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Everything posted by Rendclaw

  1. Rendclaw

    The official 2003 NBA free agents thread

    as long as Sterling owns the team, MA, I seriously doubt it.
  2. Rendclaw

    I Quit Blockbuster A Month Ago

    You got pushed around and railroaded, Flik. But you held out until you got pushed to the breaking point. That's commendable. But yes, what your old boss told you was complete bullshit. Its up to the hiring manager whether or not you are to be hired. Its a good thing that you were interviewed by someone with some intelligence and recognizes road apples when she sees them. And you have patience... tons of it, if your exploits in EWR are any indication.
  3. Rendclaw

    The official 2003 NBA free agents thread

    There are very few things worse in sports than a player stuck on a team that he doesn't want to play for. If I owned a team and a player didn't want to play for my organization for ANY reason, I would tell him "there's the door, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out." PR, stop trying to spin this. Odom does not want to play for the Clips anymore and he wants out. Instead of working a sign-and-trade, and getting something in return for him, Sterling is showing his ineptitude by trying to MAKE him play for the club. Any positives that the organization have made in the offseason are going to be killed off by the cancer that is caused by an unhappy player. Does Odom have talent? Unquestionably. Has he squandered that talent? So far, yes, between things that were not his fault (the injuries) and things that were (his inability to stay away from the chronic). Sterling should just let him go. You thought the Clippers were bad before, you just wait and see what happens if they match the offer sheet.
  4. Rendclaw

    Toys R Us Buy 1 Get 1 free sale this Sunday

    I would buy NBA Street 2 and get Midnight Club II. If I wasn;t getting laid off in ten days, that is.
  5. Rendclaw

    Waiting until marriage......

    I have enough difficulty with the no sex before marriage concept because I never can understand that mindset. Like stardust says (we agree on something again, what a shock ), if i am going to marry someone, you can best believe that I am going to have to have sex with her, because while its not the most important thing to me in a relationship, you best believe that its in the top five. Screw that. Top three. Anyway, I do find the no kissing/hugging thing to be VERY creepy. If they believe that it makes the consummation of their love and commintment to each other in the eyes of God that much better, dare I say perfect, that their thing. But in my eyes, I see two very repressed people who will use their religion as a crutch if they are not compatible physically. And stand a good chance of literally exploding on their wedding night.
  6. Rendclaw

    FUCK! What's happening?

    For once, I am GLAD I have Windows ME, and am sitting behind a router firewall AND NIS.
  7. Rendclaw

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    I would think that the soundbites thing, while its a great idea whose time has come, that it would be ever manifested on the PS2. The PS3, however....
  8. Rendclaw

    Smackdown Shut Your Mouth CAW thread

    oops. I had to tweak Bret's and Anvil's movesets, based off some of the things I used to see them do, both in singles and as a tag team.. some of the moves made little sense to me. I think I'll do the Bulldogs tonight. A friend already did Davey Boy, but the moveset is WAY off. I kind of like how Low-Ki turned out but I had to flesh him out just a little. When given the right logic, he can be a terror.. all 5'8", 160 lbs of him.
  9. Rendclaw

    Waiting until marriage......

    all I know is that I couldn't do it. Leaving the religious aspect out of it, marriage is serious to me, as I have asked only two women to marry me in my life... and I would HAVE to know that person in every way before I even THINK about marriage... Then again, when you add organized religion into it, it makes perfect sense to me.
  10. Rendclaw

    Smackdown Shut Your Mouth CAW thread

    How about the Bulldogs?
  11. Rendclaw

    Hogan Not In HCTP

    I would LOVE Demolition (all three members) in the game.
  12. Rendclaw

    So I want to buy a guitar...

    Fenders are still too expensive... not to mention a stock Strat is a bit too generic for metal. I have an 86 Squire and I have to tweak the effects to get it to sound like I want it to. I second the opinion of getting an Ibanez. Very easy guitars to play, and the cheaper ones are still decent..
  13. Rendclaw

    Bands ever back this up when they say

    I would have loved to hear Bruce sing "Man On The Edge". I always said that to get Blaze to hit the proper notes, he would have to have someone use a nutcracker on his sack. I have to agreed with the consensus about Disturbed. They're proving to have legs, and they are starting to (albeit slowly) get away from the staccato singing verses to go along with the staccato guitar riff. Its a slow process with some false starts, but its evident.
  14. Rendclaw

    Smackdown Shut Your Mouth CAW thread

    I was thinking about the British Bulldogs.... they have a CAW for Davey Boy, but that was after his stint with Dynamite. For a quick and cheap Dynamite, I would just give him Benoit's moveset, as they are similar... just substitute the crossface for a top rope superplex.
  15. Rendclaw

    Coolest Songs EVER~!

