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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. I'd like to see a masked wrestler who is supposed to be a face who gets totally destroyed in all his matches. You know the kind of face from the '80s and early '90s who would come out all pumped up and play to the crowd, and get completely squashed. Plus make him kind of cowardly and have him run from monster heels during matches. Make his finisher a guillotine leg drop from the top rope that always misses. I think that would be fun for some reason. Finally have him snap and go heel. Kind of like a new El Conquistador gimmick.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Rhino's 4-disc "Left of the Dial" comp

    I want that box set badly. For someone who asked earlier, as you might tell from the bands, it is a compilation of post-punk/new-wave underground classics from the 80s (there may be a little bit of late '70s stuff in there, but I'm not sure).
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestlemania XXI - Xbox

    Well, at least they finally released some info on this game, since they've been too busy paying attention to the PS2 to give a damn about Xbox I guess.
  4. I agree with everyone here so far. The one I would slightly disagree with is Lex Luger...I mean, the guy did have a couple World Title reigns and was pretty much at the upper level of WCW through the end, but I guess he never was as big as Hogan (but than again, how many people have been?). Here's a few of mine: Dan Spivey...should have been a lot more. More talented than Sid Vicious, but got overshadowed by him in the Skyscrapers tag team. Also had a legit 4 star match with Lex Luger at a PPV in the early 90s (I think WrestleWar '90 or something) for the US Title, but was basically forgotten after that. Chris Kanyon...Very talented, but was basically used as a JTTS in both WCW and WWF. Bam Bam Bigelow...very over throughout pretty much his whole career. One of the most talented big men to wrestle in the US in the past 15 years or so. Was treated like a joke in his second WWF run, jobbing to Lawrence Taylor (in what was at least a decent match). In WCW, he was supposed to have a big feud with Goldberg, but that got derailed quickly after he joined the promotion. The Patriot...very over in his 1997 WWF run, but injuries ended his career. Had some great matches in his time there, like against Bret Hart on one IYH PPV. Should have been a bigger deal in a fed like WCW, but spent a large amount of time in All Japan where he was more of a tag team wrestler. Main evented in the defunct Global Wrestling Federation promotion that I watched in the early '90s on the Sportschannel, so I always liked this guy I guess. Mike Awesome...huge in ECW, than went to WCW and was basically a comedy wrestler (that '70s guy). Did pretty much nothing in WWF despited being a very talented heavyweight.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown/Velocity card

    Well...I won't be going out of my way to catch this Smackdown.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    WWE DVDs for release next year

    Hopefully the RVD DVD's release will force WWE to actually do something with the guy again...when's the last time he's even done anything meaningful on TV?
  7. Dobbs 3K

    RVD Mocks WWE hardcore

    Well, at first the WWF Hardcore division was kind of cool when guys like Foley and Boss Man started in it, but by 2000 or so it was the same match every week...bunch of mindless yet rather tame brawling, a few street sign shots, and then a fire extinguisher spot. Pretty uncreative.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Hogan vs Savage : Big Nasty Rumor

    Because when he returned to WWF the first time he had this ridiculous white singlet outfit with what looked like an Aztec design on it. This was when he was part of the NWA angle on RAW.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown...one and only...blah.

    My question is...does anyone at WWE actually think that segment was good? Do they actually think crap like that will get ratings? Or is this just one of those things Vince booked so he could have a big laugh?
  10. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Upgrading Production Equipment

    Yeah, that's pretty much a no-brainer right there.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    WWE needs more.....

    I dunno...I think sometimes they go for the shades of grey thing too much with some guys...they are trying to book Randy Orton like this, and it doesn't work. They're trying to portray him as a "Stone Cold"-esque rebellious face (RKO-ing people, sneak attacks, etc), and it doesn't work with his arrogant youngster character.
  12. I just noticed that his boots don't look like they match either. That's so weird.
  13. I'm guessing it's in Georgia, but I'm not sure. Flair talks about wearing the head band and tie-dye get up in his book. At the time, it was cool, I guess.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Upgrading Production Equipment

    Well, they could technically be broadcast on UPN in HD.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Upgrading Production Equipment

    Who's your source on this? It's bound to happen (since all TV is going digital in the next few years), but was just wondering where this info is from.
  16. Dobbs 3K


    Yeah, but they needed to hype the PPV, which I thought they did pretty well over all.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    How many here have played KoCII?

    I've never played either of those, but Fire Pro D on Dreamcast is still the best wrestling game ever as far as I'm concerned.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    A mini-rant on what pisses me off about SD.

    I think the current Tough Enough is an OK idea...at least all of these guys seem like they can be real wrestlers, and a few of them seem genuinely talented...but they devote way to much time to the contest every week. Just a short five minute video would be enough for me.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    In WWE land, Arabs are Persians

    I can understand being frustrated over WWE confusing races, but really, put an Arab next to a Persian and I could probably never tell the difference. Neither could most people.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown Writer Fired

    As crappy as Smackdown has been lately, this is probably a good move, I think.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Best/Worst Looking Championship Belt

    I'm trying to remember...what was teh deal with the Western States belt in the late '80s? I remember Barry Windham and I think Larry Z. holding it. What was the point of it? WCW already had a few single belts by that point.
  22. Rico is a good wrestler, but he doesn't have a ton of recognition despite his WWE run, and really, what could TNA do with him other than stick him in a tag team? And it's not like TNA is really short on decent teams. I think they should sign Billy Gunn ASAP...I hate the guy, but people would probably mark out for a NAO reunion. Only downside is that they probably couldn't call them the New Age Outlaws. Heck, they probably can't call him Billy Gunn either...
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The Spankster debuts

    I really hope Jarrett loses the strap. I'm not a huge TNA fan and won't be ordering the PPV (I can't where I live anyway). But it would be nice to see someone on top rather than J-E-DOUBLE-F J-A-DOUBLE-R-E-DOUBLE-T. Jarrett works good as a upper-midcard heel who occasionally works in main event programs, but making him the focal point of the promotion for so long isn't good. Jeff Hardy probably isn't long term champion material, but having him win the title would be a sign of good faith to the fans on the part of TNA. On a side note, in reference to the original topic, I like Spanky but hated his pink tights and wish he would at least go by "Spanky Kendrick" or "Spanky Leonardo" or just plain "Brian Kendrick". I hate when guys have one word names, for some reason.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Monty Brown

    I dunno...he *seems* to be over, but maybe that's "sweetening" of the crowd noise. I think his gimmick is ok...at least he shows some emotion, rather than being the stereotypical "silent, non-moving tough guy".
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Johnn B.Badd

    I watched TNA Impact late last night (recorded on my ReplayTV, like a Tivo). I thought Johnny B. Badd looked pretty good. The match was really only about 3 moves...frankensteiner off the top rope, something I can't remember, and the TKO. Personally I never really understood why so many people hated the guy. I always thought he was a decent worker...not great, but not as horrible as so many people made him out to be. I can understand why people hated him in his early WCW days though.