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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    All 20 gauntlet workers announced

    It looks like a line-up from one of the low level feds you can run in EWR.
  2. Dobbs 3K


    Why'd he retire? Injuries, or just sick of the wrestling biz? It's a real shame WWE couldn't find anything for him to do...must've just been a total failure of the writing staff. If they didn't want him wrestling he could've at least been a manager or something. I thought his character was hillarious in WCW. One of my favorite Kanyon moments was a Thunder episode in Memphis where he did his imitation of Andy Kaufmann's line "Memphis, Tennessee; plowing the fields and farming the farm"...plus he's one of the few guys I've ever seen do a believable piledriver off the top rope.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    The One and Only WWE Firing Thread.

    >"C'MON, JEFF, GODDAMNIT!" When was this?
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown non-spoiler match listings

    Well, he's stilll been an announcer for the past year that no one cares about or wants to see in an alledged main event in what is supposed to be the Smackdown brand's top show. Smackdown isn't supposed to be the "B-show" to RAW, but they book it like it is.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown non-spoiler match listings

    I think I'm really going to skip Smackdown this week, and I usually watch it at least casually. But that show looks awful...Josh Matthews? WWE needs to realize that WE DON"T WANT NON-WRESTLERS IN THE RING!!! It's like when they were trying to push Jim Ross as one of the main stars on RAW...what a joke.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    CNN Live projections

