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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    5/20 & 5/27 Impact Spoilers

    I watched Impact (late) last night for the first time in quite a while. I actually enjoyed the show for the most part. It seemed like they are building quite a few angles, where in the past I've watched and it just seemed like a bunch of random matches with no meaning. The angle where Abyss teased joining with Jarrett and then turning on him at the end was good. I also really liked Raven beating up Larry Z (bu who wouldn't?). I hope he gets into the main event permanently. Still a little too much Jeff Jarrett on the show for my liking, but maybe he'll get injured at some point and we can all be done with him. (The again, has the guy EVER had a major injury? I can't recall him being away from wrestling for an extended period in the last ten years or so).
  2. Dobbs 3K

    I met Edge and Stacy Keibler at E3!

    Did you ask him what it was like banging Lita? (Hey, someone was going to ask, I might as well be first).
  3. Dobbs 3K

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    You mean the one where he buried everyone and basically killed the whole angle?
  4. Dobbs 3K

    UPN moves Smackdown to Friday Night

    I'm not a big fan of this 'cause I'm never home on Friday nights. That's already the weekend anyway (in most people's minds). I think it should stay to a weekday.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Ready for the Revolution?

    So basically this will be another "uniquely Nintendo" system that will have a bunch of games with characters like Mario and Link and not a whole lot else, huh?
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    I agree with Quik. Matt Hardy got screwed over big time by both his girlfriend, a supposed friend and co-worker, and his employer. I think he has a right to be a little pissed, especially if they're going to flaunt the whole thing in an angle on TV. If he's still obsessing about this two years from now, then maybe the Bret Hart comparison will apply.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    He "won" the title from him on RAW back in like, 2000, but then a rematch was immediately ordered, which HHH won.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Jericho's new gimmick.

    I think I might enjoy where they are going with this...I mean, they had to do _something_ with him...the guy has been around for about 7 years and has done basically everything there is to do in WWE. Having him just "snap" and turn heel on Shelton wouldn't cut it. Hopefully WWE doesn't drop the ball with this and it actually leads somewhere...though I have the fear like an earlier poster that this will just lead to Jericho jobbing a bunch, and then the angle will be forgotten.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Ready for the Revolution?

    I guess this will be the "Vertical Console Era".
  10. They aren't insurgents...they are sub-human barbarians and should all be destroyed.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    Now, see...that would actually be something different!
  12. Dobbs 3K

    That Geico commercial

    Not sure who those two guys are (I think just a couple indy guys), but definitely not Stevie Ray...he was nowhere near that buff, even in his prime.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    In the new Observer Newsletter

    I really don't care to see Austin anymore, unless he is actually doing something new. I don't care to see him just drinking beers and stunnering people every show like he was doing 2-3 years ago. I worry though, that the creative people in WWE lack any imagination to come up with a new angle or character for him, or if Austin would even be willing to go along with something like that.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Furnas/La Fon

    There was a brief push where they were nicknamed "The World's Most Exciting Tag Team". It was sort of like the Lance Storm "Boring" gimmick. I think the WWF just kind of dropped the ball on them and they left. It seemed like the WWF was intentially moving away from old school style wrestlers and tag teams at that point. I'm not sure why they bothered bringing in guys like that, and others like Barry Windham, Steve Williams, the New Midnight Express, etc, if they weren't going to get used properly.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    TNA on WGN?

    I think going up against RAW could work in that it could create a strong buzz and some viewers might be interested enough to switch over at least during commercial breaks to see what "those NWA guys are doing on WGN." That said, I wonder if TNA's product is strong enough right now to get those viewers to say. I doubt a lot of marks would see Jeff Jarrett as their World Champion and think he's really credible, or that he's someone they want to watch.
  16. I know the second one...he sprayed ink in his eyes, if I recall correctly.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    What's with all the squash matches on Smackdown lately? Like I said in another thread, what is this? WWF Superstars circa 1988?
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    Welll, it might not be bad strategy on Angle's part, from a kayfabe perspective. Maybe he figures getting Booker T that pissed off will make him more likely to make a mistake when they wrestle each other, so Angle will be able to win more easily?
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown! 5/12/05 Thread

    "I wanna have that kind of perverted sex." - Kurt Angle
  20. Dobbs 3K

    So, I'm going to OVW on Friday...

    Well, there's always 'roids, right?
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Mikey Batts

    I'm not trying to sound like a troll, but I have an almost impossible time telling any of these guys apart. Most of them don't have any kind of personality to distinguish one from the other, and these X Division guys all wrestle pretty much the same.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown/Velocity NON-SPOILER Match Listings

    What's with all the indy workers appearing in jobber roles on Smackdown lately? Enough already...this isn't WWF Superstars.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    What's better?

    Hogan was already a known commodity in US pro-wrestling, and very over. People forget that he was already a big star in the AWA when he came to WWF. He also debuted in a big angle with Bob Backlund. His match against Iron Shiek wasn't just out of the blue, you know.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Luther Reigns released

    Boy, sure seems like WWE is firing a lot of people later for either no good reason, or the fact that they never let the person get over. Guess they are cutting payroll to make room for more "divas."
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Notes on TNA TV Deals and Monty Brown

    Yeah...it's weird. People still think Ted Turner owns a TV station, and he got out of it, like, what? Five or six years ago now? Kind of stuck in that Monday Night Wars mentality on the internet, I guess. (I'm not trying to take the above poster to task, it happens a lot on this message board and others).