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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    The Hummer Angle

    Doubtful. Think you gotta buy it to read it.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Owen Wilson and another Owen

    Wasn't there supposed to be an Owen Hart movie in the works a couple years ago? I thought I remember reading about the rights to Owen's story being sold a couple years ago. I could be wrong, though.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    You don't run from police though. The guy made a bad choice, and unfortunately paid for it with his life.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Another 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

    I love how these "documentaries" and conspiracy theories are put out, and it's always by people who have no knowlege of building construction, physics, explosives, etc. They guy talking sounds like some college student. I also like how that audio clip in the beginning is too low to even understand. I couldn't sit through the whole thing (I skipped the middle part), but I didn't hear anything about any sort of motive or reason given for this supposed conspiracy. A "psychological attack" on the American people? Whatever. Also, these same people are usually talking about how Bush is controlled by US corporations. Why would he then orchestrate something to actively hurt those same corporations financially? It's not like the economy took a huge upswing after the attacks... Barbarian Muslims Arab terrorists initiated the terrorist attacks, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    The Hummer Angle

    The worst thing about that angle was how it had basically died off and seemed like WCW had dropped it, but then suddenly on one Nitro they brought it back. I remember, this was also right after Hulk Hogan himself had done an interview on "WCW Live" (WCW's internet talk show) saying there was too much "mystery theater" garbage in WCW and that they needed to get back to basics.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    New WWE DVD's

    Yeah, but since WWE never really brings up his WCW career, I wonder if they want people to remember it. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic, but I wonder if they worry people would remember how great and entertaining Jericho used to be, and then wonder why WWE doesn't do more with the guy now.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    What Do You Think Eddie's Secret Is ?

    "Rey...I've known all along...you were the one that killed my tag team partner, Art Barr!" That would be funny, because most WWE fans would have no clue who he was talking about.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band

    I had a friend in high school who's brother got him that CD, knowing he was a huge wrestling fan. He wasn't exactly proud to own it.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Triple H Update

    Um...have any of you actually looked at Flair lately? I'm sure none of us can hope to look anywhere near as good as he does at 55. He's till pretty toned and muscular. Yeah, he has the sagginess in the chest, but big deal, it happens with age. The guy can still bump and work a good match...much more than can be said for Hogan, who looks like he can't even leave his feet at this point.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    New WWE DVD's

    A Jake Roberts DVD? What would actually be on it? I know people on this board love Jake's character and his interviews...but I can't honestly remember one good match in the guy's career. People talk about what a great ring technician the guy was, but all I remember are slow, plodding matches against guys like Ted Dibiase, Rick Martel, etc. Maybe they'll throw in some of his NWA stuff, since I guess he was one of those guys like JYD or Jim Duggan where they were good workers before they came to the WWF and slowed down to a snail's pace. Oh, and I really hope the Bret Hart DVD isn't called "Screwed", since his career was a heck of a lot more than the Montreal incident.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    At least they took care of that one properly.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    For our black folks and wiggers

    yeah-uh! word to yo' motha, foo!
  13. Dobbs 3K

    ESPN Article on WWE

    I'm sorry, the Boss Man/Big Show angle may have been stupid, but I found most of it hillarious...remember Big Show jumping on his "dad's" coffin and riding it while Boss Man was towing it??? BWAHAHAHA!
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    It's a shame... It's not like there's any reasoning with the barbarians...they want to kill all civilized non-Muslims. The civilized Western democracies would be better off severing all economic ties with the barbarian Arab Muslim nations until they curb the radicals in their societies. Until then, our nations will be faced with more terrorist attacks.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    They should kill him and stick his head on a pike on London Bridge, like in the old days, to set an example.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Another Attack In London

    How soon before they start deporting the sub-human barbarians that are causing this?
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Horrible Raw Last night

