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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    "Filmore" creator mad at Jon Stewart

    I get it...in the June 26th strip, Mallard is basically debunking conventional liberal ideas, such as that women are oppressed in this country, and that the UN is a good organization. It's not particularly funny, but it makes a point, I guess. It's nothing I'm pining to have included in our weekly Sunday comics here, though. For the record, I don't think Doonesbury is very funny either, though occasionally it's amusing.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Where some of the WWE cuts have gone

    There's a local fed around here like that, www.nawf.com. They have guys like Sting, Dusty Rhodes, and Mick Foley on their website. I think they've actually used all of those guys at one time or another...so basically they can book them, but I assume whoever is promoting the show or event has to pay extra to get them.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Booker T

    The whole Invasion was just really, really, badly booked. We have to remember that. I think the fault as far as the horrible match between Bagwell and Booker T rests with Bagwell though...I mean, if I recall, Bagwell was just blowing stuff left and right in that match. I think Booker was at least _trying_ to pull off a good match. I don't think Bagwell understood the concept of working a good match.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Booker T

    I haven't cared about Booker T for like, three or four years. Most of his feuds in WWE have basically been crap, and he always ends up looking like an idiot joke in most of them. Further, his matches are almost always the same. He seems very mechanical in the ring, doing the same moves in every single match, using the same motions in the ring, etc. However, he seems to be stepping it up a bit since turning face and getting Sharmell as his manager, so that could be a step in the right direction. Personally, I hope he gets one good feud with some decent matches and hangs up the tights in a year or two (which is rumored anyway). Not saying he needs to win the title or anything, though.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Fucking lamewad on XBox Live.

    If I'd ever spoken to my mom like that, I probably would have been beaten within an inch of my life.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestler who should have retired young

    The little conversation in my signature is more in reference to how people took Meltzer to task about his comments on Russo more than anything. If you were on forums like this during that time period, lots of people were making excuses for Russo. It was just a big pet peeve of mine, as Russo's booking was indeed retarded. Also, while Russo had basically ruined the cruiserweight division, people would still talk about guys like Rey Misterio, Kidman, and 3 Count as if they meant anything at that point in WCW.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestler who should have retired young

    The Road Warriors (had done everything they could after their second WWF run, and maybe Hawk would still be alive today...you'd think they would've had enough money saved up to be comfortable without wrestling). Scott Steiner (probably Rick too). Kevin Nash (should've retired at least when WCW folded, if not earlier, and moved into a commentator role, or something similar). Scott Hall (see Kevin Nash...you gotta wonder how much longer he has if he keeps up living to his reputation). Randy Savage (definitely should've called it quits after about 1998). Jeff Jarrett (because he sucks and no one wants to see him anyway). I didn't mention Ric Flair or Hogan because, while they are not the performers they used to be, they both seem relatively healthy and seem to be big draws, despite their ages.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Biggest Non-Surprises

    John Cena being RAW's first draft pick this year, followed by Batista being Smackdown's last pick.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    This week in baseball

    Well, Brewers win today 8-4, taking the series against the Braves. The Brewers are five games under .500, but are on an upswing lately, so it may be interesting to see what they do after the break. Last year they had a winning record going in, but had a terrible second half collapse.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    The Future of Smackdown

    Smackdown is still UPN's highest rated show, though, IIRC.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Faces getting heavily booed

    You know, people always bring that up about Edge being booed, but I would think he was already at least a tweener at that point, if not a full blown heel. He was already acting kind of whiny and jerkish at that point, and it was pretty obvious he was going to turn heel sooner rather than later. Yet people always bring it up as "yeah, Edge was so unpopular he got booed in his hometown." It's not accurate. Thats why they turned Orton face cuz of one show. anyhow the funny part of Summerslam was that it was in Edges hometown of Toronto, and he still got booed out of the building. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Terror Bombing in London

    That's creepy. I was just in London about two weeks ago.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    WWE begin the releases

    Yeesh...at the rate WWE is going with these cuts, you could almost start up another wrestling promotion with all the guys getting fired. Surprised they'd fire Dawn Marie while she is pregnant, but that's business I guess. I'm a little surprised they let Charlie Hass go as well...it seemed like he had a lot more potential than what they did with him. Oh well.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Signs Big Vito

    Wasn't he already in WWE a couple years ago, or am I thinking of some other Italian guy?
  15. Dobbs 3K

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    Ugh...are they actually going to call it the "Smackdown Championship?" Couldn't they think of a better name at all?
  16. Dobbs 3K

    The one & only OVW...errr, Smackdown thread.

