Dobbs 3K
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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K
WWE doesn't want to put someone in who doesn't want to be included. Don't you think that's respecting what Bruno wants? I'm sure if they inducted him without him being present or giving his permission, he'd piss and moan about it. Like someone else said, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. And frankly, most WWE fans today don't really know who Bruno Sammartino is at all, anyway, so his inclusion isn't going to be a big deal when/if it happens.
I don't even know who Johnny Fairplay is, other than the fact that he's some guy who's way overpaid in TNA.
Another contribution: Ric Flair vs Vader 1994 The famous Starrcade match. Anyone have any Gordy/Williams or Fabulous Freebirds stuff? I would appreciate it.
Guess the yousendit site is down at the moment. Bummer.
I saw "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. work an indy show (NAWF) in Milwaukee in early 1998. It was a special show because Mick Foley worked it as Cactus Jack, less than a week after declaring on RAW he wouldn't be Cactus Jack anymore. Anyway, Orton could still go...he didn't do much stalling, moved around a lot, and did a couple decent moves like a delay vertical suplex and a powerslam (IIRC). He was actually one of the most solid workers on the card (not that that's saying a ton). But, if he was that decent in 1998, I imagine he must have been very good - awesome in his heyday.
I dunno...I think it will do well. A lot of people (especially teenagers and stuff), haven't seen the original. I just hope it doesn't turn out to a Jerry Bruckheimer-esque big budget schlock-fest...though Peter Jackson directing pretty much guarantees it will be good, as far as I'm concerned.
I thought Maven was really clicking last night...he seemed like he was wrestling a more aggressive heel-ish style, but without blatantly cheating. He was using psychology...I liked his running forearm to the Hurricane's back, and he also did a little more working of the back before executing his new finisher. Now I just wish he'd ditch those ugly yellow tights.
I'm thinking it's just a stupid name meant to attract attention. At least I hope that is the case.
I agree too. I do watch TNA Impact usually (I tape it and watch it at my convenience at some point during the week, when nothing better is on at the time). What is up with Chris Daniels' gimmick? OK, I get that he is a good wrestler, but there doesn't seem to be any point to his "Fallen Angel" nickname. Furthermore, the six sided ring is useful because it differentiates the promotion from WWE...but I don't really see how it truly adds anything to the matches. None of the moves I've seen executed in it couldn't be done in a four sided ring. I could see maybe if they were pushing a "shoot" style of pro-wrestling (like the old UWFi or something), but for the mix of X Division and more traditional US heavyweight style, it doesn't seem to make a big difference.
Watching through that WCW Clash someone posted earlier...I thoguht the Koloff attack on Sting was great...thought it would have been hillarious if Koloff had attacked the kid like he was threatening to do
Vader handicap match. This is the infamous match where Vader break's Joe Thurman's back. Hopefully this works.
Stores in malls usually charge a little more because the rent they pay is so high. Just how it is. We don't have any FYEs nearby, but we have Sam Goody and I hardly ever buy anything there because I think $18.99 for a new CD is a rip off when you can probably get the same thing at Best Buy down the road for like, $13.99 or so.
I'd probably order it if I could. Unfortunately I don't have PPV capability. Both of the world title matches have me intrigued and have been built up pretty well, and the Rumble is the Rumble (which surprisingly, they haven't seemed to put as much emphasis on this year, other than the "qualifying matches").
WCW was retarded by that point, so he fit in perfectly I guess.
Royal Rumble on DC sucked, though. The movesets were very limited, adn I think all the guys were the same size. That is probably why you could have that many on-screen at once. I never played the DC version, but it was basically a direct port of the arcade game, which I did play once, and it blew.
Hope you are enjoying it so far. Which brand did you end up going with? You can probably play video games for more than 1 hour at a time, but it might be good to switch which titles you are playing after each hour or so. Frankly, I've had long marathon sessions of playing Fable and Halo 2 and haven't had a single problem yet.
Hi all. Don't know about everyone else but I use Trillian as my IM program of choice because I can use my ICQ, AIM, and MSN accounts with it. They have a new version out, but I haven't been able to download it. It appears to only be available from one location through C-Net, and I haven't been able to get it to work. The download doesn't even start up. Can anyone help me out with a link to another site or something? Thanks.
