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Everything posted by Rendclaw
There should be a happy medium someplace, along the lines of Lunar, but even that got excessive at some points.
I was working in the Media section of a Best Buy in Orlando in 1995, when the N64 was released. Each game I think except for Super Mario World was at least 60 dollars, with a few going into triple digits. As I said before, people were outraged but they ponied up for them anyway, because their kids were screaming for them. As for the Atari 2600 dislike, thats a generational thing. I hate to pull the "back in my day" card (especially since I am looking my 37th birthday right in the face in a little more than a month), but its hard for most gamers under the age of, say, 27 or 28 to remember what the 2600 meant, given the level of technology back in the late 70s. At one point I think I owned about 25-30 games. If you weren;t in on it from the beginning and through the console wars from 79 (when the Intellivision debuted) through 82 (when the Colecovision came out), you cannot truly understand what it was like. And yes, Pac-Man was a HUGE disappointment, along with ET. But those were only two instances in a long line of them that caused the crash. Not that I noticed, I was still an arcade hound through the 80s. Only towards the middle to late 80s did I notice that there were only two arcades around, the one in the mall which had been around since before 1976 (when it was mostly pinball and air hockey) was closed down for good, and even on Saturdays from 85 on (when the NES came out), less people were going to the arcades. Anyway, gamers are into the second and third generations, and since scorn between generations about pretty much everything (food, sports, movies, music, et. al.) runs strongly, its understandable to me how a gamer of today would not have the same understanding and affection for a gaming system he did not grow up with.
Enough. The last thing this game needs to be is Wresltemania Arcade 2.0.
PS3 debut. My bad for not quoting.
They did that in ROH a couple of years back. I found and watched the Aries/Joe match where Aries took the title. That was a damn good match. My opinion of Aries is rising week by week, and now I know why he gets so much love. The man can *work*.
There are two reasons right there. Not to even mention overpricing the games that *were* released, and not packaging a game in the system right off the bat. It took awhile before they learned that lesson. I was working in Best Buy when the N64 got released in 95, and people were *highly* upset that the system cost as much as it did, *then* they had to spend an extra 80-100 bucks for a game, because SMW was not packaged with the system. When Nintendo actually *did* package a game with the system, it was months after the Christmas season. They sold pretty well regardless, because people were hungry for the next big thing. Customers would ask me to choose between the PS1 and the N64 a lot, and although I would still leave the choice to them, I always picked the PS1. I couldn't play a lot of N64 games because that piece of shit controller would frustrate me to no end. I just could not get accustomed to it. Hell, the GC controller is light-years better and I *still* have issues with it. I was ranting and raving about the PS1 controller and how crappy it was for fighting games until the third party controllers came out, however So yes, it was a decent gaming system, but overrated because of the games that were developed for it. Sony had them by the short hairs even back then. And yes, the Game Boy should be in the top 5, because THAT was a revolutionary product, period. People could not get enough of it when it first came out. I am seriously considering buying a Saturn, just to have Alpha 2 and a few other games. None of the emus I have found work correctly.
When *is* the debut date now, Andrew?
Ridiculous. a good percentage of the games were good, but to me, the N64 is and was overrated. The flaws in the system (especially the ones that ended up killing it) outweight the positives.
Agreed. I took him much more seriously without them. The competing for titles is a serious disappointment. It takes out a lot of the replayability, honestly.
Unless they are intentionally trying to be like WCW, they had better not bring in Goldberg. I like the guy, but that's not being innovative. Besides, they have a better version of the unstoppable machine in Joe. Bringing in Jericho would not have been innovative either, but it would have been better for the company. I would have loved to see it. But honestly folks, did you really think he was going to go to TNA? Chris isn't at the point in his life where would do so, and the E threw money at him to make sure he didn't. He is well past the point in his career where he is wrestling for enjoyment of the sport, he is doing it for the money. And by an order of magnitude, the E has more money to give him than TNA does. I think that when Shelton's contract is close to ending, the same thing is going to happen for him, even though I would LOVE to see him there. Ditto anyone else with talent that even might be thinking about making the switch. That is what the E does: kills your passion for the business and makes you miserable, but at least you're well-paid and miserable.
