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Everything posted by Rendclaw

  1. Rendclaw

    SmackDown 5 info released

    Not to mention doing a CAW for either one of them is not hard, Yuna. Yes, this game needs a major overhaul... I actually did a review on it when I applying for a job as a game tester back when I first moved up here. More Advanced Stats: what Tino posted is a good start, but I always said that the needed to go with a 1-10 scale rather than 0-4. It allows for better customization. Interactive submissions: That should have been there from the start, even though the unbreakable submission holds actually helped in certain matches, like the six way dance.... but yes this needs a change. Improved Countering: Just Bring It was too easy to counter moves, Shut You Mouth was too difficult.... there were matches where I could (and would) lose because the opponent got the first shot in, desite hammering the damned square button the whole way through. Countering should ALWAYS be based on proper timing, rather than a button mashing fest, despite who the rest of the game engine operates. Blood: this is what I liked about the Japanese imports, in that if you got run into a post or got hit in the head too much, you would start bleeding, I hope that its not constrained to the First Blood match they advertise. I like the fact that I can bust someone open with a chair, if I want to. The Money for abilities and possible movesets is a decent idea, although the cost for improving your wreslter should get hella steep the closer you get to maxing him out. But the WWE writers, in charge of the storyline??? THAT is going to suck big time, as they haven't proven they can write anything worth a damn for the REAL LIFE roster in YEARS. I really... REALLY hope the got rid of the huge areas to explore in order to speak to wrestlers to get matches or further an angle.... the way I see it they should have 1-5 wrestlers around the arena at all times, and depending on what you say to them get you a match, in the ring or out of it.... but the World and the freaking subway station was a MAJOR waste of time. I would rather do a circuit of the building, see if i can;t start something, and then get on with the damn card. Speaking of that, the card needs to be more than three matches. Seven would be ideal, but five seems to be more plausible.... On another topic, I wish the someone would remake Mat Mania, only with about 50 wrestlers... same basic game, but better.
  2. Rendclaw

    It seems "official"

    Axl should stay cooped up in his mountain retreat until the next damned millenium, for ruining a band that had the potential to be as big as the Stones in their heyday....
  3. Rendclaw

    SNK vs Capcom Chaos

    I think he has too, although the last game I played was the millenium battle or whatever it was back when I lived in Orlando, when i took him, Ryu and Chun-Li all the way..
  4. Rendclaw

    X-Men 3

    nerdy fan girls are cool in my book.... as long as they don;t build shrines to the objects of their affections
  5. Rendclaw

    Best Drive Thru Service

    God, I haven't been to a Rally's/Checker's since I left Orlandoo... damn, now I have a jones for the stuff and I'm stuck here at work until 4 am... Dammit.
  6. Rendclaw

    Getting so pissed at video games...

    I've chucked a controller a time or two, when I was playing live 2001 for the PS1... I never did understand how a CAP with a 3 point rating of 99 can miss six wide-open threes in a row... and the computer was not missing a thing they jacked uo.... I realize if I am at the point where I am throwing controllers, its time to bury myself in a book.
  7. Kane by a nose over Booker, for the above mentioned reasons... I still feel bad for the guy, because no one deserved THAT kind of burial... tag title runs notwithstanding thats one of the worst burials I have seen in recent memory.
  8. Rendclaw

    X-Men 3

    hell, why didn't I think of Ray Park? Why not? he has the martial arts talent, he has the acting ability to do it, he did a pretty good job with Toad... as long as they don;t do the Darth Maul thing and stick another voice onto Gambit... but that would work pretty damn well... Either him or Orlando Bloom, for sure.
  9. Oh no, not one little bit....
  10. Rendclaw

    Cable Modem with a Hot Box...

    umm, thats what you get for stealing a federally regulated service, and we know the feds do NOT play around.
  11. Rendclaw

    What emulators do you use?

    I have the bios, but they don;t seem to work properly.... I placed the bios in the right place (I think) but Shadow Squadron still will not work....
  12. Rendclaw

    X-Men 3

    I will check my Official Guide to the Marvel universe when I get home from work, but I think Wolvie was 225-250.
  13. Rendclaw

    Chris Webber -- Hall of Famer?