    It's not that I don't like Carlito or Benjamin, but their matches have seemed kind of sloppy and slow. Is Benjamin legit injured right now? Because it seems like he is not moving quite the same lately, and has nearly blown a lot of spots in the last couple matches... I think one major problem with RAW right now is that their is no good top program. The Cena/Jericho feud feels very forced and thrown together. Jericho suddenly turned heel, deciding out of the blue, seemingly, that he wanted the WWE title. Now they are feuding over who is the better musician, I guess. I'm not buying Cena as the top face on RAW at all. I think he fit in much better on Smackdown. I understand he was over and everything, but it's like there was no transition when he was drafted to RAW in the lottery. He just showed up and now suddenly we're suppoed to treat him the same as Batista. It would have been nice if they had done some backstage vignettes showing Cena getting acquainted with the RAW guys, or maybe done some kind of feud where a couple RAW heels don't want Cena on their show, rather than just making Cena and Batista seem completely interchangable. Again, the angle between Bischoff and Cena seems VERY forced. Last week they are arguing on camera, but we're not told why. Just vague things like "Cena doesn't want to play by the rules...he wants to do things his way." We're never actually told what Bischoff wants from Cena. Then in a very Austin-ish moment last week, Bischoff gets the F-U from Cena. Now Bischoff wants to screw Cena out of the title...which doesn't make sense logically because Cena should be a money machine in the eyes of Bischoff's character. Hey, 1998 called... The only thing on RAW that has me even remotely interested is Matt Hardy's return. Now, I've never been a big Matt Hardy mark. I did like him when he first started his heel "Version 1" run on Smackdown. However, I wasn't crying when he was fired (though I did question the reasoning behind it). However, I think the angle with Edge has been done quite well so far...it has shoot elements without someone coming out and yelling "this is a shoot!" like you would've seen in ECW years ago. I hope they keep up the random Matt Hardy run ins without the announcers acknowledging him for a week or two...I also like the idea someone had of making a Edge vs Matt Hardy "unsanctioned" match at Summerslam. Really make it seem like Hardy is an oustider, not signed or endorsed by WWE at all. I think it could make both guys into main eventers if done right. It sort of has elements of Bret Hart vs HBK, except that both guys are only midcarders at this point. Whew, long rant, sorry.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    TNA confirms spike TV deal??

    I wonder if there's ever actually been a contract in TV history that has worked that way...none that I'm aware of. I wonder if this is going to turn out like the deal with FSN where they run for a few months and then Spike wants them to pay up again, so TNA leaves the network, yet again...
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Velocity just aired here Benoit vs. Regal

    Maybe someone already asked this, but does any place or anyone have this match available for download? I didn't get to see Velocity and forgot to tape it. It sounds like it was a pretty sweet match. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    TNA confirms spike TV deal??

    If TNA is paying for TV time yet again, how are they ever going to start actually making money?
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Ages of current WWE and some OVW

    I thought Regal was younger than 40. I could've sworn he was only like 35-ish, guess I was wrong.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Rob Conway news

    Doesn't sound too promising if they're debuting his new character on Sunday Night Heat...watch, he won't even be on RAW, and then in a week or two he'll finally show up, with no explanation as to his new gimmick, other than JR saying something like "Rob Conway's had a new attitude the last couple of weeks."
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Eminem Retires!

    Boy, I can see how he must be pretty worn out after his long five year career I'm sure he'll be back soon enough in some form. I don't really see why rappers and pop stars feel the need to "retire" when they just come back in a year or two anyway. I think part of it is how the media more than ever shoves people like this down our throats, so it almost seems like they've been around longer than they really have. I heard someone on the radio the other day ask "how long has Britney Spears been around now? 15 years or so?" She's only really been around since 1998, but it almost seems longer. I hate Eminem...I know some people enjoy his music, but I can't appreciate what he stands for at all. Plus I get sick of seeing white kids trying to dress and act like him. Good riddance.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Where some of the WWE cuts have gone

    What I love is how the "big" indy events always have the same guys...Corino, Foley, Rhodes, Honky Tonk Man, Snuka, etc. zzzzz...
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Games that need to be brought current

    - Double Dragon - Bionic Commando - Contra - River City Ransom