Melvin was interested in Fuentes, but of course he's going to Anaheim now. Their starting rotation and bullpen both look horrible right now. It seems like Milwaukee still can't attract free agents unless they want to overpay for more Suppan types. Anyway, Fuentes is a nice pickup for Anaheim. They could probably have their pick of any of the remaining big bats out there and be set for next season, pretty much. As far as Roberts, I don't think he's going anyway. The Cubs won't be able to put together the kind of package to motivate the Orioles to let go of him.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Fallout 3

    Yeah, I agree. I figured if he wanted a freaking giant ant queen to still be alive after unleashing havoc on a community, he deserved to die.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Fallout 3

    I got kind of lucky killing the fire ant guardians...I had a decent amount of frag mines, and used those to weaken the first couple guardians before finishing them off with various guns. The third and fourth ones, I tossed a frag grenade between, and they went into frenzy mode and ended up burning each other up (!). Then the last one was easy pickings. I did go back and finished off the queen later...it took forever though. Got the pheromones. I ended up accidentally wounding the doctor, and got sick of him, so I vaporized him. That's the worst thing my character has done so far. I'm trying to keep him mostly a good guy, though.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    The Bush Years Compendium

    I'm just asking why it's worth complaining about something he never really promised in the first place. It's pretty darn low on the list of priorities anyway, given all the problems he's going to immediately be faced with upon taking office. At least it should be...I think about 99% of Americans would rather see him tackle the Iraq and Afghan Wars, and the current financial crisis, then make sure gay people can get a piece of paper.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    US demise not exaggerated

    "dominated by either Mongolia or Siberia."
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Fallout 3

    OK, I haven't even used the rocket launcher yet. I was talking more when using the hunting rifle I got off the guy who wanted the nightwear. I was attacked by a raider after crossing the bridge north of town, and couldn't hit him for anything. I even had that lady who was selling weapons fix the rifle (since it was in somewhat bad shape). My guy has an "OK" small arms proficiency(I think around 35 or 40), but I'm only at level 3 right now, so he obviously has room to improve. What was funny though was that I hit the raider a few times with my 10 mm, after failing with the hunting rifle, and I inadvertently blew something up behind him. He ended up fleeing and cowering, and I finally wasted him with my sledge hammer. It was pretty brutal, but intense. One other thing...I left the ant queen alive, since the professor asked me to. Should I have killed her off and gotten some kind of bonus? The other problem I'm having is that I'm very low on caps...I've done some trading, but I really don't have that many valuables at this point in the game. Do I just need to start doing some more missions, or do you have to resort to stealing to get any kind of decent cache going? Obviously killing raiders and scavenging doesn't seem to get you more than a dozen or so caps at a time.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Fallout 3

    What the hell...I got this game for Christmas, and it's a lot of fun. Just some of the weird stuff leaves me shaking my head. I got through all the subway tunnels, kill the giant ant guardians, finally find the dead guy's lock box (which I had gotten the key for), and end up with "naughty nightwear." Then some raider guy wants it back, so I kill him. What kind of reward is that? At least the professor gave me the ant shot. Now I have to find that stupid kid. Also, my long range aim seems to suck. Guess I have to beef up my big gun stats. Also, did anyone else kill the Overseer right away? I'm assuming I probably made a mistake there, but when I saw him threatening his daughter, I figured I had to waste him.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    The Bush Years Compendium

    I don't remember Obama making gay rights that big of a platform issue. I thought Joe Biden pretty succinctly talked about their views on the issue during his debate with Gov. Palin. I think people just figured this young non-white Democrat was going to be a huge progressive once he took office, even though he is more of a moderate than a screaming liberal like people on the left wanted.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    US demise not exaggerated

    Seems more like a piece of fantasy based on a game of Civilization than any sort of rational historical outlook.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    The Bush Years Compendium

    What human rights are gay people actively being denied in the US, snuffbox?
  21. Dobbs 3K

    PlayStation 3

    Speaking of the Home thing, I did download it the other day, and I don't really get the point so far. It seems like it has some potential, but right now it seems like the options to customize your appearance are pretty limited, and there's just not much to do, other than talk to random idiots. If you go into somewhere like the bowling alley, all the games are usually filled up. Kind of pointless right now. Bought Little Big Planet yesterday and played it. Amazing graphics. 2 player mode is pretty fun, in the little I've played it so far.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Well, the Yankees aren't necessarily done with adding salary this off-season, so I wouldn't jump the gun on that just yet. Also, pretty much everyone knew Giambi and the like were overpaid...so it was inevitable that the overall Yankees payroll would go down a bit. They are still well ahead of everyone else as far as payroll, so it's not like it's a huge difference in the long run.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Sheets will be lucky if he can find anything more than a two year deal from any team right now, unless he's willing to take a huge discount. I'm guessing he'll end up signing somewhere for 2 years and maybe 20-25 million or so.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    The War on Christmas: 2K8

    To be fair, I don't remember seeing too many "War on Christmas" stories this year. I guess the pundits kind of gave up on that after last year.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Santa' shooting kills at least 6 in LA

    What an awful story.