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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Do NRA people really still think someone is going to come to their door in the night and take away their hunting rifles and stuff? You'd think after about 200 years they'd drop that fear already.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Believe it. Love it. You know I hate George W. Bush, right? I also believe we need to punish the Republicans, big time. I actually probably agree with McCain on his stated policy stances more than Obama, but I can't respect a guy who has changed his public views so wildly in the last eight years.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Brutus Beefcake knocks up super model?

  4. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    I remember Wildcat Willie had a purple and yellow costume because those were the "colors of WCW" long after WCW dropped them.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Well, the Fonz's endorsement re-solidifies my support of Obama. I wonder how much coverage Fox News will give to reverse B girl now.
  6. Thank goodness. One less thing for the pundits to complain about.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    The kid from Mask?
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Brutus Beefcake knocks up super model?

    Maybe he was talking specifically about his stints in Japan.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    Note the extra set of female legs behind Namath on the SI cover.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    It shouldn't be mandatory, but after all the idiot conservatives went on and on about Obama's birth certificate and stuff, Palin should release her medical records.
  11. ugh...I'm going to let out a groan every time I hear Cole and Lawler refer to "the WWE Entertainers" on RAW.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Brutus Beefcake knocks up super model?

    The rumor was that he was going to be called "The Mariner." Fur-Face and Run-In-Man were just names fans on places like RSPW gave to him after the couple times he appeared on TV, attacking guys like Earthquake.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    "Signs point to NO."
  14. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    How about maybe they should just wake up and realize that a horribly uncompelling and boring show isn't going to draw a good rating?
  15. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Except Adamle didn't say anything about punishing Jericho for pissing him off like Bischoff would to anyone. True, but the theme has been that Adamle doesn't respect Jericho, so it fits into the same mold.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Your city's most-loved team

    You are right that Badger hockey is incredibly popular. Also, the Admirals don't do too bad in the Bradley Center. Like I said, I don't think Milwaukee will be getting an NHL team, it would just make sense from a geography standpoint.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Every Adamle Original always sucks. It's like the creative team just comes up with whatever "new concept" match comes to their mind and books it. Not to mention all the random matches Adamle makes on the show (For example, not too long ago, why would Jericho and Kane have a match even though they're not feuding and they're both heels?). Don't say "spilled coffee" either. Kane has basically fallen back into the trap of being used as the GM's "enforcer". Remember how Bischoff every week would go "Tonight you're going to face...KANE!"? It's basically the same thing now, which sucks.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Your city's most-loved team

    You know what city could actually use an NHL team, and would make some sense? Milwaukee. Problem is they would probably start clamoring for a new stadium immediately, since the Bradley Center is fairly outdated. Also, the Blackhawks claim it's part of their territory, which is BS.
  19. What about them? Assuming both teams keep playing how they have been, it should be a great series regardless of what the ratings are, or what the pundits on the four letter network say about "No one cares about these teams."
  20. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Not to be redundant, but I rarely post in the RAW threads anymore...having said that, last night's show was pretty bad. Adamle is just awful and awkward in his role. Also, as I'm sure others have noted, the forced laughter from Cole and Lawler is getting really old. Couple those elements with an uninteresting and predictable main event (yeah, they tried something new, but it was stupid and pointless), and it was a pretty huge waste of time for all involved.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Gas Price Check...

    For some reason, here in Wisconsin, our gas always costs more than a lot of other states. I still saw anywhere from 2.85 to 2.97 in my town yesterday.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, that is pretty blasphemous in my opinion. I would point to Christ's words, "Give to God what is God's, and give to Caesar what is Caesar's." I don't think God really cares who our president is.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    That was "Terry Funk's Wrestlefest". It was a one time event Funk put on. I think it was even billed as a "retirement" for Terry Funk. Here's the match list (from RF Video, might be missing some): 1.W*ING Kanemura vs Roadkill 2.Taz vs Chris Candido 3.Shark Tsuchiya vs Lady Cooga 4.Sandman vs Buh Buh Dudley_Sandman gets injured & Balls Mahoney comes out & takes his place 5.Youngbloods vs Bushwackers 6.Shane Douglas vs Tommy Dreamer 7.Sabu vs Mankind 8.Hayabusa/Masato Tanaka/Jinsei Shinzaki vs Headhunters/Jake Roberts 9.Bret Hart vs Terry Funk I'd swear I remembered a Dory Funk vs Rob Van Dam match being on that show...or was that just something that was billed and then didn't happen for some reason?
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Marvin also failed to mention that we were one of the last major nations to enter World War II. That was part of the reason other countries had gotten out of it sooner.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    This should end up being a really entertaining World Series. And at least Brewers fans can say that the team that beat them went on to the World Series, though I've never really followed that kind of thinking.