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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Recently got "Death of WCW" book

    I don't know...that _is_ the belt Luger had in the early '90s, and I'm pretty sure the Western States Heritage Title was completely different looking. I remember it from when Barry Windham held it around '87 or so. http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/p...nwa/nwawest.htm has a pic of the belt.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Reggie White dies

    As a Packer fan living in Wisconsin, I heard this today and it is a real shame. Reggie White was obviously a great player, and seemed to be a genuinely nice guy too. My Reggie White jersey is still hanging in my closet. Rest in peace.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    NWA clippings

    I'd kill to see a card like that last one, today, live.
  4. What I don't get is...if these companies really want to succeed, why don't they work together? I mean, TNA and ROH alone are pretty small, but maybe if they combined forces... you never know.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    RVD trouble backstage

    I thought Goldust was cut becuase of that airplane incident.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    NWA Wildside/WWE relationship in the works?

    Don't quote me on this because I don't follow the indies all that closely, but I thought NWA Wildside was getting pissed at TNA for not having Jarrett defend the World Title in the other NWA territories, and also because of how TNA was treating Wildside's workers (low pay, etc)?
  7. Dobbs 3K

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Well, wouldn't it be kind of odd if they both get drafted somehow? Maybe they'd do an angle where Bischoff is pissed that Orton is the new World Champion, so he trades him to Smackdown for Cena, the new WWE Champion, leaving with their respective titles intact.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    No way they'd bring in both Lynn _and_ Sabu. Frankly, they've used Lynn a couple times in the past and he hasn't worked out. Maybe they'd bring Sabu in for just this one shot deal. (but isn't he injured right now anyway?) I think it'd be cool if they brought in Sandman for a one shot deal as well, just because he was such a big face in ECW. As for bringing back the ECW World Title, what would they do with it? Make it the new version of the WWF Hardcore Title? You know what would end up happening to it...someone like RVD would win it, and then job it to Triple H in another "unification" match. Also, wasn't Rhyno the last ECW World Champion? So wouldn't he be in any World Title match that would take place?
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Recognized WWE Matches

    Um, I can't recall there ever being a coal miner's glove match in WWF/WWE.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Batista Appreciation Thread

    Batista has "the look". I remember a few weeks back, they did a backstage skit where Bischoff was talking to a bunch of guys who would be taking part in a battle royal that night (I think it was for a shot at the IC title or something). Batista looked like a much bigger star than everyone else in the room, and he didn't say a word the whole time.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Non-spoiler Smackdown and Velocity listings

    Anyone else notice how it seems to be basically the same matches week after week on Smackdown, with only a little variation (eg, JBL vs Booker one week, JBL vs Booker in a tag match the next, etc)? It's getting pretty old.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    WON January 8th 1991

    Did someone spill coffee all over it or what? Seriously, it is cool to read though. I wish Meltzer would offer the Observer archives online, maybe charging a small price to download each issue or something.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Heyman removed from WWE writing team

    What I'm wondering is this: Will it get to the point where Heyman just up and quits and goes to work for TNA, or maybe starts his own fed again? Or is the money he gets from WWE so good that he's just going to stay regardless of whether or not he can be in a creative position?
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestling Spirit

    I played the demo this morning. I tried to create a Lightweight wrestler with good technical skills, and a little high flying mixed in. It seemed like he did really badly though. I wrestled four matches, and lost all of them. Is that normal for a new guy though? He did pretty well in three of the matches, and pretty much got squashed in the fourth against a "hoss" type.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Baseball RPG

    I downloaded it, but every time I try to boot it, it gets to "checking patch data" and then just stops, forcing me to stop the program through Windows. Weird.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Bret Hart Gets Married

    What about Teddy Hart? Or is he still a big jerk?
  17. Dobbs 3K

    more rumors on USA bid for Raw

    People really need to quit associating Ted Turner with TBS/TNT. He doesn't have anything to do with either anymore, IIRC.
  18. No, the only way I know is to buy them directly from Meltzer, and they aren't available online, sorry.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Want to fuck over the spammers?

    Is there anywhere to actually download this? The link in the original post doesn't seem to work.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Jesus Christ! RF Video doing a SABU shoot!

