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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    These aren't the same Brewers of years past...get used to it. I'm not saying they're going to make the play-offs, but a season above .500 isn't unrealistic this year. They have a very good starting rotation, including one legit ace (Sheets) and another who could be the ace on many other teams (Doug Davis). Plus, the trade for Carlos Lee is already paying dividends on offense and Spivey is healthy and producing thus far.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Hey all... there's only one undefeated team in MLB as of right now... and it's the Milwaukee Brewers...my team...3-0... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Will we finally get "WWE HD"???

    WWE in HD is a matter of "when", not "if." Mainly it depends on how quickly the cable companies get off their butts and start making more HD channels widely available. The satellite companies have been doing a better job of this. They will definitely be in digital format at some point, and HD is a no-brainer from there (especially if they really do already own HD cameras). Btw, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure true HD is only in 16x9 widescreen (720p or 1080i), not the 4x3 aspect ratio that we're all used to.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    When does the Kurt Angle Invitational end?

    I agree. I was under the impression they were doing it to give Kurt something to do while the other main eventers were tied up with other feuds. I figured it was done when HBK jumped him a couple weeks ago (when he was wearing the riot gear), but I guess I was wrong. I was thinking someone like Daniel Puder was going to come out one day and make Kurt sweat, if not beat him, though it looks like that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    The future of RAW

    Hopefully RAW gets a makeover finally...new set, new music, etc.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    WCW New Blood Rising

    Yet another PPV that showed why WCW deserved to go out of business. Seriously, how come no one has ever beaten the crap out of Vince Russo for his crappy booking?
  7. Dobbs 3K

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Man, re-reading this thread, it's pretty obvious just how little good WCW actually did in its existence, especially after 1997. Most of it was crap, with a good match here and there. They deserved to go out of business. I'm surprised no one has murdered Bischoff and Russo over their incompetence. I remember back in '99 when WCW was starting to get really crappy, I went on a message board (don't remember the name, but it was a predecessor to this one) and said that we needed to start punishing WCW for their crappy booking. I wanted people to boycott the shows. I also hated Hogan, and wanted people to chant stuff at him like "fuck you Hogan" and stuff. But everyone on the board said "oh, WCW isn't _that_ bad. They have the cruiserweight matches!" Like the cruiserweights were going to carry the company, or that one or two decent matches on Nitro made up for all the terrible storylines. Then Meltzer said Russo's booking was "retarded" and people got mad at him, saying that Russo was at least being original. What the hell was wrong with people??? It just pisses me off looking back now how some people didn't get how shitty the company was.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    So...any more news on this game or new reviews up? xbox.ign.com reports the release date as April 18, 2005.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    BBC asks Bob Marley for an interview...

    Bah...the BBC is generally regarded as the most credible news organization in the world. Sounds like someone just messed up on this one.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Royal Rumble '91 question

    His last match was a tag match in All Japan, though, teaming with Giant Baba. It may actually have been a six man tag with someone else, now that I think about it. Like someone else said, it was very shortly before his death.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Paul Wight passed away

    Duh...WWE.com has no mention of it, but pukeboy.com is on top of things, so it MUST be true!
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Tugboat vs Steamboat

    I doubt they would've wrestled each other since they were both faces at the time (Tugboat became Typhoon basically immediately when he turned heel). Also, if you want to get real picky, Steamboat wasn't actually called "Ricky Steamboat" during that run with WWF. Idiotically, he was simply billed as "The Dragon."
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Tazz's Father Passes Away

    I always thought Michael Hayes was an underrated announcer when WWE used him for a short bit on RAW. Maybe he could fill in?
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Could Christian Ever Be Believable Main Eventer?

    Czech Republic...I agree 100%, and I've been saying that for years. I think one of the first rules of naming a wrestler should be if you can picture hearing "Here is your winner...and NEW WWE Champion..._insert name here_". With "Christian" it just doesn't work. Maybe he could take up the name Christian Cage like he had in the indys before joining WWE. That would be better.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    That is a good point. I think ultimately, though, there really isn't a right or wrong response to a situation like that. I'm sure people would've critcizied him if he cancelled the show, too. Vince got put in a very difficult situation, and he made the choice he felt was best, at that moment. Maybe there was some financial aspects to it, but I think he probably felt that taking the "show must go on" mentality was best that night.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    The re-showing was free to everyone that ordered the original, IIRC. As for Over the Edge '99...my view was always that by cancelling the show, the WWF would've risked pissing off the fans in attendance at the show. Maybe that is being overly cynical, but 20,000 pissed off wrestling fans probably isn't a pretty sight.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    What if Vince is caught at the edge of a nuclear explosion, and is mutated into a genetic freak of nature, who goes on a rampage, killing a bunch of people in the process? Would he still run the company??? What if Stephanie divorces HHH and marries Spike Dudley and has, like, eleven babies with him??? What if the Undertaker is really a Satanist and summons a demon to possess Linda McMahon, and she announces that all matches will take place in an empty arena surrounded by fire and that the loser of each match will be KILLED from now on???
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Ultimate Warrior bashes the Hall of Fame

    He talks about Ultimate Warrior fans a lot. Does anymore here actually consider themselves a Warrior fan, or know anyone who is one? Even back during his title run, my friends and I (who were pretty much all big time marks who loved WWF) thought he was kind of bizarre and over the top. I think all of us prefered Hogan, because at least you could understand what Hulk stood for, while Warrior was rambling about who-knows-what and speaking to his hands...
  19. Dobbs 3K

    How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat

    People who are anti-globalization are usually just mad because they are poor or can't/won't get good jobs.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Soul Calibur III

    "Yay...let's make a new game and make sure we only release it on the oldest and most technologically limited system!"
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown! Non-Spoiler Listing

    WTF??? Just three matches on Smackdown? What the hell???
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Best company debuts

    I gotta disagree with the nWo debut in WWE...it seemed like a desperate ploy to get buyrates for the PPV they showed up on...Vince just suddenly announcing "I'm bringing in Hogan, Hall, and Nash...the N-W-O!" and just playing a looped clip of them on the video screen seemed like a waste. I think it would've been more effective if they had just shown up out of the blue and beat the crap out of someone like Austin. That would've been a lot more like the real nWo, IMO.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Questions About MP3 Players

    Creative makes many good MP3 players at affordable prices. I love my Zen Xtra 30GB. I think it sells for about $200.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Well, at least they gave it a very good review. Hopefully they are correct.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Ages of wrestlers

    I thought Regal was younger than 39...guess I was wronger, or I've lost track of time.