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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Worked in 4 Feds...worked in only one fed

    Angle worked ECW, did commentary for Guido/Taz and walked out after the crucifixtion incident with Raven/Sandman.... I thought we only meant guys who wrestled in a promotion? Yeah, I really don't think Angle's one appearance in ECW counts, since he was basically just appearing as a special guest and doing a little commentary, and didn't work any match, or even an angle really. That would be like saying Shane McMahon worked in WCW because he appeared at the end of the last Monday Nitro. Or on a similar note, Andre the Giant appearing on a WCW Clash of the Champions right before he died.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    I'm surprised OMG even was willing to go along with the angle, since he wasn't exactly some unknown jobber at the time.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    That's one of the most hillarious things I've ever read.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    I don't find this style of humor funny at all. Looks like the same guy that does the incredibly shitty and blatantly leftist "Get Your War On" comic in Rolling Stone, which is a blatantly leftist magazine.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Xbox 360 design officially revealed...

    Seems I've been on the 'net long enough to know that whenever a new system is revealed, everyone seems to hate the look of it, but then millions of people end up buying it anyway, so it doesn't really matter in the long run. Its the games, not the looks, people.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Hes coming back for Lita

    I think the Vince thing was he was somewhere with, I believe Trish Stratus, and he was talking on the phone with Stephanie. He asked Stephanie "how is everyone doing? (names a couple guys), Rikishi, uh, Essa Rios?"
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Should Flair

    Yeah, me too. People on the 'net make fun of Flair's body, but how many of them will look even close to his shape when they get to be his age? Probably none. That said, I wouldn't mind one more reign for Flair. He can still have a decent match against a good opponent, and he's super-over. However, I think it would need to be a relatively short reign. Maybe he could turn on HHH, win the belt from him (after HHH inevitably gets it back from Batista), and then drop it back to HHH or someone else after a few weeks.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Heartwarming Story

    I did a Google search for "42 midgets" "lion" and "Cambodia" and got no results, so I guess this is a fake.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Outlandish Things you'll probably never see

    I think I read somewhere about an angle in the old NWA Florida territory where some heels that were feuding with Dusty Rhodes beat up a midget wrestler, who was taken out on a stretcher, and the announcers later said in the show that the midget had passed away (?!).
  10. Dobbs 3K

    News on HeartThrobs, Gangrel, Stevie, and more

    I imagine we'll be seeing the Viscera/Gangrel tag team again soon then, huh? Maybe they will actually win the tag titles this time, since it's not too hard these days.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Lynndie England set to plead guilty in Abu Ghraib

    Well, all the pundits and comedians were joking that she looks like she has Down syndrome or fetal acohol poisoning, and maybe it is partially true.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Piper to do WWE house shows...

    Yay, his 100th return to pro wrestling since retiring in 1988 (or whenever it was, I can't remember anymore). Why would they even bother bringing him back? He was just on Smackdown like, two years ago.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball

    Brewers now have a six game win streak going (best in baseball, if I'm not mistaken) and are at .500 even. Go Brew Crew! Nice to see the Yankees lost, to boot!
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Hulk Hogan killed Harley Race?

    Thank you very much!
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Marlins stadium dead in the water - what now?

    Why can't the two odd teams at any given time just play each other in interleague play? It seems like there should be ways to get around that. It just seems silly to me to have a division with only four teams, personally.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestlers who TNA should get

    You might as well just say "every ROH guy" since that is most of the people being listed. There really aren't that many guys TNA could bring in at this point who would bring anything to the table not already being done by their current guys. These aren't the days of the Monday night wars where guys could bounce back and forth and stay over by changing feds. They really need to focus on elevating people they already have. There's no one out there they could really bring in and have draw money, other than someone they couldn't afford like Steve Austin (who's doing stuff with WWE again anyway) or Goldberg.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Marlins stadium dead in the water - what now?

    Just move them to the N.L. West and make it a six team division and move the Pirates to the East where they should already be. Better yet, move the Las Vegas Marlins (or whatever they'd be called) to the _AL_ West (since that division has only four teams right now), and move the Pirates to the NL East as you suggested. Then every division has five teams, and the two leagues are even. Oh, and then Selig's office should order at least a ten year moratorium on any consideration of expansion teams so we don't have to go through this again. Force the Angels to be called the Anaheim Angels again, or California Angels, and all is right with Major League Baseball (...other than the steroid crap).
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Is the 2005 PWI Wrestling Almanac out yet?

    So is there anything really cool and exciting in the new one, or is it pretty much the same as past years?
  19. Dobbs 3K

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Cleveland is funny. Where was the neighbor in the wheelchair, though (sorry, I forget his name)?
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Gabrielle Carmouche

    Pretty sure this is the wrong forum, too
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Marlins stadium dead in the water - what now?

    Yeah... Frankly I wonder if Florida has enough baseball fans to support two teams, especially when you have the regions most popular team, the Atlanta Braves right up the road? Opening the expansion Devil Rays in Tampa Bay was stupid, and probably hurt the Marlins financially, I would think. I would've thought the Devil Rays would have left or been disolved before the Marlins left, though (given the championships they've won, and all). As far as Las Vegas, they've apparently wanted a team for years, and I'm sure they could make a lot of money on suites for corporations and business executives, etc. What would they rename them, though? The Las Vegas Mafia or something?
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Al Qaeda's No. 3 captured

    Is it just me, or does it seem like every other week they've capture the "number three Al Qaeda operative?"
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Hulk Hogan killed Harley Race?

    I've heard about the Race thing repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I remember Hogan slamming him on the table. My question is, does anyone actually have a picture of the "Harley Race in the clouds" shot? I've scoured the internet and have turned up with nothing. I really want to see it for myself.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Non-spoiler Smackdown and Velocity listings

    Yeah...and what was with his new finisher? A freaking PUNCH? That would work with someone with a known "tough guy" background like Tank Abbot or Ken Shamrock, but since when is Mark Jindrak supposed to be some kind of boxer or shoot fighter?
  25. Apparently Tammy is in shape again, and at least she'd be able to show the new "divas" how to properly work and be good on the mic. She would make an awesome manager for someone like Christian or Jericho or something.