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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    >The main event was Hogan/Jake The Snake/Demoltion vs. Dibasie/Zeus/Powers >of Pain. As I recall correctly, Dibiasie and Jake were already feuding, and the Demos were feuding with Powers of Pain. Zeus was obviously brought in as Hogan's big nemesis, so that feud was there. I think Dibiasi announced his team first, but my memory of that period is really hazy.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Non-Bias Attack: A gang of up to 30 black teens

    If the story is true, how come no one in the area did anything about it? You see a bunch of kids going nuts beating some girls, and you don't do anything, even call the police? What a bunch of crap. It's situations like this where I think vigilante justice is warranted. I mean, what do you do to a dog that attacks someone?
  3. Dobbs 3K

    What is the WWE?

    There's been a lot of great ideas and interesting thoughts brought up thus far, but here is what I'm thinking: "WWE...What's going to happen next?" Someone earlier brought up the fact that reality TV is hot right now, as are dramas on TV. Look at shows like "Desparate Housewives." The shows are very episodic, with cliffhanger endings leaving you wondering what is going to happen next week. I think one of the problems with WWE lately is that the shows are booked like each RAW or Smackdown is its own "event," standing alone from what happened the past week, or the week after. They've gotten a little better by announcing matches for the next week, but they could do a lot more. One of the last times WWE was really hot was during the HHH-Stephanie-Angle "love triangle." WWE needs to do more angles like that where week after week, there are developments in the angle that make you wonder what is going to happen next week. With "WWE...What's going to happen next?" they could still have good wrestling, but make the storylines more epic, more episodic. Make the angles MEAN something again. Triple H is going to get mad at JR and have a match with him? Fine, but what is his reasoning? And if Triple H is going to injure JR in said match, make JR's injury seem real...have him gone for a long period of time...bring into question if he's going to come back. And if he does come back, is he going to have someone get revenge on Triple H, etc. Have short interviews with JR week after week, talking about his feelings. Matches don't just happen in a vacuum. They should have real consequences. That is just one (admittedly a little weak) example. Also, I think ultimately one of the brands has to drop the WWE moniker and become its own separate "company." Someone else brought up how WWE needs something to position itself against. I really think to bring some realism and competition back, one of the brands should drop the WWE moniker and become a different company. And I think that should be RAW. Smackdown is on UPN, which is broadcast TV. It has a bigger audience, and would benefit from continuing to be the WWE company. RAW, I think, should become a WCW show, or an entirely new promotion. But Eric Bischoff is the GM of RAW, and I think there should be an angle where he somehow takes RAW from the McMahons and turns it into WCW RAW. Having WCW on Monday nights and WWE on Thursday would give something to drive both brands. Maybe some people don't like these ideas, but I think they are feasible, and would result in substantive and positive direction changes for BOTH shows.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Unanswered WWF/E Questions

    In regards to Austin, I remember right before he "quit", before the job they wanted him to do to Brock Lesnar, he supposedly complained that the writers were doing a bad job because they did an angle where he didn't show up to the arena until like, 10 minutes before the end of the show. It's a pretty crappy crutch of a plot device the WWE writers have been using for too long, IMO.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Fuck it. I'm not gonna buy another mediocre wrestling game. I have RAW 2, which just collects dust on my shelf. I'm sure this one would just join it. I have Fire Pro D on Dreamcast anyways, which no one has topped as far as I'm concerned.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    So is the concensus that, at this point, the game is a piece of garbage?
  7. Dobbs 3K

    I'm going to buy Jasmin's 3PW promotion

    "3Pw Wrestling is for sale. This would entitle you to corporate papers and documents(I will transfer ownership upon payment). This would also entitle the buyer to all of the masters and dvd royalties in the future." So you get the DVD royalties and masters, as well as "corporate papers", which I assume include trademarks and ownership claims. I wonder if you also take on any debt of the company, or would that be covered with the ridiculously high opening bid? What are they thinking? It's not like 3PW has as much name value as, say, WCW or ECW did.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    I was at Best Buy today and asked about the game (I was there to buy something else, but thought I'd ask anyway). The guy I spoke with looked it up on the computer and it said it was due out April 20th (which is today). He checked the stock in back and said they didn't have it in yet, but it should be in "within the next week or so." Um, OK.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    FWIW, I stopped by Software Etc. and the sole employee there told me it would be out on Thursday.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    I've heard custom themes will work only for CAWs...not sure if that is accurate for online though.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Hulk Hogan confirmed to be on RAW tonight