    Because it's actually something original from WWE, and features three guys that have never been in WWE before? (Please don't reply with some obscure reference to a 1997 RAW or the ECW PPV or something). I like the name...it works...it gets the point across. Edit: Just reading the previous responses...don't any of you get it? Is everyone dense or something tonight? They were making a PARODY of the usual stereotypes...Juvi said "we used to work for you...now you gringos are going to work for us!" I think the gimmick is awesome.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    WWE to respond to the pressure from ECW?

    Hey, at least they'd be doing _something_ with Smackdown, right? I don't really see a better way of bringing back ECW at this point...I doubt they'd have the resources to launch a "third" promotion at this point...at least not the TV time to devote to it, unless you want it in Velocity's spot on Saturday night, and I think that is going away shortly anyway.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Has anyone ever

    Yeah...unfortunately, because of the media in the US, a lot of people give churches a negative rap, believing they want to force people to convert, or simply take their money, which for the most part is completely not true. If you feel your heart is in it for the right reasons, and that you are being guided to do this, then you should go for it.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    One man, one mission:

    Well, molestation is a pretty broad term. Theoretically, if he was simply watching a kid or something, not even touching them, that could still constitute "molestation."
  20. I always liked the Perfectplex, because, while it didn't actually look much more devastating than a normal vertical suplex, you knew the guy wasn't going to kick out...it was basically inescapable. I guess I really like pinning finishers in general, though not a lot of guys use them anymore. The only guy I can think of off the top of my head is Batista...at least he used to just do the pin after hitting the Batistabomb...now he sometimes rolls backwards and then covers, which is dumb, IMO. I'm also glad the "hit them from anywhere" neck-grab finisher fad has kind of subsided...for a while it seemed like everyone had a finisher of some kind where they'd grab the opponent by the neck, somehow, and simply fall, either forward or backwards. I mean, I can only watch so many stunner and neckbreaker variations before getting bored.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Which retired wrestler...

    Savage...no way I'd want to see him wrestle again. Remember how he couldn't do the flying elbow properly in WCW towards the end and was injuring people by landing on their chests wrong???
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Which retired wrestler...

    Marty apparently signed after the match with Kurt Angle, but I heard he is still fulfilling indy dates before starting with WWE. Not sure if that is true or not.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    First Time You Saw ECW

    I'm pretty sure the first time I saw it was a tape I bought off the internet of Barely Legal '97 (I probably got it about one month after the event took place). I was hooked, and actually had quite a few ECW tapes for a while (until I stupidly sold them 'cause I needed cash a few years ago). We never got ECW in syndication here in Wisconsin (at least to my knowledge), so I never got to actually see ECW "live" on TV until the TNN show started.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Eric Bischoff

    I'm in the camp that the whole idea of having a GM on both shows is pretty old, but I guess they need to do it now that they have the "two brands" co-existing. I don't have a big problem with Bischoff...I think his acting is a little weak, but frankly they haven't done a good job of clarifying his character. Sometimes it seems like he's more of a neutral figure who's just trying to make the show as good as possible. Sometimes it seems like he's trying to screw over Smackdown. Sometimes he purposely tries to screw over the faces for seemingly no reason. What is his actual motivation at this point? I think they need to do something with the character of Eric Bischoff to get him back on track. Frankly, I'd rather see them dump Coach...he adds nothing to the show at all, and I don't see why Bischoff would even want to be associated with him.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    House shows..

    Yeah, I've been to a couple RAW tapings, and they were ok, but I think most of the house shows I've been to were more fun. TV tapings tend to have downtime a lot (during commercial breaks, interview segments, etc), where house shows are basically just all matches, which are usually longer than the ones you see on TV. Plus I think tickets are usually a bit cheaper.