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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Christian still remains unhappy

    I think there might be some big problems in the WWE locker room, even more than we know about here on the 'net. Every worker who quits or is fired from WWE makes it out to be a big huge pain in the ass company to work for. They hate the travel, the pay isn't as good as it's made out to be (since they have to cover their own expenses, etc), and it's all BS politics. It wouldn't surprise me if some guys would want to take the pay cut to go to TNA in order to help that company, and have a lighter travel schedule. Look at guys like Spanky (granted, he's coming back). It didn't sound like he was begging for work. It sounds like he was doing just as well between his Japan and ROH bookings as he was in WWE. Molly Holly said in her shoot interivew that she was sick of all the traveling and the stupid dress code and political crap. Kazarian quit after a "now he's here, now he's not" stint with the company. There is life outside WWE, despite what Vince and friends would like wrestling fans and the wrestlers themselves to believe.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Moms make war look bad.

    A lot of the media is being VERY biased in their coverage of this story, calling her a "peace mom", etc, and ignoring some big facts about Cindy Sheehan and many of her supporters. She's being supported by a bunch of far left wing groups. In fact, some of the protesters with her have apparently gone on record supporting North Korea, etc. This isn't just a bunch of peace loving moms and dads who want their children home. It's a group of hardcore left-wing liberals who already hate the president.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Jim Ross is one funny bastard

    Well, it probably gets pretty tiresome sitting there for three hours having every mark in town come up and probably being like "OMG! JR! WWE RULZ!" etc. JR doesn't strike me as much of a conversationalist outside of wrestling, anyway.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Who likes Perfect Strangers?!

    Yes. There's a Family Matters one too. (probably the same guy actually)
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Iran Breaks Seals on Nuclear Equipment

    Iraq, Iran...change one letter and it's all the same. Most Americans probably can't tell the difference. We should just invade Iran while we're in the neighborhood anyway...no one will probably notice the difference.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Christian still remains unhappy

    I wonder if it will ever get to the point where a group of workers will ask to quit all at once (ala the Revolution/Radicalz guys in WCW), and Vince will either let them all go or finally be forced to take a look at the direction his company is going.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Sunny to return?

    Remember kids...winners don't do drugs.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    bands that everyone loves, but you hate!

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Anyway, wholeheartedly agree. Handsome Young Men On Guitars (John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Howie Day, their ilk) do nothing for me. The Killers aren't that great. "Mr. Brightside" has "Let's be obnoxious 16-year-olds and blast this on our car stereo on a warm July evening as we go hit up a Denny's to be craaazy teens, oh life is sweet!" written all over it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gee, I don't get that at all from any of the Killers' stuff, but hey, maybe people are different in your area. I personally think the Killers are pretty neat and innovative (yes, I know a lot of their lyrics are very derivative, but still, their music is neat).
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Moms make war look bad.

    She's a media whore. Did anyone else see the clip of her kneeling in front of that little memorial with the white cross and flowers? She was praying and crossing herself, all the while being completely surrounded by cameras and photographers. It made me sick. Plus, she was already saying anti-Bush stuff back in April, saying how he should be impeached and stuff. It's pretty damned disgusting how she's using her son's death to advance her own political agenda against Bush. Her whole family is against what she's doing (they've come out and said that publicly), and now her husband has filed for divorce against her. What a horrible cunt of a woman.
  10. That vid is funny, but not nearly as hillarious as the kid playing X-Box live (check the video games folder). The one where the kid is like "you said you'd bring me chocolate milk! Where's my fucking chocolate milk?!"
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Tecmo Pro Wrestling (or was it Tecmo World Wrestling?...I can't remember) was a very fun game. I had a friend who basically had every NES wrestling game at one point, and I borrowed that one from him a lot. Some of the guys definitely were based on real life wrestlers. Inoki and Tiger Mask were definitely in there. I believe there was a Hulk Hogan type guy, IIRC. What was with Dr. Guido though? He was pretty unique.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    All New Danger Zone Radio Show (8-14-05)

    Sounds good so far. I was impressed with the sound quality of the intro music, honestly. However, your voice does sound muffled. I don't think it's overmodulation...I think you're either too close to the mic, or you need a better mic. Interesting comments so far, though.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Btw, are there any more of those quote anywhere? Those are too funny.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    I just went on a tear last night on Fire Pro D. For fun I was using Karl Gotch in a series of matches. I had a very competitive match against Lou Thesz, finally making him submit to an armbar. Then Gotch went on fire, CRITICALing Inoki, Andre, and Giant Baba all in consecutive matches. Baba gave Gotch some trouble, but he made him submit to a sort of cross facelock. He also wrestled Rikidozan who gave him some trouble, but Gotch ended up knocking him out after two consecutive piledrivers in the octagon. Finally, Gotch was CRITICALed by Alexander Karelin after about 12 minutes in the octagon, following a series of Karelin Lifts. It was a fun series of bouts.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    How much longer for Eric Bischoff?