    How is RF's vid quality anyway these days? I remember when I was heavy into tape collecting (late '90s), they were known for bad customer service and usually lousy picture quality. Has any of that gotten better? I would consider buying the Sabu shoot, just 'cause I was a big mark for him when ECW was still around.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    2005 Hall of Fame

    Of the above lists, I think the first is the most realistic...the only guys they might have trouble getting to participate would be Bob Backlund and Bruno. Hogan maybe too, but it seems like at this point in his career they could cut him some kind of deal. I really doubt Savage and Hitman would do anything with WWE at this point. As for the last list, I frankly don't think guys like Sid and One Man Gang really did enough in their careers to warrant induction at this point in the Hall's existence. Maybe a few years down the road, but not now. Oh, I'd love to see Demolition mentioned, but I think WWE still has that lawsuit pending, or did that finally get settled?
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Who Would You Draft?

    OK, it's early and I'm tired, but I'll give it a shot. Btw, 10 from each seems pretty high... : From Smackdown!: - Kurt Angle (break up the UT/Angle power-trip, but he seems like he could use a fresh start anyway...I'm not really digging his new stable with Reigns/Jindrak at all) - Chavo Guerrero (might as well get him out of Eddie's perpetual shadow) - Al Snow (probably can't do much with him, but maybe he can be a mentor for some younger wrestler) - Orlando Jordan (schtick with JBL is rather tired) - Hardcore Holly (if he's not fired by then) - Torrie Wilson (seems like she's been on Smackdown forever, maybe she can manage some babyface on RAW) - I really can't think of anyone else from Smackdown who would be good to trade right now without really hurting Smackdown. I was thinking maybe Paul Heyman, but they already shot that down last year, where he didn't want to work for Bischoff. Luther Reigns could be a possibility too, but RAW already has enough big guys (Batista, Tomko, etc). I would also toy with breaking up the two announce teams...maybe have Tazz go to RAW and Lawler to Smackdown!, but I doubt Jim Ross would allow that. From RAW: - Shawn Michaels (Smackdown badly needs a new top babyface who can draw) - Chris Jericho (see above, plus he's pretty much feuded with all the heels on RAW) - Hurricane (put him back with the Cruisers) - Stacey Kiebler (stick her with the more "entertainment" oriented divas) - Sylvain Grenier (put him back with Rene, give Rob Conway a chance to fly solo for a bit) - Steven Richards (do something with him, anything) - Garrison Cade (not doing anything on RAW right now anyway) - Yoshihiro Tajiri (like Hurricane, I think he'd be more useful in the Cruiser division...turn him heel again and maybe feud with Misterio?) - Jonathan Coachman (why not? He's gotten really tiresome on RAW) - Val Venis (again, why not? Just give him a new gimmick before he debuts on SD.) This probably isn't the best list, but I think it shows how diluted both shows have become when it's hard to think of 10 guys from each show to switch brands.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    U2 "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"

    I just bought this yesterday, and have listened to it a couple times so far...got the version with the bonus DVD, but not the one with the booklet included. Anyway, I think this is a great album. Much more enjoyable for me than "All That You Can't Leave Behind" from three years ago. Seems like the songs are a little more aggressive with their riffs, and the lyrics are a little more passionate from Bono this time. Still doesn't beat "Achtung Baby" as my favorite U2 album of all time, but it's up there probably.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    This Monday's Battle Royal...

    I would guess Edge will be involved. I'm sure he'll somehow get "screwed" (like maybe he throws someone like Chris Jericho out and then Jericho pulls Edge out of the ring or something). I am sure HHH will end up winning...my prediction is that it comes down to Orton, Batista, and HHH. Orton and Batista will be battling it out while HHH is lying down in the middle of the ring. Than HHH gets up and dumps both of them out to win, or something similar. This sets Batista off big time against HHH, with Flair trying to mediate.
  25. How about a face vigilante type character? A bad ass type who just relentlessly attacks heels that he perceives as being "evil" or "rule-breakers." I don't mean just beating them in the ring...have him do huge beat downs on heels he beats after matches. They could distance him from other faces by having someone like the Hurricane argue with him about his methods. Have him attack heels backstage seemingly at random. If the character gets over enough, they could have him attack Bischoff or Vince McMahon even. Just don't do it like the whole Austin vs Vince thing again.