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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Well, I'm not, and maybe you're not...can't speak for everyone, though. How does one distinguish a "first string negro" anyway?
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Well, if so, John McCain can probably be credited for the inevitable growth of the plumbing industry that will likely be resulting.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Lance Cade gets future endeavor'd

    I thought Cade showed a ton of potential, but as has been pointed out, he's basically a clone of about a dozen other guys currently on the roster.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    No one respond to this. Sorry.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    "McCain won easily?" What color is the sky in your world, Marvin?
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Eh...overall this was just another debate where the supporters of each candidate will claim victory here tonight. I think McCain seemed flustered at times, but he did better overall than in the other debates. Obama got out the points he needed to regarding Ayers and the other stuff.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    I never realized how beady McCain's eyes look.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, I caught that too.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Old School

    Maybe the helmet was on a pole or something?
  10. For me, Al Snow jumped the shark after his aborted heel turn on Mick Foley. When he turned heel, I was thinking "OK, here we go, this is going to be awesome." He had new heel music, new tights, and seemed like he was going to be a psycho bad ass who could bring it in the ring. Then they quickly forgot about all that and made him a face again. He never recovered really after that. The team with Blackman was OK, but nothing really that memorable.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    I'd feel worse for that girl if her dad named her Joe Obama Biden. "We'll call him Joe-Bama."
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    I think Shango and UT had some house show matches, but I too am surprised they didn't do an actual feud on TV. At least when 'Taker feuded with Kama, they attempted to make it look like Kama could win by having him melt down the urn and take away some of Undertaker's "powers," for a while.
  13. How is it "better?" Many Wild Card teams have had more than 84 wins entering the post-season, including this year's NL Wild Card winners. People that crap on the Wild Card are ridiculous.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Let's talk about Lex, baby.

    I'm not sure why WWF refused to change Luger back to a heel character. Maybe they were still getting pressured by USA Network to have a Hogan-like babyface on top.
  15. I actually liked Booker during that whole period, even with his wife around all the time. I was so sick of his generic persona before he became King Booker. He was really stale at that point and needed a new direction.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    Probably because most people aren't that retarded.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Cornette Firing/Russo Hiring

    One thing to remember...it's hard to believe, but Piper was SUPER OVER in his WCW run during that period. Looking back it seems kind of silly, but I remember lots of people on the 'net being very excited when he showed up to oppose Hogan.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    Yeah, they felt the blue cage looked better on TV and enabled the fans to see the match better. I think Vince even patented that particular cage design. I kind of wish they would still use it once in a while. Maybe they could use it "exclusively on Smackdown" to kind of differentiate the shows a little more.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Let's talk about Lex, baby.

    The Allied Powers seemed like a concept that would have been more over a year or two earlier. It just kind of seemed obvious to me the two guys were a team because neither had much else to do, even though I was still basically a mark at the time.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I almost wonder if Mero was promised an IC Title run as an incentive to jump from WCW. I thought he sort of made sense to win it...Sable was becoming pretty popular, and WWF needed another upper midcard face at the time.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    AWA Wrestling back on the air

    I've been a bit behind on these. Been watching a lot of the ones with the likes of "The Illustrious" Jonnie Stewart and The Trooper from 1990. Trooper and Zbyszko had a pretty decent match for the AWA Title (ended in a time limit draw...kind of a botched ending though). Also, the idea of Ox Baker being a manager for anyone is pretty hilarious. Hearing him rant during one of Trooper's matches was hilarious. I also noticed a jobber named Jim Evans on a couple episodes...I know he went on to become semi-well known indy wrestler Trevor Adonis, who used to wrestle in promotions in the Midwest like GLCW and NAWF.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    Campaign 2008

    This is getting more hilarious day by day.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - October 2008

    Swerve? Good for her. Most of the ones who have posed in Playboy have been gone from the company within a year. I'm shocked Maria is still around, really.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Scott Hall arrested

    A lot of you are missing the point. Comparisons to stuff like jokes about Chris Benoit are way off base. Benoit was clearly an insane maniac when he killed his family and then himself. Owen Hart was a widely acknowledged great guy who everyone loved, who was killed in a tragic accident that was completely not his fault. There is a difference, whether people here want to admit it or not. Yeah, it's a roast and "nothing is off limits", but common sense says you don't joke about that in front of a group of wrestlers. It would be like going to some social event at a synagogue and making Holocaust jokes.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Spoilers for 10/9 Impact

    TNA seriously needs to streamline itself. No one really cares about all these celebrities and junk. I don't even get the point of bringing in Mick Foley at this point. I think they need to get rid of some of older guys that have been there a long time (Team 3D, Billy Gunn) that aren't doing anything for them and just focus on good basic storylines. Of course, this stuff is completely obvious, so the will never do it.