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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. >I do remember seeing a whacky Rick Rude vs. Honky Tonk Man match on >television, and was shocked because I only saw them in WWF as heels. I forgot >what promotion it was, but the arena looked like a gym and the lighting was >pretty bad. I think this was IWCCW. I remember the angle where they were arguing over who the better IC champ was. I think this promotion was on the old Sportschannel.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Weird WCW booking

    Speaking of Russo, I remember at the time when he was ruining WCW, Dave Meltzer called his booking "retarded" and a bunch of 'net people got all offended. But really, that's exactly what Russo's booking was like. I can't believe WCW let him get away with his crappy booking for so long.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    WWE house shows...

    OK, I haven't been to a WWE show in probably two or three years at least. RAW has a house show coming to Madison on October 23. Should I get tickets, or do the house shows usually suck? Let me know...I guess tickets don't go on sale 'til Sept. 25th for some reason. Thanks in advance.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Big Show

    Didn't he win the World Title from Ric Flair on Nitro using a top rope drop kick? I could be wrong, as I never actually saw that match.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Another 9/11 conspiracy..

    Yeah, there was no plane...tell that to the relatives of the people who died in the crash.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Acclaim Dies

    Acclaim's whole strategy (especially in the 90s) was to acquire a popular hot license and release a game for as many consoles as quickly as possible. Oh, and I hated them ever since I got a copy of the first South Park PC game a few years back. That game sucked ass.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Is Carmella a marked woman?

    This was the only time I've been entertained by the whole Diva thing so far. I hope Christy wins, because she's the only one who's shown any personality out of all of them. I thought the language was hillarious...I'm sure Spike TV wasn't too happy about it though. Wonder if they came down on WWE for it?
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Could this Egyptian Olympian

    This guy looks like he would do well in pro-wrestling. However, the real question is: Does he have any interest in pro-wrestling? Unfortunately, in the cases of Rulon Gardner and Alexander Karelin, the answer was pretty much a "no."
  9. Dobbs 3K

    WWF Laserdiscs

    In high school my freshman year geography teacher had a LD player, but I don't remember him using it even once the whole year. On a side note...was the audio on laserdiscs in stereo, or was it surround? Just curious as a home theater buff.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    Don't know if anyone mentioned this: HHH: "I'm bi at a lot of things, and lingual isn't one of them...wait, did I just say that?" Ok, might not be exact quote, but I'm close.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    1997 ECW Invasion of WWF

    I think ECW guys appeared on RAW a couple other times. I remember a Chris Candido match where he was wrestling someone (might've been Scott Taylor but I'm not sure). Paul Heyman was on commentary again and putting over how smart Candido was as a wrestler. I remember him making a really smart comment about Candido going for a lateral press pin; "see, he's wearing the man down, making him exert effort to kick out."
  12. Dobbs 3K

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Personally, I thought this was a pretty good episode. I thought Angle vs Misterio was pretty entertaining, and UT actually made Jordan look pretty decent. Most of the rest of the show was rather forgettable (the angle with Teddy's car was pretty insipid), but a step in the right direction overall.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Hogan hints at starting his own fed

    The thing I don't get though is that he was just in WWE two years ago...why would he want/need to come back now?
  14. I've seen these all over the local malls lately. My guess is they are trying to sell them as quickly as possible before any lawsuits come for, at which point the company will probably just close doors and run, or something.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    Trade chops to the chest back and forth for about two minutes.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Norris "Hardbody" Harrison Jr.

    Hardbody Harrison sometimes _did_ dress like a pimp on WCW SN, so I'm not surprised. I remember one time he came out in like a blue ring jacket, with his hair really weird and dyed almost a gold color, and I think he had a cane too.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Does Anyone Notice The Trend?

    I think the problem is the WWE runs certain areas way to often. They should go to some lesser traveled areas more often for a while, so places like California and New York actually appreciate when they come.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Big Show comes back

    Well, the internet and critics are partly to blame for WWE trying so much comedy with him. Remember when everyone was raving about Big Show after his SNL appearance? That's where WWE got the idea that they had to have doing comedy and "entertaining" rather than being a legit threat to people. Personally, I agree with the person who said his gimmick is tired. They should drop the "Big Show" name...just call him Paul Wight. I like the idea of having him come out first and acting like he'll be fun-loving again, and then just have him be a total monster. Don't put him on every show, and don't make fun of him. Even if they do keep the Big Show name, at least for the love of everything good and decent give him new music!
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Frre Flatscreen Tvs

    sounds like BS.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Unforgiven and Survivor Series

    >What about Oct's Taboo Tuesday? Speaking of, anyone know when tickets go on sale for this? WWE doesn't even have it listed on their homepage. Ticketmaster turns up nothing as of yet, but I want to go.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    Terry Funk Wrestlefest 1997

    Didn't Dory Funk Jr. appear on this card too? I seem to remember him scheduled to wrestle RVD, but I could be completely wrong.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    The Wrestling Channel Newsletter

    You'd think they'd have this in the US by now, at least on satellite or subscription service or something.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Possible Nation of Domination Return

    Why would you guys believe anything someone named "Joltin' Joe" says anyway?
  24. Dobbs 3K

    The next Xbox WWE game...

    I've been looking around for any info on the next WWE game for Xbox...there's been a lot of talk about the latest PS2 and GC ones, but nothing for Xbox? What gives? RAW 2 was OK...but with a lot of work could be turned into an awesome game. I don't get why GC and PS2 seem to get some awesome exclusive games while the Xbox is sometimes ignored...it's definitely the best as far as graphics and sound go...a wrestling game could be amazing on Xbox if someone bothered to do one right.
  25. That's hillarious. I'd rather just have fun with newbies. Maybe you could've had the kid just run out in the open as a distraction while the rest of you did the job. Oh well, can't blame you for TKing there...most people would've been a lot less patient. I haven't played Rainbow 6 really, or Socom, but have been playing Day of Defeat a lot. Man, that game is addictive. Think I'm gonna go play it now.