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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Well, with HHH eliminating so many guys, at least he's not likely to win...right? RIGHT?
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    Wow, that is creepy. Two Hasselhoffs.
  3. They've said that the winner gets the shot at WM though, right? That means the winner will lose the title shot before WM, or maybe use it early (like at No Way Out, I guess).
  4. Well, it would be believable if Misterio comes in late during the Rumble, but I doubt we'll see that. My guess is he will be one of the top 10 entrants, and last about fourty or fifty minutes to win the whole thing. The nice thing is that there isn't really a clear cut winner going into the Rumble. Usually in the last few years it's been pretty obvious who the winner is going to be, or at least down to one or two. This year, WWE really hasn't made it that obvious who is going to win. Frankly, I think the buildup to the Rumble has been a little poor, maybe due to the fact that it seems like there was just a PPV a couple weeks ago.
  5. To be fair to Mark Henry, I think most of his matches have been decent since his return (granted, they've been with some good workers). It's not like he's the second coming of Big Van Vader, but I don't think he's a terrible big man worker at this point.
  6. I gotta believe Undertaker is one. I've heard rumors Goldust is going to be in it. I doubt the other spot is going to be anyone. Only real surprise I could see is maybe Chris Jericho showing up for a one-off appearance, or maybe Mick Foley. It's not going to be Lesnar or anyone meaningful like that. My guess it will be another jobber from Smackdown to fill out their jobberriffic side of the Rumble...
  7. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    Wasnt' the deal with the Hogan/Flair cage match that Charles "Lil Naitch" Robinson was the ref, and basically screwed Hogan by counting the pinfall?
  8. Dobbs 3K

    WWF 93-97

    You forgot Undertaker (at least he helped in terms of being a draw). Diesel and Razor Ramon had their moments with the right opponent, too.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    WCW Pro was pretty much low card guys wrestling jobbers. You know, someone like Disco Inferno or Chris Adams would be in the featured match. WCW Worldwide was pretty much the same, though once in a while you'd see someone like Randy Savage or Ric Flair wrestle a jobber. WCW Saturday Night was the premier show for years until Nitro debuted in '95. It was still pretty important (remember nWo Saturday Night?) until Thunder came on. At that point SN became mostly squash matches, and then eventually an all recap show.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Favourite Obscure Country

    One theory (which could very well be true) is that the Basques were in Europe much longer than any other of the surrounding tribes. That is why their culture and language are so different.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Hamas wins big in elections

    The Iraq issue is completely separate from the Palestinian elections. The Palestinians were sick of the Fatah party not getting anything done for them, now that they basically have autonomy from Israel (at least more than ever before), so they went with the only alternative they saw. At least that seems to be what the analysts who know the region are saying.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Yeah, Vince wasn't quite out of the mindset of "let's take a talented, recognized wrestler and give him a stupid gimmick that won't get over" yet.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Hamas wins big in elections

    When I quoted "this isn't what Bush wanted" I was referring to people talking about Hamas winning. Bush wasn't calling for or driving the elections in Palestine (though obviously the administration supports them). The media is trying to paint this as "Bush forced them to have elections, and look how it backfired on him" which is just total spin.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Yep..."Mr. Monday Night."
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Hamas wins big in elections

    Yeah...all this "this is what Bush wanted" stuff is liberal spin bullshit. The election process has been driven by Israel and the Palestinians internally. Trying to paint this as part of US interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan is misguided at best.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    1) Were the Steiner Brothers' two title victories for the WWF tag belts televised? I've never seen footage of these matches with IRS and I'm curious as to whether the title changes occurred at untelevised house shows. - I believe they both occured on house shows, as I only remember hearing about it on WWF TV after the fact. 2) Did the Road Warriors ever face the original Demolition (Ax and Smash)? If so, what was the result? - I believe they did one time at a house show...it was supposed to be a six man tag (LOD/Ultimate Warrior vs all 3 Demos), but Warrior no-showed and it ended up being Ax/Smash vs LOD. LOD won, as they were the ones being pushed, and the Demos were kind of on a downslide at that point. 3) During the Road Warriors' prime (1983-1992), how many times were they pinned? Were the Steiners the only team to score a clean pin over the Warriors during that stretch (at Starrcade 1989)? - Couldn't tell you this one. Can't really remember them jobbing much otherwise. 4) How many times has Hogan faced Flair one-on-one and what were the results of those matches? Was Hogan ever involved in a match with Flair in Flair's first WWF run (1991-1992/93) besides Royal Rumble '92? - A lot. They faced off at WWF house shows numerous times (Hogan usually won by countout or something). They also wrestled each other several times in WCW.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Backstage news on CM Punk

    Yeah, right, that'll happen.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Good: Hybrid Car that gets 330 MPG in development

    I think that Chrysler Imperial looks kind of neat...very retro-ish. Of course, it will be way out of my price range, but still looks cool.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    So TNA Could Have Gotten Jericho But Went With Sting

    For some of the people on this board, it is, apparently. Or maybe they're just looking for anything at all to bitch about. As an aside, I can't belive my "Yeah, and it rocked, IIRC" double post is still being referenced.
  20. Czech, I was referring to Janesville, indeed. It seems like they are doing ok right now, though, since they are building a brand new vehicle (comes out later this year or next, I forget). I think it's a more fuel efficient SUV thing. Yeah...I'm all for unions, but there has to be give and take between both sides. The union has to recognize that if the company can't stay profitable, they ultimately loose their jobs, despite one or two extra years of cushy pay. I can also tell you that it's very hard to get fired if you have a UAW job. Doesn't exactly create competition within the work place, or drive people to excell, because no matter how many times they mess up, they know the union will make sure they stay employed.
  21. I've had a Chrysler Sebring '04 (bought brand new in Jan. '04). Have over 50,000 miles on it, and haven't had a single major issue with it. So, clearly there are still quality domestic vehicles available at decent prices, at least in my experience. The problem is definitely the over reliance on SUVs. People aren't going to spend 100 bucks to fill up their tanks, sorry. As for towns that are going to be hurt by the closings, I feel for them (there's one city nearby with a GM plant that's been rumored to be closing for years)...but at the same token, you can't put all your eggs in one basket. Cities that rely on one industry need to diversify, or they get left behind as technology and markets evolve. Frankly, I also find it hard to feel sorry for people who don't have a college degree and make close to $100,000 per year with extremely generous retirement and health benefits. You need to save for the bad times, which unfortunately a lot of them don't have foresight to do.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    So TNA Could Have Gotten Jericho But Went With Sting

    That summarizes it pretty well. Personally, I think Sting is great for TNA. Lots of merchandise opportunities, brings credibility, etc.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The WWE has spirit! Yes they do!

    It's like I said in the RAW thread. WWE is trying to cater to the elusive homosexual wrestling fan demographic. Congratulations, OVW talents who I've never seen before...the entire WWE fanbase now thinks you're a bunch of faggots.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Vince McMahon's onscreen character

    I think the honest answer is that the creative team and Vince himself have no idea where this is going. I mean, it was originally supposed to be him working a program with Austin, then Bret Hart (supposedly), now HBK. I think they really don't have any clue what they're doing. Personally, I think it would be different if it leads to some kind of insanity angle with Vince. Have him keep getting weirder and weirder each week, booking really vindictive matches, etc. Finally they could have Linda announce that Vince has been declared unfit to stay on as CEO and her taking over, appointing a new GM, or whatever. This could lead to Vince eventually leading some kind of new invasion angle to take back the WWE, or something.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Favourite Obscure Country

    It doesn't exist anymore, but I'd have to go with Rhodesia.