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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    New stories this morning are casting significant doubt on GM's future (even more so). Can we not please give them any more money? Just make them declare bankruptcy already.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    Great Unsolved Crimes or Events

    I'm pretty sure the David Lang story is based on a work of fiction. At least that's what wikipedia asserts.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Who the hell is that?
  4. Dobbs 3K

    Covering Coverage

    I hope Limbaugh and his ilk keep it up. Maybe the GOP can lose even more seats in Washington next November.
  5. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Not all of them hosted wrestling, but that's what was available. Now if you're talking WWWF from the 1970s or early '80s, they would run smaller buildings for their tapings and build towards larger arena shows. Well, WWF definitely was running smaller buildings from a period of about 1993 through early 1996, when business was in the toilet. I mean, I remember seeing some matches from Colliseum Home Video during this era where I'm pretty sure they were in high school gyms.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    Covering Coverage

    I agree with you there. I'm just saying his poise for a 13 year old was pretty impressive.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Great Unsolved Crimes or Events

    Here's an interesting one: D. B. Cooper. "D. B. Cooper is the name attributed to a man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the United States on November 24, 1971, received US$200,000[1] in ransom, and parachuted from the plane. The name he used to board the plane was Dan Cooper, but through a later press miscommunication, he became known as "D. B. Cooper". Despite hundreds of leads through the years, no conclusive evidence has ever surfaced regarding Cooper's true identity or whereabouts, and the bulk of the money has never been recovered. Several theories offer competing explanations of what happened after his famed jump, which the FBI believes he did not survive." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Spring Training 2009

    Maybe it was already mentioned, but the Dodgers signed Doug Mientkiewicz to a minor league deal a couple days ago. I think any other year he would have gotten a Major League deal no problem.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    I don't get the Melina hate. She looks good to me. Then again, I've only seen her on TV. *shrug*
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Nintendo 1st half 2009 releases

    Seems like that list has a lot of re-tread and niche type stuff. Nintendo definitely isn't going for the blockbuster type material. Hopefully Punch-Out! is at least good. I have how unresponsive Wii Sports boxing can be.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I know I've said it before, but I can't believe no one just punched Russo out backstage during all this crap.
  12. Dobbs 3K

    Covering Coverage

    Make fun of him or not, that kid is going places. Kids that young who can speak like that are going to accomplish something, one way or another.
  13. Dobbs 3K

    Great Unsolved Crimes or Events

    Wow, that Tommy Burkett story is really messed up, if true.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    Killzone 2

    As someone who's never played any of the Killzone games before, how does this compare to a game like Fallout 3?
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Covering Coverage

    I think the GOP seems to think that George W. Bush is still president, and that his approval rating was about three times higher than it actually was at the end of his presidency.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    MLB 09 The Show & MLB 2k9

    My guess is that the PS2 version will be similar to the version from last year, but maybe with the RTTS tweaks thrown in. I mean, '08 was pretty similar to '07 from what I remember. I've been playing the PS3 demo of The Show: 09, and man, I can't get the hitting down at all. I can pull off a bunt single once or twice a game, but everything I make contact with seems to be a ground out or fly out. It's frustrating because I can do well pitching with Cole Hamels, but it's hard to keep a scoreless game going indefinitely.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Spring Training 2009

    Yeah, I imagine the excellent Matt V will be calling a lot of those TV games. Heard Cory Provus along with Uke on the the Brewers/A's game yesterday, and he did OK.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Is that Raven holding the WWF Title?
  19. Dobbs 3K

    2009 World Baseball Classic

    You don't have to. You can root for whoever the hell you want. To clarify the Punto on Italy thing, I believe the rule is that if at least one of your grandparents was from that country, you can play for them. Yeah, it's stupid, but I think it's basically a way to balance the talent out a bit. I guess my feeling would be this thing would offend US fans less if it was promoted as more of an international Goodwill Games type thing for baseball, and not as a serious competition.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Yeah...injured by a Diesel administered powerbomb if I'm not mistaken.
  21. Dobbs 3K

    2009 World Baseball Classic

    I know theoretically guys will play harder in the WBC, but they could just as easily get hurt in a spring training game. I also think people on this board are underestimating the popularity of the event. Maybe it hasn't caught on that much in the US yet, but world wide, my understanding is that people actually care about it. Some interesting potential comebacks in this thing, too. Corey Koskie is going to be play for team Canada. For those who don't remember, he's been out of baseball for almost three years since suffering a freak concussion during a routine play while with the Brewers.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Yeah, it's just weird. He actually had a tremendous match against Lex Luger at at WCW PPV...I think Wrestlewar '91 or something. It was a match for the US Title. After that, I think he might have hung around WCW a bit, went to the terrible Herb Abrams UWF, did some stints in Japan, and then finally ended up in WWF doing the Mercy gimmick. I wonder if he had a bad backstage reputation or something?
  23. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I don't know why Spivey never ended up being more in the business. He had the look and was actually a decent worker in the ring. Just seemed like he kind of wandered from promotion to promotion, though.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    The Old School questions thread

    Didn't Vince buy out Stampede and Toronto, technically?
  25. Dobbs 3K

    Have you ever got so frustrated with a game that you...

    Last fall playing Shadow of the Colossus, I spiked a controller on the ground because one of the colossi was just pissing off completely. I think it was that bull. In fact, I don't think I've gotten past that one yet, since I haven't played the game in months. The controller actually split on the seem along the side of it...though I simply had to push it back together.