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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Main Eventer Leaving After SummerSlam

    How can Jericho really be anyone's favorite wrestler anymore? His promos are stale, he wrestles basically the same way in every match, and he isn't getting a real push (the current one with Cena basically got pulled out of nowhere...Jericho wasn't doing anything up to that point, and Cena is going to beat him anyway). Sure, he gets in the occasional funny one-liner, but overall he hasn't done anything of real merit in the last three or four years, which is WWE's fault.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown! non-spoilers?

    Didn't see the match listing posted anywhere. Could someone post a non-spoiler line-up, pretty please?
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Good article about TNA on Spike

    I like his idea of having someone like the Dudley Boyz cutting a promo to get the promotion over. Make it short and to the point, then open with a hot match, and go from there. I normally would agree that you don't want to name your competition directly, but TNA is going to be the new promotion on the channel WWE was on. The viewers are going to draw their own comparisons anyway.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Who is going to stop watching raw when mnf starts

    I have picture-in-picture on our 48" Mitsubishi, so I have the option of switching back and forth easily while keeping up with what's happening on the other channel. Usually I don't care about MNF unless the Packers are on, though.
  5. I almost hope Jericho leaves WWE and goes to TNA, because it would give me a reason to watch it. I remember an interview with Y2J posted on this board a few months ago. The guy seemed pretty resigned to the fact that he had done everything he could in WWE and was never going to be one of the "elite" main event types. It was almost sad, thinking about how WWE has basically wasted him over the last four years or so.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Video Games that are boring....

    I can't imagine enjoying watching someone play a strategy game like Civilization, etc. RPGs can be pretty boring, especially if it's something like Final Fantasy and the person doesn't know where to go next, so they just run around, looking for that one doorway or something. Same with Zelda.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    Why is everyone in favor of being soft on criminals these days? Crime deserves punishment. If you're running at a cop with a knife, anything less than them shooting you dead should be considered merciful.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball

    Czech Republic...it's looking like the Brewers aren't going to even consider trading Overbay until after the season at this point, so that puts that rumor to rest, apparently. Also, Brewers got a big 7-2 win against the D-backs again last night. Looking for the sweep tonight, which would put the Brewers at an even .500 this season...
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Another 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

    Yeah, that and we know who the terrorists were on the plane, the people that died in the crashes, etc.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    World of Warcraft

    Isn't this game like 12 bucks a month to play or something? No thanks, for now.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Could a Round Robin Tournament work

    Just bring back KOTR, since that's something people actually want. I think a round robin type tournament could work as a good "end of the year" type thing. Maybe have the finals at Armageddon or something. It could be as a bragging rights type of thing, where the winner is declared the "best wrestler in the WWE" or something. Of course, it might be a problem being so close to the Royal Rumble, but maybe it could liven things up a bit.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball

    I'm happy, the Brewers beat the D-Backs last night. Clark, Overbay, and JJ Hardy all had solo homers. On a side, note, there are rumors that the White Sox are interested in trading for Lyle Overbay. It would make sense, since the Brewers have Prince Fielder waiting in the wings to play 1B. We'll see what happens.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    He ran and was wearing a long coat. They figured he was concealing a bomb. I believe he also ran out of an apartment building they were searching. All the details are on the various news sites like www.drudgereport.com, etc.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    The Death of WCW

    Even in this modern age, not everything is free. Someone worked hard writing that book, just pony up the money and buy it. It's not that expensive or anything.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    DoR2 Legends Update

    It IS a little hard to tell, but I'm almost positive it's Cena...the narrower cheeks match his face more than Angle's. (I can't believe I just typed that.)
  16. Dobbs 3K

    The OAO Raw Thread for 07.25.05

    This sounds like it's going to be a pretty dull RAW. Who actually sits there booking this and thinks to themselves, "Yeah, this is going to be a great show, guaranteed to get great ratings."
  17. Dobbs 3K

    The funniest band ever

    Suicidal Tendencies had some funny ones. "Institutionalized." A couple people already mentioned the Vandals, but their album "Hitler Bad, Vandals Good" is hillarious almost the entire way through. I saw them at the Warped Tour about four years ago and their lead singer had the following hillarious statement, along the lines of: "After the show, come join us for the after party! We've got two buses out back, one for making love, and one for fucking! Your choice!"
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Bands who cames back strong

    I don't know if they count, but Fountains of Wayne were still relatively obscure after their first album, and then "Utopia Parkway" (which was good, but not quite as catchy as their first album). Then they were basically unheard of for about three or four years until "Welcome Interstate Managers" came out and the "Stacy's Mom" phenomenom on the radio. "Interstate Managers" isn't _that_ different from their previous efforts, but maybe just a matter of putting out the right album at the right time.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    TNA has its TV deal

    The X Division will draw whom? Internet smarks, sure. But will it draw mainstream, casual wrestling fans? Do you think the average person who's channel surfing on a Saturday night is going to stop to watch when they see some guy they've never heard of like Christopher Daniels wrestling, or someone they recognize like Billy Gunn or Kevin Nash?
  20. 38. His gimmick can be retooled to that of a geeky computer nerd, referencing a different website on every show. (re: one of his first promos on RAW)
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Manager Name

    Career Consultant Financial Advisor Music Consultant Talent Advisor Ring Advisor Athletic Advisor Just a few ideas.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band

    The thing is, he probably _should_ have released that album in the '80s...at the height of Hulkamania, it just might have cracked the charts, regardless of any musical merit, or lack there of. However, by 1995, Hogan wasn't exactly a mainstream attraction anymore. He wasn't exactly lighting up WCW at that point either.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Update on Hassan (Insider Spoilers, Info)

    Well, regardless of his ability in the ring, "Hassan" did everything WWE told him to do, and was good on the mic. He got heat (even if it was cheap heat). I think he made a very good heel, and he and Daivari make a good combo. It sucks WWE had to cave in to UPN like that, and have Undertaker just bury the guy completely.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    "Agent of Oblivion"...what were they supposed to do? Let the guy run away since he didn't want to be bothered to stop? Or were they supposed to merely restrain him, at the risk of him blowing himself up (yes, I know, he didn't have a bomb, but they thought he did, with good reason)? It's a shame the guy got killed, but the police (in both Britain and the US) have to be tough against terrorism. I guess you would rather have seen them take the risk of having more innocent people get murdered. Your statement calling the police "uninformed triggerhappy jackoffs with badges" makes me feel that you have a disdain for law enforcement that goes beyond this discussion, but that's your own issue.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Manager Name

    How about calling him his agent?