    Well, I voted for Kerry, but I'm not going to whine about Bush winning (which looks like it's the case). Be prepared for a very conservative next four years though, with the Republicans making gains in Congress. Boy, the youth vote really failed last night...only about 17% of voters 18-30 turned out, same as in 2004. Maybe people will quit talking about "reaching out to the young voters" from now on, since they don't make a difference but will be bitching about Bush for the next four years anyway.
  7. My wife and I attended the RAW house show in Madison, WI last night. It was pretty much the same results as the Green Bay show, but I thought I'd give my thoughts anyway. This was the first WWE show I'd been to in at least three years, IIRC. - Show was held at the Alliant Energy Center (aka the Dane County Colliseum). Building wasn't even half full...probably not more than 5000 people, and that is being generous. - I'm so glad we didn't buy our tickets off Ticketmaster...we got great seats at the box office yesterday afternoon, and didn't have to pay the extra almost 20 bucks in "convenience fees." Our seats were actually pretty good...we were just slightly above and to the right of where the wrestlers made their entrances to the ring. It was cool only being about five yards from Flair, HHH, Benoit, etc. - Caught a glimpse of Arn Anderson a couple times. I marked out; I think most of the fans had no idea who he was though. Another thing that struck me about the fans...I went to a bunch of shows in the late '90s when wrestling was super hot...everyone would be wearing black wrestling shirts and merchandise. Almost all the people at this show were dressed in normal clothes...although I saw one dude with two replica belts (seemed rather excessive). A lot of families with young kids, and a lot of seemingly inbred and smelly hicks were around too. Oh well. - There was no pyro or anything...WWE didn't even utilize any of the "score screens" in the building...though the building is pretty old and run down, so maybe that wasn't possible. Another thing that struck me is that the Colliseum has a really awful sound system. - Coach came out first, and got a lot of heat. He almost completely recapped Taboo Tuesday, and then Stacey came out after Coach made a comment about wearing a dress. This led to three other divas coming out, which led to: - Stacey Kiebler/Victoria vs Molly Holly/Trish Stratus: Stacey played diva in peril most of the match. Trish got knocked off the apron about three times. Stacey got the win with a roll up on Molly, IIRC. Molly really needs to update her look...she looked really frumpy compared to the other divas. - Simon Dean came out and bad mouthed "Fat-ison". Val Venis came out, and in a hillarious bit, Dean said something to the effect of "see, Val knows that because he's out of shape, his career sucks so much". Val attacked, and we had another seemingly impromptu match: - Val Venis vs Simon Dean: Pretty decent actually. Simon was pretty funny...he would do push ups while choking Val on the ground, etc. Simon won by using the ropes for leverage while the ref missed Val grabbing the ropes. Val was fairly over, but he really, really needs a gimmick change...like, three years ago. - Gene Snitsky vs Maven: I marked out for Snitsky, and booed Maven. I hate wrestlers who have no point...he won Tough Enough, what? Four years ago? Get a persona already. WWE should realize they can only push guys on the "young up & comer" gimmick for so long. Snitsky basically squashed Maven, though Maven got a couple good moves in, like a dropkick off the second rope. Snitsky won with an over the shoulder backbreaker move (like Albert used to do), which is better than that dumb pumphandle slam I guess. Snitsky also cut a surprisingly good promo on Kane and Lita before the match. - Hurricane/Rosey vs Rodney Mack/Chuck Palumbo (w/ Jazz): Ok, here's my Chuck Palumbo story. I remember back around 1999 on one episode of WCW Saturday Night, it was Palumbo's debut. Scott Hudson said "just think, year's from now you'll be sitting around, remembering this night as Chuck Palumbo's debut". I laughed my ass off, 'cause Palumbo looked like such a crappy jobber. Yet here he is half a decade later, still wrestling in WWE. Anyway, my wife is a huge Hurricane mark, so she liked this. It was kind of a dull match...lots of punching and kicking. The Justice League team won with a samoan drop/neckbreaker combo move. Oh yeah...Chuck's new look is awful...he looks like a greaser, wearing brown pants, and ORANGE CHUCK TAYLORS! I like Chuck Taylors but they don't work on a 6 foot+ "tough guy". - We had an intermission after this. I bought an MGD for four bucks. It wasn't very good, but it was beer. - Rhyno/Tajiri vs Eugene/William Regal vs La Resistance: Mostly a comedy match. Eugene bounched around on the ropes, and Regal couldn't get him back in. Then Eugene took one of La Resistance's flags and was poking everyone in the ass with it. It was pretty funny. Rhyno and Tajiri were eliminated first, rather quickly...Eugene and Regal ended up winning. I forget exactly how. Match was kind of a mess, really, but the fans were into it. - Shelton Benjamin vs Christian: Big heat for this match, and arguably match of the night. Funny spot early in the match where Shelton was outwrestling Christian on the mat, and Christian ended up clinging to the bottom rope with his whole body, and staying there for almost a minute. Shelton ended up winning with what looked like a sort of uranage into a powerslam. Lots of good back and forth action. - Main Event: Triple H/Batista/Ric Flair vs Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho/Randy Orton: Huge heat on evolution. Ric Flair had an awesome looking black and gold robe on. Hopefully he wears it on RAW. Benoit came out holding both tag belts. Orton got to come out last, which I thought was kinda lame. Everyone was very over, and Orton seemed popular with the girls in the crowd at least. Some kids in the front row had three signs spelling out "Y-2-J" except they had it as "J-2-Y" the entire match. Very good match, with lots of heat. Went for a good amount of time...at least over twenty minutes, I think. There was a hillarious segment where all three members of Evolution got their asses exposed, and HHH wrestled for a good couple minutes with his pants down. Didn't need to know he tanned with a thong, personally. Also, the faces put all three of them in simultaneous figure fours...ala NWA 1987 I guess. At the end of the match, with all four others out of the ring, Randy Orton hit HHH with the RKO to get the win. Overall I had a lot of fun. Hopefully WWE can get a better crowd in the building next time.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Bush unleashes the "Wolves" on Kerry

  9. Dobbs 3K

    Kids Pro Wrestling?

    I wonder if any kids were seriously injured ever in one of their matches...or how they pulled off a syndication deal. Also, why did the founder guy suddenly get out of wrestling? It says he wrestled pro in 1990, but then just quit basically. What was he doing for the last fourteen years?
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestling as a career

    I used to think about it a lot when I was in college, and there were several indys active around here. But after I graduated, I figured it wasn't worth the risk...you can get hurt so easily, and you have nothing to cover you. Plus, I heard a lot of stories about trainers ripping people off, etc. Add that to the fact that there aren't really any schools around here (I'm in SE Wisconsin), and it just wouldn't be a possibility. I probably would rather be a ref or manager or announcer than a wrestler anyway at this point in my life.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Vote for Stevie for Taboo Tuesday

