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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestling Underground PPV

    Wow, a whole four matches? Gee, what a great deal.
  2. Speaking of LOD and the Demos I heard at one show it was going to be a 6 man match. Warrior and LOD vs Demolition. But, for whatever reason Warrior and Crush couldn't make it. So it ended being LOD vs Demolition in tag match. Which I think it the only time Hawk and Animal fought Ax and Smash in a tag match. All the other times in was in 6 man match with Warrior and Crush. That story is true. It's the only time those four faced off in a traditional 2 vs 2 tag team bout, which is a shame. I miss the days of the face paint wearing, ass kicking tag teams (the New LOD not withstanding).
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    To add to that...recently Randy Savage's short run in TNA comes to mind. Seemed like they were trying to milk him for all he was worth, but that didn't pan out. Also, Brian Christopher's run in WWE last year was supposed to be more than one appearance on RAW.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Um, didn't that run end up with him winning the tag belts with Owen Hart, and also winning the IC belt? Seemed like a decent run to me.
  5. Man, the Freebirds sure looked stupid with face paint on. I thought I remember seeing a Bobby Eaton prototype somewhere, too, but I could be wrong. As far as the Sting figure, that's just a re-paint of the one that got released in the US (blue pants). I had Sting, Sid Vicious, and Arn Anderson, personally. My mom wasn't big on me owning a lot of wrestling figures The only other figure I ever had as a kid was the WWF Hasbro Jimmy Snuka figure, with that ridiculous "jumping" action.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    The War

    Well, supposedly Jericho has claimed he's loyal to WWE, but apparently he is not under contract. I have a hard time believing he'd turn down a decent amount of money to come in to TNA as a main eventer and work fewer dates than in WWE. He has also stated in interviews that he enjoys watching TNA Impact...so who knows? It doesn't seem as impossible as say, Goldberg or the Rock coming in.
  7. I've heard there's taped footage somewhere of Animal and Crush teaming as the New LOD (after Hawk left WWF), but not sure to the validity of that. Speaking of Crush, I've heard there was also a match taped somewhere of Crush vs Ax vs Smash to decide who would be the two remaining members of Demolition (with Ax losing, of course), though that one sounds like BS, since basically no feds did three way matches until the mid '90s with ECW and stuff.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    HHH and HBK (as DX) did an in ring promo on RAW after Bret Hart left WWF following the Montreal screwjob (taking Bulldog and Anvil with him to WCW). DX commented how Owen was like "the little nugget that just won't get flushed down the toilet," or words very similar to that.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Violence IS the answer?

    Yes, but that will never happen. People are dumb by nature. Some just act more dumb than others in different places.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Violence IS the answer?

    See, this is the problem with America. Back in the day, when men were men and women were glad for it, if some idiot had been tearing up a restaurant, a real man would've stepped up and told him to settle down. If he didn't, he would have gotten his jaw broken by a stiff five knuckle sandwhich. Nowadays, people have become pussified by the media, and fears of lawsuits because our society is so litigious. I dream of a day to come in these United States when stupid people are no longer tolerated in public once again.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Super Mario Brothers: The Movie: The Game

    Personally I'm surprised a Metroid movie has never been made. Outer space sci fi, weird aliens, a female hero. Seems like the kind of thing Hollywood would trip over itself to make, especially now with what CGI allows. Imagine how Mother Brain would look on the big screen.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    SNL "Lazy Sunday" Link from Last Night...

    Well, "pass the Chronic..." is sort of a weed reference, but it was more of a play on words, since they were obviously parodying typical rap videos. The skit didn't have the guys smoking joints or anything. I get annoyed by drug references in comedy too, though. Everyone wants to be Dave Chappelle I guess.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Andre The Giant's Theme Music

    I thought somebody would've put a link to Andre's NES theme by now. Yeah, and it rocked, IIRC.
  14. Dobbs 3K


    Not to sound like an ass, but does four days difference really affect your Christmas? Don't you have a credit card or something to buy gifts with?
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Super Mario Brothers: The Movie: The Game

    Has there ever been a _good_ video game movie? I guess people liked Lara Croft, though I've never seen that movie. I can't believe how badly they botched Super Mario Bros.: The Movie. I mean, just looking at the previews and stuff, it looked nothing like the game. The movie poster looked nothing like anything from the game. I know technology back then wasn't what it is today, but still, they took what should've been a pretty easy money making film, and blew it.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Red vs. Blue