See this is the thing that I hate more about Jarrett than anything else, including his stale promos claiming he's King of the Mountain. It's the finishes of his matches. They end with one or all of the following: ref bumps, guitar shots, run-ins, non-sensical turns. Thing is, because Jarrett is a heel, it's acceptable that he wins in cheating fashion. Problem is, he won't lay down clean and when he jobs, it's just as screwy as his wins. However, the face doesn't get over that way. (case in point, Jarrett jobbing to AJ in June because Tito Ortiz beat Jarrett, not AJ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And that is a major failing of TNA right now. Jarrett shound win more matches clean and more importantly, lose clean too. During the ending of the title match, I was wondering if I was time-warping back to WCW when Jarrett had the title. I'm not saying that he has to win every match without interference or the obligatory guitar shot, but hell, he shouldn;t win every match WITH them, either. Don Muraco was one of the nastiest heels of his time and he didn't win by outside interference all of the time.
Atari 2600: Because it was the shit back in 1978, just before the Intellivision hit... and didn;t it devut for $300? kkk, you're old enough to remember, help me out. The best game for that was a tie between Solar Fox and Stargate. Atari 5200: because I convinced my mother to pony up the jack for one, because I wanted a true conversion of Pac Man. That was 82, I think. Commodore 64: A friend of mine had one back in 82-83, and he was showing me all of these (back then) kick ass games on it, not to mention that you could do BBSing with a modem. In 85, myself and a couple of friends would spend entire weekends playing each other in games on the 64. I finally got mine in 86, and its sitting in my closet right now, and yes, I am going to hook that bad boy up to my TV and revisit my adolescence. Best Game: Secret of the Silver Blades and Bop 'N' Wrestle, one of the coolest wrestling games, ever. NES: I passed over the NES craze, because I had friends who had one. I would play Double Dribble and crush people, until the three point shot tricks started manifesting. Best Game: Baseball Stars (I, not II) SNES: I bought one just before I moved to Florida in 93, and promptly had to pawn it in order to.... you know... eat and stuff. I worked at a NES/SNES retailer in the mall just before then, and I used to destroy people in Super Tennis, though I would get my ass handed to me in Madden until I learned how to play and to discover a few unstoppable plays. Best Game: Final Fantasy III (VI) Genesis: I bought mine from my former roommate, the gamer. We went back and forth on so many games it was silly, But Street Fighter II SCE and NBA Live 96 will always be king in my book, though there are at least ten games that are right behind them. I wanted a Saturn and 3D0 for Street Fighter Alpha II and AD&D Slayer, respectively, but they were too damned expensive, and I never had a good job while living in Florida. PS1: Ridge Racer got me hooked, and Street Fighter Alpha I kept me there, along with the oft-mentioned classic, Final Fantasy VII. PS2: Just Bring It really got me interested in the PS2, though I was only able to buy my own system in 2003, by then there were lots of titles that made me want to buy a PS2, not the least of which is Baldur's Gate, Dark Alliance. GC: Rogue Squadron III, Rebel Strike. Nuff said. XBox: I got this system in order to play D&D Heroes (I remember being bitterly disappointed to find out it was going to be an XBox-only game a couple of years back), but the game that is best to me on that system would have to be Forza Motorsport. It just destroys anything that the Gran Turismo series has even done. I think that about covers it.
Come on Dames, don;t fade out on us now.... Shit, I would do it if I felt I could even hold a pen light to what is already on here.... you, bps, Laz. I was thinkign about it but I just don;t think anything I can do would measure up. Although Rudo, I would love to see you do a review, for reasons I have stated previously.
Think of the possibilities with the PS3. I think they have gone about as far with this generation as they can. Could they do better? Sure. But as I have said before, as long as the fans, particularly younger ones, keep buying these games, there is no incentive to make sweeping changes.
