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Dobbs 3K

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Everything posted by Dobbs 3K

  1. Dobbs 3K

    Nadya Suleman

    I heard some story on the news the other day that she's looking at some house that's going for over a million. What an idiot.
  2. Dobbs 3K

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Latest stories are saying Obama plans to slash the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term. Thank goodness.
  3. Dobbs 3K

    Pictures I Like

    Which one is Gates?
  4. Dobbs 3K


    Yeah...well, I sold my old TV Thursday night and they picked it up Friday, so I wasn't going to sit around for several days or weeks without a TV in our living room. I probably paid a little more for it than I could have gotten it for online, too...but the set I bought is seemingly becoming quite rare. I called like a half dozen stores in SE Wisconsin and only one place had any new ones in stock, so I jumped to get it. Anyway, this set was originally going for around $3500 when it first came out last year, so at current prices it's still a bargain (about 2 grand right now).
  5. Dobbs 3K

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah, Microsoft got them to sign some exclusivity thing. I guess we could possibly see PS3 DLC in the future, but not anytime soon. The head guy at Bethesda seems to be a big XBOX fan boy, judging from some of his remarks.
  6. Dobbs 3K

    DLC and it's future in videogames

    I think charging 10 bucks or so for just one new level and maybe a couple new items is kind of lame (like in Fallout 3). I liked the Civilization approach where they would release the game, then maybe every six months or so release a whole new add on to the game, which would include new nations, new units, new quests, etc. So it comes out just when you might start to get bored...and sure the costs is a little bit more than typical DLC, but you're getting a lot for your money, at least.
  7. Dobbs 3K

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    Well, they did say that his brain was in the condition of an 85 year old man with dementia, or whatever...but still I don't think the man is anything to celebrate at this point.
  8. Dobbs 3K

    Damn my hair!

    You could always get that surgery. But barring that, either shave your head or wear a hat. Or a doo rag if you're in the hood.
  9. Dobbs 3K

    Greatest African American Wrestlers

    I'd throw in "Sailor" Art Thomas. He wrestled in the territories for a long time, and had matches against the likes of The Sheik and Buddy Rogers.
  10. Dobbs 3K

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Oh man, that's quite a ripped looking Bobby Eaton there.
  11. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Why was Jannety gone for so long after the Rockers break up, anyway? Was he fired, or did he quit or what?
  12. Dobbs 3K

    PlayStation 3

    If you have a choice between the two, get the 360 (or PC version, for that matter). The PS3 version has some annoying glitches that Bethesda doesn't seem to care about fixing, and no DLC, as mentioned. It's a good game, just annoying that a studio can't acknowledge and fix some of the problems that their game has.
  13. Dobbs 3K


    Not to brag, but the wife and I brought home a brand new Pioneer Kuro 50" plasma TV last night. It's a beautiful set. A definite upgrade in picture quality over my old Mitsubishi 48" RPTV. Too bad Pioneer is getting out of the TV business soon, as this flat panel is outstanding.
  14. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Kind of weird to see IRS supposedly right behind Dibiase as well. I will say that Mountie did seem to get a ton of heel heat, so at that point I definitely buy into him being ahead of Michaels (who wasn't proven at all as a singles guy at that point).
  15. Dobbs 3K

    Verne Gagne suspected in death investigation

    It wouldn't surprise me, to be honest. Also, a Greg Gagne vs Hulk Hogan shoot fight would have probably been pretty hilarious to see.
  16. Dobbs 3K

    Spring Training 2009

    I think if they're going to do a cap, they should do a salary floor, too. Make teams like the Marlins actually spend some money instead of pocketing all of their revenue sharing.
  17. Dobbs 3K

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I'm picturing lots of "GRAPPLES O' DOOM!" ala some of the older wrestling games. Heenan will be trying to do something to you, and you won't be able to escape, no matter what you do, or how frantically you press the buttons.
  18. Dobbs 3K

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Good for Flair. 315 is impressive for a man his age.
  19. Dobbs 3K

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    Well, that's just a pre-"Screwed" grin, that's all.
  20. Dobbs 3K

    Simple questions about blu ray players

    For whatever reason the PS3 (which I have and use for BDs) does not seem to scale DVDs as well as my older Zenith upconverting DVD player did.
  21. Also, I can't remember the last time I recall snuffbox posting in a wrestling thread.
  22. Dobbs 3K

    PlayStation 3

    Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing through the Phantasy Star games eventually And, wow, Fatal Labyrinth is what passed for an RPG back in the day, eh?
  23. Dobbs 3K

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Actually, I thought that episode was better than most of the recent episodes. That's not saying much these days, though. The new intro was fantastic, though. That old one has bugged me for years, just because of how dated it looked.
  24. Dobbs 3K

    Worst Year Ever for Pro Wrestling

    I think for me it's a three way tie between 1995, 2002, and 2007. All were just horribly boring or terrible in their own ways.