    Trippin on a Hole in a Paper Heart - STP The chords used in that song make it sound unreal... it would have been easy to stick with power chord throughout the entire song, but during the chorus, it just goes off into another universe, then add the bass line and like, whoa. The DeLeo Bros. are sick.
  16. Rendclaw

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    KIDman(emphasis on kid) of course. They should create an angle over that, not unlike the Glacier/Perry Saturn Feud over the Cryonic Kick.
  17. Speaking as one of those "fanboys" who got to see it for the first time at the tender age of 8, thats how Star Wars has lived into the next millenium, and thats how it will continue to live, just like Star Trek. Do I love the series on principle? Yes, but that does not mean that I don;t take it for what it is, a rehash of the serial sci-fi radio/TV shows/movies going back at least as far as the 30s. The idea's time had come again, and in 1977, the rest was history. The original movie has already been around 26 years. The franchise has suffered because of the sub-par efforts of the prequel movies, and the last three episodes will never be made. With the exception of Star Trek, which is a whole different can of worms, Episodes 4, 5 and 6 have been the standard by which all other sci-fi films have been judged, fairly or unfairly. I have to disagree that it is overrated. It was perfect for its time, and judging a movie by what its obsessively devoted fans do is rather weak. I shake my head at the geeks who will sit out there in line a month or two before the new movie hits and have lightsaber duels in the parking lot. But that it judging the phenomena surrounding the movie franchise, instead of judging the movie itself. its rather unfair.
  18. Rendclaw

    JR's back 11 Aug because Coach Sucks

    God no, I will take JR over Vince. Vince was good back in the 80s, that was it. End of story. Schiavone could probably do a good job if he wasn't plugged into Raw right away. Give him a few stints on Heat, first. Unless they overpay him, Styles is not going to even TOUCH the E. Jesse is too old at this point. Back when he was close to being retired as an active wrestler, he made an AWESOME heel color man. But all that time in politcs has taken a toll. Sure he can be a good speaker because of his time as Da Guv, that doesn't mean he's right to reassume his gimmick of "The Body". With my shift change in the latter half of the week, I was actually able to see Smackdown for the first time in 8 months. Cole has improved quite a bit over that stretch, and Tazz is better as a tweener rather than either a face or heel color man.
  19. Rendclaw

    MLW News: Sonjay Dutt signs...

    Orlando, the city that never sleeps? Please. I lived there ten years.
  20. Rendclaw

    best announcing team?

    Monsoon/Ventura over Monsoon/Heenan by the barest of fractions. Ross and Ventura weres great as well... I remember the Tag Title Tournament commentary like it was yesterday.... *Gordy gives his opponent a NASTY back suplex* Jesse: Whoa. Right on the back of the neck. I think he knocked him out. JR: He folded up like an accordion with that suplex! And its not gonna get any better, cause Dr. Death has been tagged in!! Gold.
  21. Hurry up with that, Teke!! You're on a major roll here! Cornette last week and Raven, part 2, coming soon... I laughed my ass off during parts of the Cornette shoot. I would love to see him take control of the E for a year and see where it would go. Nah it would take him a year just to clean house. Two years.
  22. Rendclaw

    WrestleMania II

    from what I remember, Hogan-Orndorff did end in cage matches around the country... the last match sequence being Hogan imitating what Orndorff did to him when he turned heel, from raising the arm in "victory" to a pretty good rendition of Orndorff's piledriver.
  23. Rendclaw

    Smackdown Shut Your Mouth CAW thread

    As tough as it is, how about a moveset for Low-Ki?
  24. Rendclaw

    New SmackDown Here Comes The Pain pics

    I'm trying to own every title that you can.... the hardest one to retain is by far the hardcore title... I'm still trying to get a shot at the IC title.
  25. Rendclaw

    Bands ever back this up when they say

    It can't happen anyway.