    Isn't this, like, the fourth week in a row with an HBK vs Hassan match (counting last week where one was advertised but had Daivari substitude for Hassan)?
  12. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    I'll probably swing by the local Software Etc. to see, but I won't get my hopes up. Maybe I can reserve a copy (which maybe I should've done already, but I'm not too worried). On a side note...isn't it weird that there has been zero commercials or anything airing for this game so far? I mean, we're still seeing ads for Raw vs Smackdown, and that game has been out for almost a year now.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Well, it looks like the game is shipping tomorrow, so should be available on Wednesday, the 20th, according to ign.com. I was hoping I'd be able to pick it up tomorrow and play it in the evening, but I guess one more day won't kill me
  14. Dobbs 3K

    This new Weezer song.

    I like "Sweater Song". The cover band I'm in actually uses it as our intro song for all our sets. It's stupid, sure, but it's a fun tune. As for "Bevery Hills"...I just listened to it via Weezer's website...it didn't do too much for me...I wouldn't go so far as to say it's their worst song ever or anything. The lyrics sound like something Beck would write, or something. And the guitar solo reminds me too much of Steve Miller Band, or somet other seventies rock group. Just doesn't feel like a real Weezer song to me. Personally, I still think the Blue album and Pinkerton were their best albums. I liked the Green album quite a bit, too. Never bothered with Maladroit, as the singles never really grabbed me. Oh, and "Hash Pipe" was ok, but way overrated by a lot of people.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    MLB Thread

    Yeah, exactly. Screw you ESPN! Screw you, Red Sox and Yankees! Ben Sheets is one of the best pitchers in MLB, and he's playing for the Brewers through 2008! Take that and eat it! I told you guys, the Brewers this year aren't the same Brewers as last year. New ownership makes a pretty damn big difference, as has been proven.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I thought the Torrie/Dawn match was surprisingly decent as well. Not a classic or anything, but probably the best women's match on Smackdown in a LONG time. They didn't really botch anything, and there were a couple good sequences with the repeated two counts and the finisher sequence.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Trish Stratus injured

    I think a select few of the WWE "divas" could make good managers. Definitely Dawn Marie...I mean, look at her work in ECW. Plus, she's someone who apparently understands the business, and how to work as a manager. Other than her, Trish and Stacy, but they both fall into that category where they end up being more over than whoever they're managing. Um...I guess that's about it.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Road Warriors DVD

    I'm super psyched for this set...I was always a big Road Warriors mark, even though I never really got to see them until they came to WWF as the LOD (I knew who they were from Apter mags I had seen at my friend's house, etc). It's too bad there aren't any teams like that in wrestling anymore. I think the face-painted tough guy tag team concept is due for a comeback, honestly. I mean, either RAW or Smackdown could benefit hugely from a team like that.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Where do I buy a ring ?

    Yeah, if you're going to drop that kind of coin on a ring, fine, but I would hope you'd do more with it than just mess around with friends. If you are thinking about getting a ring, maybe you should think about becoming a promoter and running actual shows. Seems like a waste to buy and ring and then just have it sit in your backyard.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Molly Holly released

    My question is...where does she go to? TNA doesn't have any women's division to speak of...would she really want to work in Japan for an extended period of time? Do joshi feds even have many gaijin women working there?
  21. Dobbs 3K

    See The Fonz wrestle Roddy Piper

    Never heard of it....sounds entertaining though.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Fires Paul Bearer

    Kane needs _something_ new...his character has been pretty static lately...maybe going full heel again with Paul Bearer as his manager would've worked...though I don't think anyone really wants to see Kane vs UT again for the millionth time, though Vince McMahon would probably jizz himself at the thought of it.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    From xbox.ign.com's WM21 preview: Release Date US: April 18, 2005 Europe: April 15, 2005 There ya go. Not sure how Europe gets it three days before us, but whatever.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed

    Scott probably wouldn't look quite so bad if he just got a new haircut...maybe. Stilll, good for them. It sounds like they are happy together, from what Scott has written on his blog.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Droz in WWF

    I actually liked Droz and thought he was a decent worker. I liked his angle where he was the third Road Warrior and basically turned heel on Hawk. Too bad he got injured in that match with D-Lo, I think he could've been at least an upper mid-carder eventually.