    The thing that gets me about the gun argument is that any attempt to even introduce some moderate regulations on the sale of firearms is usually met with "we have the right to bear arms! The bill of rights says so!" etc. I am fine with responsible law abiding citizens owning firearms. I consider hunting in certain parts of the country to be necessary. I don't think kids and others should be able to get firearms as easily as they do now. I think most rational people would come to that conclusion. As far as the Nationalist Party quoted in the original post, I was disappointed to see some borderline racist information and quotes on their website. I think that is a huge issue...the fact that nationalism is often scene as also being racism, and sites like that don't disspell the notion in the least.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Tammy Sytch Butt Pics!

    That's an insult to Bobby Eaton.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Is there a PPV tonight?

    Hmmm...I'd suppose wwe.com would tell you. I don't know if you were being serious or not...but it gets kind of old how every time there's a WWE PPV, people are like "oh, I forgot, 'cause WWE hardly built up to it, and they suck", etc.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    'Silent Night' secularized

    That's pretty darn funny.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    New Hulk Hogan DVD coming

    The only other thing I could think of is if they do some kind of general WWE match compilation set, with Mae and Moolah commenting and stuff in between matches (kind of like the old Colliseum Home Videos where people like Lord Alfred Hayes and Gorilla Monsoon would do skits, or something). I just find it hard to believe that they'd try to release a DVD of matches involving the two. I mean, any of the stuff since 1998, while humorous, probably doesn't hold up well ona second viewing. Also, I know there's probably a decent amount of Moolah stuff, but is there really even that much footage of Mae Young wrestling in WWE's archives?
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Red vs. Blue

    I don't know. Polls have shown that a good majority of Americans are opposed to illegal immigration. President Bush has shown repeatedly he won't do anything about it, and I think the average American is going to get more and more angry about it, especially when Hispanic culture becomes more and more predominant in this country. Most people don't want to learn Spanish, or pay for children of illegal immigrants to go to public schools. Besides, the borders aren't just about Mexicans coming across to work. It's about Arabs and Chinese coming in as well. Are they all just honest people who want to make money for their families?
  22. Dobbs 3K

    How should TNA use Sting?

    Well, after watching Impact last night, it looks like it will be Sting/Rhino/Christian/Team 3D vs Jeff Jarrett and Co.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Old video game TV show...

    When I was like 10 years old, in the very early '90s, I remember a TV show being on in the mornings before I'd go to school. It was like, this game show based around video games. The host was this kind of dorkish guy, and kids from the audience would get to compete against each other playing video games. At the end of the show, the kid who won would get to run through this obstacle course/shopping spree thing, and grab as many games and gadgets as he could get his hands on. (I'm pretty sure this show also had a predecessor with the same name and host, and the game show concept was kind of a re-vamping of the program). I also remember some of the ads run during the program being pretty hillariously bad. Does anyone remember what the hell I'm talking about?
  24. Dobbs 3K

    vinyl vs. cd

    I don't like cassettes due to the fact that they were never designed to really be a hi-fi medium. They were designed as a convenient, portable, alternative to vinyl. They just don't sound as good as vinyl or CD, simply put. If you like making mix tapes, more power to you. It's just something I've never gotten into. I'm something of an audiophile. I have a decent stereo set up right here in my office, with a pair of Paradigm bookshelf speakers, and a 1970s Pioneer stereo receiver and Pioneer turntable. I think on a bad stereo, vinyl sounds awful. But with at least a decent pair of bookshelf speakers, a decent turntable with a good cartidge, and a good amp/receiver, vinyl can sound really good. That said, I still listen to CDs more, simply because I own a whole heck of a lot more CDs than records, and they are more convenient. Plus I do have a really good CD player (an NAD component one). The reality is, we live in the MP3 age. Music is basically disposable background noise. Sure, we enjoy it. It's nice to take your iPod or whatever and go for a walk, listening to songs on "shuffle." But it's not the same as sitting down and really listening to a record, which is what you have to do to enjoy vinyl.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Man cries at a Wrestling Convention

    Well, not hard to imagine that kind of fan being on internet forums, I guess.