RAW 2 was fun...I thought the engine was pretty decent...the AI sucked completely though. The story mode was fun for a while as well, but it drove me nuts when I'd be feuding with someone, and then my character would be working with them in the next scene, or something stupid like that.
I don't know. I'm kind of liking the new version so far. The dictionary definitions it gives for words you type can be fun, if pointless.
Don't know if you've made your decision yet, but I personally would avoid Best Buy and Circuit City. Those two companies aren't exactly known for knowledgable sales people or great customer service. Maybe people around here have had good experiences, but I've heard lots of horror stories about them. www.bestbuysux.org is a great example of the kind of junk you have to put up with from the big box places. Personally, my wife and I bought bought our Mistubishi 48" HD-ready set from Sears last year and couldn't be happier. Haven't had a problem with the set at all, but Sears was very good about delivering it, and the sales guy was knowledgable. Now, this set was more than the one you are looking at (it was about $1899, plus tax and about $30 for delivery). We also bought a two year extended service plan, which we haven't really needed, but it was worth the piece of mind, IMO. (Yay...post #400...I can't believe I've been coming to the various "smark" posting groups/forums since Scott Keith's old "Scott-Land" and "Rantsylvania" websites, and I'm only at #400 on this board...guess I should post more frequently).
I'm pretty sure it will only be four in a ring at a time You'd think the big systems would be able to do at least 8 at once by now...seeing how Fire Prowrestling D on Dreamcast had _8_ in the ring at once, with no real slow down. Of course that is 2D, but still...
It was pretty scary seeing Orndorff in the ring circa 2000 with how his one arm loooked. I think that was the "Old Age Outlaws" angle, IIRC.
OK, in response to everyone, my comments came off pretty dumb. I didn't mean to say "all black people" are like that. It's a very vocal minority that are discrediting black Americans a great deal. But still, the fact that even a small portion of black people think white people gave them AIDS on purpose is pretty ridiculous. I wish we could just get off the whole black vs white thing in this country. We should be way beyond that point. Personally, I'm worried more about radical Muslims trying to blow us up than who is supposedly giving whom AIDS at this point.
OK, I've had an HP Deskjet printer for close to 5 years. Bought a new black ink cartridge for it just a few months ago, which has been hardly used at all. Lately it has been making weird noises after being turned on and when printing (kind of like, loud grinding sounds). Also, when it prints things like normal text, the print is faded looking even though no "low ink" message comes up. It usually prints a very half assed looking "test page" after printing anything else for some reason. It looks like a normal test page, but lots of lines will be missing, etc. It also prints slowly. Is the printer basically shot, or is there anyway to fix this? If not, what would be a reasonably priced brand of printer to look at? I noticed Dell has some fairly decent priced ones, but don't know what else is out there. Thanks in advance. I want to try and get this taken care of soon, as my wife is in grad school and having a printer kind of helps with, you know, homework and stuff.
To add to this thread, I didn't get the exposure to a lot of the indys like some of you, since our family didn't get cable 'til about 1991. Before that all I got to see was WWF Superstars on weekends (my parents didn't usually let me stay up for SNME, even). I got to see WCW a lot once we got cable, and WWF Primetime Wrestling on USA Monday nights. I really loved watching Global Wrestling Federation on Sportschannel. I think it was on every weekday afternoon at like 3 PM. I watched it after school a lot. I was a big Patriot fan, and marked out for him when he showed up in WWF in 1997. I also saw IWCCW a couple times. I remember Tony Atlas, and the aforementioned angle with Rick Rude and HTM, but that was about it. Later on, I remember the brief run the American Wrestling Federation had. A channel out of Milwaukee would have them on Saturday afternoons after WCW Worldwide (I think). The big stars were Sgt. Slaughter and Tito Santana, so it was pretty much a joke. I thought it was cool when they brought in the Road Warriors, but unfortunately the fed died out soon after that. Other than that, my chances to see other feds on TV have been slim...other than WCW and WWE, and ECW's run on TNN, there hasn't been much. A local fed around here, the NAWF, used to have a paid programming show on a Janesville TV station, but that deal ran out about two years ago, IIRC. Now they're on a station in Rockford, IL, which I don't get here.