Are you kidding me? Yikes. It just goes to show that not everything Raven dreams up is wrestling gold, despite what his marks might think. Is he one of the smartest men in the business? Without question. Then again, all of that might have been necessary when the match debuted, but certainly not now. Never mind each of the four men are among the most high-risk, hardcore wrestlers still in the ring today, but lets turn them into borderline animals just to get over the brutality you will see in the ring. Ugh.
I thought it would suck because of Jeff Hardy and Sabu. Abyss works well in these kind of matches (and I am discovering that he works well period, especially that he has James Mitchell as his mouthpiece), and we all know Rhyno's history. I thought that Sabu would not be able to do half of what he could do back in his heyday in ECW, that his body was just too broken down to take that kind of punishment, and I was wrong to think so. And I never was a huge fan of Jeff Hardy, that his willingness to take high risks (like that insane swanton onto Abyss) and absorb huge bumps (like the Rhinodriver) overshadowed his lack of ability. I know, I know; we all watch him for his particular brand of insanity. And the constant hyping of the "they're locked away for 24 hours, no food, no water" angle. That's just unnecessary, considering each of the four mens' bodies of work over the years, and it smacks of WCW at its lowest point. Its just not needed. Let their reputations speak for them in this match. With all that being said, I was very entertained by the match. And Lance Hoyt is the #1 reason why TNA needs to expand out of Orlando. He is a fucking disaster in the ring, excellent moonsault aside, but he is a favorite of the regulars in the crowd. Not to mention the song they sing when Abyss is around. Ye fucking gods.
100% agreed. I thought that it was going to suck, but it didn't. And it was all set up by Rhino getting right in Raven's face and dissing him hard. I should have seen it coming from that point forward, but I was convinced that was a little throwaway or something to set up a Raven vs. Rhino feud, which might happen at Genesis, now that I think about it. Rhino did more than enough to win the title last night. I think that PPVs get overanalyzed to the point where anything that was done was the best or the worst thing ever. Could they have done better?? Hell fucking yes, they could have. But all things considered, I don;t think that $30 I spent on the buy to be a waste.
Well, I hope so. But keep in mind that most WWE marks never heard of ECW until ONS. WWE needs some legitimate competition in the worst way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you kidding me?? Maybe, just MAYBE if the mark was 12-14 when ECW started.... I just cannot believe you said that.
Personally I think it should have been either Joe, Monty or Truth, but I can live with this. Somehow, I think this will work out better than whatever they had planned for Nash/Jarrett. The Monster's Ball match was better than I thought it would be. That Rhinodriver was rather sick. Styles/Daniels was excellent, despite the last second pinfall which I think took away from it. I'm not a fan of 6-5 Ironmans either, but I think the fall should have come at about the 90 second mark, then Daniels pulling out all the stops to try to get the tying pinfall. But to be honest, they need to put those two to bed for awhile, as in not having any more matches against each other. The Ultimate X ending, as I said before was hilarious, but it was bullshit. You simply cannot have an ending like that after how the match went. The opening match was fun, and a good tone-setter. The Tag Team title match was where I think they blew it, especially if they booked Jarrett to lose. If this is a Ric Flair circa 1985 situation, then I guess its okay, but I think the Naturals should have gone over and set up a nice little tag team feud, which is needed right now. Joe and Liger seemed just about a half-step off throughout most of it. I though that Joe was only moving at about 3/4 speed, but then again Liger is rather old these days.... Just my thoughts and opinions, take them as you will.
Not just height, but weight and overall ability as well. I gotta admire them for paying such close attention to the powers of aging. And, personally, I'm all for a DiBiase squash of 80's Hogan. And I *better* get DiBiase's theme in this one or I'm going to be absolutely pissed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don;t have a problem in a reduction of ability, because that is what is supposed to take place through the three versions... Hogan always was 6'5" but he was 6'9" in kayfabe. Thats just funny to me.
Thats is a bullshit finish..... Hilarious, but bullshit.
That X ALWAYS falls down! Bahaha!
From what I have been reading, they have been teasing a New Age Outlaws reunion for months now. You would think at some point they would pull the trigger.
I think I have to agree with the general consensus. Lance Hoyt *does* suck in the ring. I could have thrown better punches.
Point to DMann.