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Everything posted by Rendclaw

  1. Rendclaw

    Games to Buy

    .hack is such a rip off, really.....
  2. Rendclaw

    The official 2003 NBA free agents thread

    True enough, I just can't watch him without shaking my head and thinking what might have been. He can barely dunk the basketball now. Hell even Dominique Wilkins could still throw it down on the rare occassion when he was playing for the Magic at 40.
  3. Rendclaw

    Games to Buy

    Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 for the PS2, which hits in November I think. Just saw a pic of it in the latest GI, and it looks pretty good.. I want to check out the Black Isle webite, but I can't from work... ::sighs:: one more hour...
  4. Ugh, I need to get more matches..... problem is my kazaa don;t work anymore. Help!!!
  5. Rendclaw

    Board problem

    the same thing happens to me and I don;t have use aol at all. when it happens to me during a post, i just hit refresh and its all good... if its a pm, I just make sure I do a c&p if necessary. It saves a bit of a headache trying to recall what I wrote since I write by the seat of my pants. Most of the time when you click send the message you typed has gone through but the board won't kick you back to the screen... that is a very weird glitch.
  6. Rendclaw

    NFL Network

    The NFL should have done this a long time ago... definitely before the NBA did it.
  7. Rendclaw

    Take 1 Part Patriot Act 2 + 1 part War On Drugs

    This is making the fall of the Roman Empire look like a 25 cent porn movie booth. This country is so doomed. Not in ten years, fifty, or maybe a hundred, but the collapse is coming, and ridiculous laws like this are what is going to accelerate the collapse. And people wonder why I don't vote.
  8. Rendclaw

    An article from my local paper

    and if it wasn;t for the apathy of the majority of players in the league, we would still be undefeated. I remember what Magic said when the original Dream Team came together... they weren't there to disrespect anybody. They were there to win the gold medal and no one was going to stop them. No one did. The Dream Team II came about, with a mixture of veterans and the young lions of the league, and some of them started showing disrespect for the opposition, never mind the Dream Team III antics.
  9. Rendclaw

    Fucking Announcers

    99.9% of everything George does is to put the Red Sox over a barrel, and its been that way for years.
  10. Rendclaw

    NFL quarterback battles

    Peyton did okay for himself though David Carr got absolutely KILLED last season. That commercial for the NFL draft where its just Carr, a tailback, two recievers and a center against the Cowboys front seven was spot-on in its parody, because I will BET thats how Carr felt many times during the season. Poor guy.
  11. Rendclaw

    The official 2003 NBA free agents thread

    Screw KJ, he was a good player but come on.... PR, thats what happens to some people who get a lot of money. They let themselves go to seed, having tons of illegitimate kids and eating themselves out of their careers. If Kemp had continued to improve he could have been Hall of Fame material. But alas, no... instead of being one of the most dominant and athletic PFs in history, he fornicated and binged himself into playing for the Magic. Sigh.
  12. Rendclaw

    20 new HCTP movies

    And let me guess, you would prefer the hyper-precise engines where one blown move can cost you the match? at least they are trying to improve the engine, which I will be the first to say hasn;t changed very much since their NJPW games on the PS1. But I will still reserve final judgement until I actually PLAY the effing game.
  13. Rendclaw

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    same here.... ever since I had a friend create me on Fire Pro for the SNES, its a tradition.... all martial arts kicks and suplexes, with a few submission moves thrown in for flavor... though I just might go ahead and create Low-Ki first, since he has to be the most effective and devastating CAW I have ever made... I've been tweaking his moveset a lot, and trying to bring it in line with the current wrestler.
  14. Rendclaw

    Most significant match of the decade

    Hogan should have turned heel years before that. In a way it was too late.
  15. Rendclaw

    Fucking Announcers

    Bobby, puh-leeze. If someone offered you a boatload of money to endorse a product that you even marginally believed in, like deodorant, you would take the money too. I love these sports fans that think doing endorsements is selling out. The companies want someone with image recognition and credibility (although its WAY more the former than the latter), to sell their product, and the athletes are setting up for their retirements and ensuring a good life for their families. Its doing the best with what you have. All things considered, Michael Jordan is the ultimate sellout because of what he did for Nike and Gatorade, and to a much lesser extent, McDonalds, according to your feelings on the matter.
  16. Rendclaw

    Diatribe up..

    I was re watching the few ROH matches of Low-Ki that I own in an attempt to tweak his SYM moveset, and the X title triple threat with him, styles and Lynn was a ***** match IMO... what did you give that match, Dames?
  17. Rendclaw

    20 new HCTP movies

    Jesus Christ, people, can we at least wait for the finished product before we laud or bash it?? Sakura we get that you don;t like the Yuke's engine... you;ve made that painfully obvious. and Jago, what about the people that look for every flaw in a game from the outset, going into playing determinded not to like it? That's no better than people who blindly defend a game, either.
  18. Rendclaw

    The official 2003 NBA free agents thread

    I just can't see Juwan Howard playing the 5 with Gooden at the 4.... Gooden was wore out for two seasons trying to play the 5, and Juwan has always been a 3 or 4. Neither of the has the size or bulk to play the position effectively, all snide remarks about the Eastern Conference aside. If they were going to run that scheme, crazy as it is, they would not have re-signed DeClerq, since he has been the Magic's most reliable center for a long time, Shawn Kemp's abortion at playing the 5 notwithstanding.
  19. Rendclaw

    Inflation vs a 'Living Wage'

    since prices for electricity/gas, phone service, cable, food and gasoline are not going to come down anytime soon, I don;t see why not. Living where I am, I would need to make a minimum of $12 an hour to have an outside shot at living in my own place. 13 or 14 is more plausible, since you have to factor in healthcare, which is a BITCH up here. Screw the snotty kids at Target. I want my own damned apartment.
  20. Rendclaw

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    my team of DiBiase and Warrior has been derailed, until I run a CAW Warrior through story mode...
  21. Rendclaw

    Need help with Settings in Display

    restart manually.
  22. Rendclaw

    The One and Only Smackdown thread

    The Kenyan guy is a thousand times more humble in his commercial than the kid, who I want to pull a Kerrigan on, just before a track meet.
  23. Rendclaw

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    I believe so, I have the match and aside from his kicks, that one move he did on Red made me a mark for him for life. Haha, I remember a friend of mine wanted to invent a Corkscrew Brainbuster, in where you pick him up for a delayed vertical suplex, step and turn in a small circle before dropping him straight down ala Koko B. Ware's Gohstbuster circa 1985-86.
  24. Rendclaw

    Nash's Movie,Scott Hall and Booker T

    I certainly hope that Booker doesn;t have to worry about working anymore to support his family with this settlement. Didn;t Stevie Ray retire because of his back?
  25. Rendclaw

    EWR 4.0 HSW 2.0 Diary! Still Better Than Yours!

    ::shudders at Spongebob BacklundPants:: I can;t finish the thread.... I just can't....