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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Triple H Wendy's Commercial

    I believe this has been posted somewhere here, yeah. I haven't seen the commercial myself.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Dusty Rhodes joins the nWo

    Also, if you look throughout Dusty's entire career, he had a habit of getting himself aligned with whoever the hot wrestler or angle was at the time (Road Warrriors, Magnum TA, Nikita Koloff, Sting, Luger, etc).
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    I think I have to cheer the White Sox just to hear what the Cubs fans will say.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/17/05

    YEah, what's with this sudden Edge/JBL feud? I guess I missed something on Smackdown or RAW last week. But who are the fans supposed to cheer, since both guys have been built up as pretty strong heels? I don't get it.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Whats the record for comeback after "retirement"

    Ah yeah...the return of the Varsity Club. That one was came totally out of left field. "The return of the wrestling group no one really remembered or was asking for, or expected." I kind of liked it, since I was into old NWA tapes at the time, and Rotunda and Williams were actually still decent workers when they came back.
  6. I liked Hogan as a kid, but he wasn't my favorite wrestler. For some reason my first favorite wrestler as a kid was Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake. However, I started to get sick of Hogan when he made his return to be Beefcake's tag partner, because I realized that if the team won, the tag belts would hardly ever be defended. I was still a mark at this point. I became basically disgusted with Hogan when he won the belt from Yokozuna and then didn't defend the belt on TV until King of the Ring. I was somewhat excited when he came to WCW, simply because it seemed so bizarro that Hogan would be wrestling in WCW. I got sick of him pretty quickly, though, mainly because the storylines and feuds he was in were so idiotic. (Dungeon of Doom sticks out). It also seemed like they were totally re-doing '80s WWF, by having Savage be his tag team partner, bringing back Miss Elizabeth, the interviews with Gene Okerlund, etc. I loved it when he became Hollywood Hogan. The turn at Bash at the Beach totally surprised me, and I thought his promo where he told the fans "to stick it" was awesome. Hollywood was an awesome heel in WCW, at least for the first year and a half. After the thing where he didn't put over Sting clean, I basically stopped paying attention to WCW full time and got sick of it. I haven't really enjoyed any of his work in WWE, although I thought the Mr. America angle was kind of enjoyable. So I guess the red & yellow Hogan vs black & white Hogan battle is a draw for me, with Mr. America winning as a dark horse.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/17/05

    Mick Foley really doesn't need to be on my TV at this point.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Shadow of the Colossus

    Touche. Didn't know who made it.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Old school upsets...

    Another weird/unexpected title change: One Man Gang beating Kensuke Sasaki for the WCW US Title in late 1995. I remember seeing this match on TV, and the announcer were hardly paying attention. One Man Gang got a win out of nowhere and Tony Schiavone said something like "Hey, how about that? A title change!" Nice. It was kind of weird since OMG wasn't getting a huge push or anything at the time.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Goldberg sighting!

    Darn, and I missed it???
  11. Remember when Howard Taft fell through that wall and lost his stormtrooper helmet?
  12. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    It might have helped his chances if he didn't run out of the WWF. At least that's the story. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you referring to how Perez was supposed to play the Razor Ramon character, or something else?
  13. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    I can't give you specifics, but there is a famous match out there where, IIRC, Ric Flair defended the NWA World Title against Lawler in Memphis. I assume Lawler won by countout or DQ. I'm almost positive Lawler beat Hogan in his early days when he was Sterling Golden or Terry Boulder in Memphis. Lawler and Savage feuded in Memphis, as you said. Von Erich is harder to figure out. Obviously there is the NWA Title win over Flair. I assume Hogan and Savage must both have come through Texas at early points in their careers and jobbed to Von Erich? Hogan and Von Erich never met in WWF, since both were faces, but maybe Savage and Von Erich had a house show match or something in WWF where Von Erich won? As far as Von Erich's leg, he actually just lost part of his foot. It was in a motorcycle accident. Supposedly the doctors tried to save it by re-attaching it, and then Von Erich got out of bed to get a hamburger and ended up wrecking his foot permanently. Most people didn't know about the foot at all, as it was never mentioned on TV or anything. But he did wrestle with a prostethic, notably against Mr. Perfect in WWF.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Batista Interview/Chat

    This whole topic has kind of gotten off track.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Mr. Kennedy is a fucking lame ass

    Exactly. He hasn't had the chance to "beat the crap out of a face" yet. He's getting reactions from the crowds. He's a decent worker and has a unique gimmick. I don't see why he can't work, as long as they don't cut his feet out from under him right away, like they've done with a lot of guys the last couple years as they were getting over (Charlie Haas, Rico, Shelton Benjamin, just to name a few).
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Divas Desert Heat

    This has to be one of the more bizarre questions asked on this board in a long time, at least on this particular forum.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Batista Interview/Chat

    What did you TNA marks expect him to say? "Yeah, TNA is awesome. I love AJ Styles, and Jeff Jarrett is a great world champion. Vince McMahon is really scared by this new competition on Spike TV. I'm probably going to sign with TNA after my WWE contract is up, if they'll take me." All he said was that he didn't care for AJ's type of matches. Get over yourselves.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Shadow of the Colossus

    Looks neat. Wish they'd make it for Xbox, since I don't have PS2.
  19. I've heard ROH's announcers on a couple clips I've downloaded. One guy seemed like he was trying to stretch and use a Jesse Ventura type "tough guy announcer" voice (something I've heard on MANY indy tapes). They seemed pretty bad to me. Maybe they've gotten better recently. I couldn't say since I don't collect tapes anymore.
  20. Dobbs 3K


    I'm sure they dubbed in the cheering. Who in the crowd is going to care that a crowd in another city is getting a good match? I really liked Smackdown. OJ vs Benoit had a good story, and the 8 man tag was enjoyable. Anyone else surprised that Super Crazy got the pin there? I expected him to be in there doing the job... I thought the way they handled the Boogeyman was pretty creative. "Yeah, we were running promos for a new show." Takes some creative writing that we haven't seen in WWE for a while.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Batista Interview/Chat

    Really good interview. It's nice to see someone from WWE do an interview and not just give the stereotypical safe & scripted answers. One thing that I was surprised about: "I did like The Ultimate Warrior, but I was always more a fan of The Warlord and Ricky The Dragon Steamboat." WTF? Warlord???
  22. Dobbs 3K

    WOOO!!!!!! Raw keeps getting better

    "The Power is Back" isn't a bad slogan, I guess. It fits the return to USA network. One of the few ways I can think of for this angle to work is this (and it assumes the McMahon family only shows up on RAW, leaving Teddy Long to do his own thing on Smackdown)... Bischoff gets fired by Vince and co. for letting things get out of hand with Austin, etc. Bischoff forms his own group that invades RAW, creating a Bischoff vs McMahon feud on RAW. That would actually be interesting, since there's so much history for them to play off of. The only problem would be that Vince would have to put over Bischoff at some point in the feud, and he'd probably be unwilling to do that.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Vikings cruise was allegedly a sex party

    Yeah, they're athletes and they have a lot of money, etc. But this isn't acceptable behavior, regardless of everyone involved giving their consent. They are representatives of their team and the city they play in. You don't get to go around having public sex orgies no matter who you are, sorry.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Big Show

    What I did like when Paul Wight first came to the WWF, was that he actually was portrayed like a giant. Remember that first match he had on RAW? No one could just go ahead irish whip him, he was basically immovable. Punches and other basic moves had absolutely no effect on him. Now he just wrestles basically like another heavyweight main event-style guy. Sure, once in a while he gets to show off his power, but basically he wrestles the same as everyone else.