    I voted for Stevie...I mean, why not? I can't and won't be ordering the PPV anyway.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Make a bold prediction

    My bold predictions: - Kidman becomes a main eventer on Smackdown as a heel. - HBK jumps to Smackdown. - WWE brings in Road Warrior Animal for some kind of one shot deal. - Bret Hart and Vince finally bury the hatchet and Bret makes a one-time only appearance at a WWE show in Canada. - WWE goes back to USA network. Vince again gets mad when RAW is again pre-empted for the dog show, or tennis, or both. - Luther Reigns forms a "monster" gimmick tag team on Smackdown with either a brand-switching Tyson Tomko or some other hoss. - Tajiri quits WWE for whatever reason. - Ultimo Dragon's return is a total flop...ok, not too bold there. - At least one of the Dudley Boyz gets fired for bad behavior. - Christian has a main event feud with the World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton. - Heidenreich gets a legit clean pinfall victory over the Undertaker. - In a related note, Paul Heyman forms a legit stable, like the Dangerous Alliance, but under a different name. - Rosie gets fired, then appears in TNA shortly after. - Finally, someone big in the wrestling biz starts a new major promotion. Possibly, Hogan, Steve Austin, or Ted Turner.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Halo 2 leaked

    Yeah...definitely no one is going to be buying the game now.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown non-spoiler listing

    I dunno...sounds like a decent episode to me...but I mark for battle royals for some reason.... You'd think WWE would notice the lack of a real top face on Smackdown...they have Undertaker but he's "dead" again...Eddie would be good but they aren't pushing him very hard right now...and apparently Cena is "injured" or something. HBK on Smackdown would be a good idea IMO. If not him, maybe Chris Jericho.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/11 Observer

    What's the remark about Bruiser Brody and that contract about? I missed that one.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    More "Star Wars" DVDs on the way.

    I remember the two cartoon series, but I don't remember the Ewok movies at all. When did those come out? Were they any good, or pretty crappy overall?
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Velvet Revolver covers "Surrender"

    Um, Cheap Trick...you know the song..."mommy's all right, daddy's all right...they just seem a little weird. Surrender. Surrender...but don't you blow yourself away!"
  18. I don't live in Milwaukee, but I do live in Wisconsin, and unfortunately it seems like weird crimes like this are becoming more common in Milwaukee. Recently there has been a rash of youth crimes in Milwaukee, from mass groups attacking people to crap like this. Of course the story doesn't say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if the perps were black...hate to say it, but it's been black youths who have been behind most of the crimes lately. Hopefully their community will start taking more responsibility to stop this kind of garbage.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Smackdown, Velocity Non-Spoilers

    Why does the WWE decide to ram Moolah and Mae down our throats every few months? Are there a lot of fans that want to see 80 year old women wrestling? Or does Vince have a granny fetish?
  20. Dobbs 3K

    My Coworkers Are Fucking Morons

    To kkktookmybabyaway: yes, he did think Green Day started punk! You're dead on.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    My Coworkers Are Fucking Morons

    My cousin one time said "the Ramones weren't punk." I tried to explain to him that they basically started punk rock and he didn't believe me.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    The Machine

    Yeah...Hart and Hogan were trying to hype him like he was the second coming of Goldberg or something.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    The Machine

    Yeah...I thought his whole look as "the Machine" was pretty cool. I was pretty surprised that DDP totally squashed him and then he never showed up again.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Johnny Ramone passes away

    I heard about Johnny this morning. It's a real shame...three members of my favorite group of all time are gone now. I only discovered the Ramones in college...this was back around 1998, more than two years after their last show. They quickly became my favorite group, and got me into punk rock for the first time. I had heard of punk, but didn't know what it was until I bought Ramonesmania on a whim. I became totally obsessed with the Ramones, and a lot of it had to do with Johnny's catchy riffs. I still own and wear my black leather motorcycle jacket I bought, secretly wanting to look a little bit like my heroes. He influenced so many musicians after him, too. Adios Amigo.
  25. Dobbs 3K


    "City of the Dead" was a good Clash song.