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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Teenage Mutant Team Ninja Turtles Bros Brawl

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. Never played it.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    I'm guessing Sheets will end up with the Rangers...it's close to his home, and they need pitching, so a two or even three year deal might not be out of the question. The Yankees won't sign him since they'd like to stay in the Manny or Tex chase. If they sign Sheets, that's all the type A free agents they would be allowed to sign this off-season.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    TSM Profile: Haku

  4. Dobbs 3K

    TSM Profile: Haku

    I remember reading an interview where Ricky Steamboat just raved about how great Haku was to work with, and during house shows they would keep asking the ref for more time because they enjoyed working with each other.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Stupid, embarrassing shit you did as a kid

    When I would watch Thundercats as a kid, Panthro was my favorite character, and I would run around the house with a shoelace pretending I was twirling nunchuks like him. Also, I once jumped off the top of the couch and sprained my ankle trying to emulate a double axehandle. Yep, I wasn't very athletic as a kid.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Teenage Mutant Team Ninja Turtles Bros Brawl

    I remember years ago they did a TMNT "Street Fighter style" game, towards the end of the NES. Never played it, though.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    Who gets a bobcat, and then lets it destroy a fresh chicken in their house? Geez. If that's not completely redneck, I don't know what is.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Let's Talk About: Rikishi

    Yeah, I was kind of excited for the bad ass Samoan tag team, then they quickly faded away. I think Haku decided to retire or something?
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Greatest Wrestler to never win a World Singles title

    Jerry Lawler could probably be considered the last meaningful AWA and World Class champion. After that, both belts and promotions pretty much lost their relevance. Plus, you can't really feel sorry for Jerry since he held his own promotion's belt like 30 times.
  10. Bulldog and Anvil when they followed Bret to WCW. Actually, it wasn't so much that I didn't want them to succeed, it was just obvious they would both be completely wasted until they were either fired or quit the company.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    The Bush Years Compendium

  12. Dobbs 3K

    The Bush Years Compendium

    That just looks surreal.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    Wow, I really didn't need to see that.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Sports Economic Thread

    Supposedly GM is considering pulling some or all of their NASCAR sponsorships. FWIW, I've heard NASCAR is "the most popular spectator sport in America", whatever that means.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Reports say the Yankees have dropped out of the Sheets pursuit..."too many red flags." I think they're banking on bringing back Andy Pettite at this point. I would guess Sheets ends up with the Rangers at this point. Surprised there hasn't been more Adam Dunn talk...I guess maybe more teams will get interested after Tex and Manny sign.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    So, how's that bailout going?
  17. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    I thought it was just jersey sales that are split up? I could very well be wrong, though.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    I'm not a BoSox fan, but I actually kind of like the new look. Face it, anyway, the new hat is done purely for merchandise sales...I bet it's a huge seller.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Didn't the New York tax payers pay like $300 million for their new stadium, and now they just spent $160 million on one player? How big of a joke is that?
  20. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    I agree he has no one to blame but himself (and maybe his agent). But he's not going to get that kind of contract, even by being on his best behavior. The guy is in his mid 30s. He's not going to keep hitting like he did for the Dodgers indefinitely.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    New rumor is that the Brewers would send Cameron and Hall to the Yankees for Cabrera and a pitching prospect. Supposedly the Brewers have no interest in Kei Igawa, though. Also not sure about the cash aspect...which is totally ridiculous, since the Yankees will be spending over 200 million this off season. Why the hell should Milwaukee have to eat any of Mike Cameron's contract, who is relatively cheap by New York standards? Hmmm...assuming this trade happens, what did I say about the 2009 Yankees before? Also, Czech, I don't think Escobar will be starting on Opening Day. I doubt Gamel will either. I think they will both still be in AAA. I guess Gamel could be up if they simply can't acquire any kind of proven 3B, at which point maybe they'll platoon him with Mike Lamb or something.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I'm disappointed to see a few more tag teams aren't in. Demolition in particular would have been cool.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Yeah, I was just reading about that. I don't really like it, unless there is more to the trade than just the two guys straight up. I was hoping the Brewers would get at least one decent arm to put in the rotation. Granted, Cameron is older, but he still plays good defense and brings some power. Cabrera brings defense and cheapness, and that's about it.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Worst Series of All Time

    How about Hogan/Savage? I know their WM 5 match actually got some good reviews, but that's one that bored me to death from the first time I saw it. I don't think I really ever enjoyed any of their singles matches.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    Yeah, I remember on Superstars they would show Slaughter coming out and "taking notes" on the referees and stuff. One of those lame angles that the fans were never really going to get into.