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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    Sounds like the original rumor is not true...Ford is likely traded, but not for Street. May not even be to the A's. Tom Haudricort from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel is following it.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    Funnily enough, rumors are running rampant that the Brewers have acquired Huston Street from the A's for minor leaguer Darren Ford. I would guess Guillermo Mota will be sent to AAA.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Armchair Bookers:What if...

    Yeah, I was going to say, they would have been around for like two weeks, and then left for the WWF when Heyman failed to pay them.
  4. Dobbs 3K

    7/17 Impact

    I watched this show (at least parts of it), for the first time in quite a while. A few random thoughts: - Women's wrestling in the US is generally not very good, at least on the major TV shows, and the women's battle royale was no exception. They didn't even give time to show if Angelina was happy that her partner won before jumping to the next segment. - Team 3-D is beyond stale, just like they were towards the end of their WWE run. Come to think of it, it would be nice if they left TNA soon and went to WWE to feud with the new younger teams. - Is it just me, or does Consequences Creed seem like he has the potential to be a major star in the pro wrestling business? I guess I really like his look and gimmick. - The spot with Dutt and Jay Lethal was well done. My wife, who doesn't follow wrestling all that much said "That was the best thing I've seen in a long time." TNA has a lot of potential...but I'm still not hooked on them. Nothing about this show made me feel like I had to watch again next week. Sorry, but a gimmicky six man tag match with a hokey Sting storyline you can smell coming a mile away is not going to do it for me.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    Vince McMahon = Howard Hughes?

    Yeah, I was kind of thinking the crazy Vince thing has sort of been done already. Honestly, they shouldn't rush this either way. They should bring him back and have it make some kind of meaningful impact on storylines, not just use him in backstage comedy bits.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    News You Can (barely) Use

    They should have just changed the spelling or something. Ezekiel sounds like some sort of hillbilly gimmick.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Wow, that's cool. Never seen that one before.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    News You Can (barely) Use

    Yeah, it's across the river from "The Outer Reaches of Your Mind."
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    I'm guessing that's a fake?
  10. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 7/14 - 7/20

    Supposedly Ben Sheets is going to get the start for the NL in the All Star Game. Not sure about the American League.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    Wrestling related dreams

    A couple that I remember: Around the time I was twelve years old, I had a dream I was wrestling in a WWF show, but it was at a small local armory with a really low ceiling. I was teaming with Hulk Hogan and the LOD in an eight man tag match against the Natural Disasters, and a couple other guys. I believe I won the match for my team after a flying elbow drop from the top rope. Another one was _really_ weird....I remember "Nature Boy" Ric Flair in this big white room, dressed in full attire including his ring robe, kicking over stacks of National Geographic magazines and screaming about kicking the Pharaoh of Egypt's ass! Yeah, I have no idea what that was supposed to be about, and no, I didn't do drugs the night before.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 7/7 - 7/13

    Ugh...I was at Miller Park last night. I will give the Reds credit, they have a tremendous young pitcher in Edinson Volquez. I think the Brewers could have won, but their offense didn't show up last night. People were ripping the bullpen after the game, but when you only score 2 runs in 9 innings, you're probably not going to win an MLB ball game anyways.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    One thing I'm confused about...supposedly Favre didn't ever file his retirement papers, so he doesn't technically have to file for reinstatement. I have no idea if that is accurate or not...none of the radio pundits seemed clear on the situation yesterday.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 7/7 - 7/13

    The Yankees seem to be adopting the strategy of signing every "name" veteran player they can get their hands on.
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Broadway Brett beats retirement!

    This whole thing is like watching two good friends of yours go through a nasty breakup after a long relationship. Just nasty right now. Both sides are at fault though. Ted Thompson basically pushed Favre out of Green Bay, but Favre has acted like some sort of prima donna in all this. I would love to have Favre back with the Packers, but it can't happen now. If he's the starter, it's a big F-U to Aaron Rodgers (who would and probably should ask to be traded or released under such a scenario). If Favre is the "back up", people would be screaming for him to start after Rodger's first bad performance. It's a no-win either win. I think they have to trade him, hopefully to an AFC team they don't play this season.
  16. Dobbs 3K


    Anyone here have experience fixing a stuck pixel on an LCD screen? We bought a new 19" Toshiba LCD TV for our kitchen last night, and there is one small spot that is constantly a blue-ish green color. It's not that noticeable, but is constantly there, and really sticks out when the background is black (obviously you can only see it when the TV is on). Any fix for this, or should I just take it back to the store and exchange it? It wouldn't really bug me, except for the fact that it's towards the middle of the screen.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    The Brewers have Mat Gamel waiting in the wings...so either he or LaPorta were probably expendable. The upside, even if Sheets and Sabathia both walk (though I have the feeling the Brewers will aggressively try to re-sign at least one of them, probably more likely Sheets), is that they will get four high draft picks in next June's draft. They'll just keep re-stocking their farm system, just like they did last month with all their extra picks.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    They obviously will sign Fielder long term and that wont be a problem. Scott Boras is his agent.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    LaPorta was the Brewer's best prospect. He was being looked at as probably Prince Fielder's successor, to give you an indication of his potential.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    What a great day for me. Saw the Brewers beat up the Pirates today, found out my favorite player was voted in as a starter for the All Star Game, and now it looks like CC Sabathia is a Brewer. Good times.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    The question is: Will the D-Backs bounce back, or will the NL West potentially be won by a sub-.500 team?
  22. Dobbs 3K


    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Carnage as a possible villain, what with Venom disappearing/dying at the end of Spider-Man 3. Really, I hope they save that and maybe finally do the Lizard, with Kraven or whoever else (as was suggested earlier in the thread). They could throw in someone like Rhino or Scorpion if need be. Going back to the Avengers for a moment, I'd love if they went really old school and had Namor teaming up with the Hulk, and the Avengers having to deal with that combo. Especially if Namor acts really arrogant and prickish like in the comic books.
  23. Dobbs 3K

    Gas Price Check...

    True. You know, I hardly ever catch Glenn Beck, but saw last night he had this video showing US politicians talking about "ending dependence on foreign oil" going all the way back to Jimmy Carter. Both Republicans and Democrats. Pretty funny/sad at the same time. What was interesting was that they kept showing the price of a barrel of oil, and how it actually dropped by like fifteen bucks, going FORWARD, in a 10 year timespan.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Trevor Murdoch wouldn't be a bad choice, but I believe he went to Smackdown. One point I kept making in the chat last night about Rhodes and Dibiase...you can't expect them to be that over right now. It takes time for young guys to get over. People used to call the Rock a heatless wonder as well. Same with Randy Orton. You gotta give guys time.
  25. Dobbs 3K

    This Week in Baseball 6/30 - 7/6

    Actually, the Tampa area is the 13th largest media market in the US. So, while not on par with NY/LA/Chicago, it's not the little burg some would make it out to be. And I agree with those who don't care about the ratings. TV ratings for baseball keep declining year after year, yet baesball is still awash in cash, so I doubt it matters a whole lot, as they continue to expand into foreign markets, more merchandising, attendance continues to rise, etc.