    Yeah, I'd prefer if they'd go back to the days when the guys just came out for their scheduled matches, and there wasn't any need for an "authority figure" unless it was Jack Tunney making an announcement about an upcoming match or something. Also, they should stop doing 95% of their backstage angles because they come off as fake and stupid. It should be like the old days where interviews are done in front of the crowd, and angles occur there if necessary.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    Islanders/Headshrinkers/Samoan Swat Team/the Samoans...all basically the same four or five guys.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Those quotes from Meltzer are freaking great. I'm convinced that if Russo had been allowed to stay as booker, someone would have been killed eventually in one of his Hollywood imitation stunts.
  18. Anyone ever see the review of Warrior's work out tape on WrestleCrap? Sounds like the stupidest piece of garbage ever. Really a funny read though.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    SNME Comp I Made...Creative Criticisms?

    Is #29 the battle royale that Curt Hennig won? That was a pretty good 'royale' match, IIRC.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Brett @ summerslam?

    I think WWE is trying to bait people into thinking Bret will be at SummerSlam, but I wouldn't buy it thinking it's going to happen...
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Favorite Gimmick Match?

    WW3 was an OK concept, but it was never that watchable on TV, and the matches usually weren't that interesting really. It was like a poor man's Royal Rumble. I think the best gimmick match of all time, aside from the Royal Rumble, is probably the Wargames. Just a great way to end a feud between two stables. Problem is there aren't any real stables left in wrestling. You can't just throw eight or ten random guys in...it has to be two real teams in a feud for it to mean anything. As far as one on one matches, I like a straight up steel cage match, but not the escape rules. I think a match should end in pin or submission. Or better yet, the "I Quit" match in a steel cage can be really good, ala Tully Blanchard vs Magnum TA.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    Yeah, they do spoil us I guess. They run a one hour block between 6 and 7 PM (usually one episode is newer and one is older, though not always the case). Then they have another episode at 10 PM, IIRC (I usually don't bother with that one). At my last job I actually met the programmer from the station, and he said people asked him why he couldn't just run it all the time...he laughed and said "well, we're already running it three times per day!" Some people just can't get enough of the Simpsons, I guess.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    One time in Fire Pro D for Dreamcast I was controlling RVD and the Rock against a CPU controlled tag team (can't remember who...might've been the Road Warriors). Anyway, it was a serious back and forth match, fought under 2/3 falls rules. I took a fall, the other team won a fall...and then about twenty minutes into the third round, I was controlling RVD and... got counted out on the top rope! The ref counted to five, while I was waiting for someone to get up outside the ring! Probably the most embarassing loss I've ever suffered in FPD. Oh well, I won the return match, IIRC. I also once ran a series of matches between Alexander Karelin and Andre the Giant. Those were pretty brutal. IIRC, the first one was an octagon cage match that Karelin won pretty easily via knockout (I think after a couple Karelin lifts off the mat). The second was an exploding steel cage match that Andre won (explosion occured and Karelin was knocked out while Andre was left standing). The third was an SWA rules match where Karelin lost when he couldn't get up in time from a standing 10 count. Always fun when you put two guys with contrasting styles against each other like that.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't get the obsession with TV shows on DVD. I do have the three Family Guy seasons on DVD, but I bought those after the show went off the air on FOX the first time, and before the show started getting shown ad nauseum on "Adult Swim." We have a local FOX affiliate that runs "the Simpsons" three times per day (and this isn't taking into account all the other local stations running the Simpsons, or FOX network's Sunday night airings), so I guess I don't feel the need to buy a DVD set so I can sit down and watch the same episodes I've already seen about a dozen times. I guess I just don't get the appeal.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Diva Search

    I didn't bother following the diva search at all this year (usually there's a baseball game or something more interesting on TV and I just switch to that during the segments), but at least the chick that won last night seemed like she was genuinely happy to win. Hopefully she actually wants to be in WWE like Christy Hemme and isn't just trying to springboard into acting or something like a lot of these other chicks always seem to be.