    Here's an idea for Garnett. If he really wants to improve the Wolves. He'd renegotiate, take about 10 million less, about what Tim Duncan makes. That would free up money to go after Gary Payton, or another top player. His contract his one of the reasons the Wolves can't sign anyone. ugh, I was going to make the Joe Smith point but I've been beaten to the punch. My Magic fantasies aside, KG needs to go someplace else.. if his numbers don't show that he is worth his contract (which I will admit is inflated beyond belief, but that was a pre-salary cap contract), I don't know what else the man can do to prove his worth. He just gets better each year he plays, and he is still very young, just starting to enter the prime of his career.
  14. Rendclaw

    X-Men 3

    double post. I would agree that Naomi Campbell would make a great-looking Storm, but hell, the girl barely has two brain cells to rub together... she makes her living by looking good, what makes you think she can act?? My best bet would have been Grace Jones, and trick Storm out with the mohawk and the badass attitude that at time equaled, if not eclipsed Wolverine, especially when she lost her powers. God, Orlando Bloom as Gambit??? Like McKellen, he has way too much love for playing Legolas... considering every girl I knew who collected X-Men for any length of time *loved* Gambit as a character, and most of them went ga-ga over Bloom as Legolas.... it would be utterly ridiculous how over he would be if he did any justice to the role.
  15. Rendclaw

    X-Men 3

    And lets face it, the role of Wolverine really put Hugh Jackman on the map, never mind what he has done since then, which to me makes him a well-rounded character... I liked him in Swordfish, because as an actor he went from a grizzled badass in Wolverine to a computer hacker who found himself in over his head. I think that yes, both Jackman and Stewart (who needed to get away from being Jean-Luc Picard in the worst way and play a character who was gentler) and to a slightly lesser extent McKellen are irreplaceable in their roles. McKellen has so much love from playing Gandalf its sickening, anyway. If they were to make something revolving around the kids, they would get rid of Mutant X and stick Paquin in a starring role, with Iceman and the other kids, with an X-Man or two making a guest appearance, and go the way of the New Mutants/X-Force. In order to make this a lasting franchise away from comics, they need X3 to raise the bar even further. Nothing spells success (real or imagined) like a trilogy. Especially if the trilogy is any good. I have to agree with the point that if X3 is recast to a major degree, the whole ball will stop rolling in a hurry. New Line could not get the actors in Mortal Kombat to reprise their roles aside from Liu Kang and Kitana, and then the script was overbooked to hell (to borrow a smark phrase), with too much going on and trying to squeeze in as many ancillary game characters and powers as they could, the movie ended up being a big-time abortion. If that is not an example of what NOT to do, whether its the second sequel or the fiftieth, I don;t know what is.
  16. Rendclaw

    Megadeth news

    That won;t happen until Mustaine makes a total recovery.
  17. Rendclaw

    Chris Webber -- Hall of Famer?

    I can't see KG staying in Minnesota past the end of his contract at this rate... and hell being an Orlando fan and knowing they need another big time player to compliment T-Mac since Grant Hill is going the way of the quad with his ankle...
  18. Rendclaw

    Chris Webber -- Hall of Famer?

    I agree that Webber has to maintain his level of play throughout the rest of his career to even be considered. And yes, championship rings make the argument easier to make for entry in the Hall of Fame. Karl Malone and John Stockton are going in simultaneously, just like everything else they achieved together, because of their longevity and the records that they broke during their careers. Kevin Garnett has the best shot of entry if he plays for another ten years... if you took away Kobe and Shaq's rings, I would say he would have a better shot than either one of them, when their careers are done. In a perfect world, KG would go to Orlando to play the 3 next to T-Mac and Orlando would dominate the East. ::sighs:: but alas, the world is far from perfect....
  19. Rendclaw

    How did you...

    my friend and former roommate back in Orlando showed me to OO, which was cool, then I saw Dames' PPV and TNA recaps, and one night I checked out TSM, and aside from the BTR site, its the only wrestling sites I visit regularly. Dames' Diatribes brought me here, Brandon's shoot interview reviews made me stay. Everything else is gravy. Most of the time.
  20. Rendclaw

    Does the champ make the title...

    I think that with the exception of a few select few wrestlers, it starts out as the title making the wrestler... arguably, Hogan wasn;t all that much until he won the title from the Iron Sheik in 83, and then BOOM. Hogan goes on a five year title run, where the man and the title were basically neck and neck and then Hogan became bigger than the belt. to me, it has to start out as the belt making the man when he wins it, then over time it is the man making the belt with great matches against legit opponents, excellent storylines and angles (which as we all agree are rare and only getting more rare) and a red-hot feud or two. Say what you will about Hogan but during that title run some of the hottest feuds and angles came from that reign. Its an undeniable fact.
  21. Rendclaw

    What emulators do you use?

    Gens pisses me off because I cannot get the 32x emulator to work... I have been jonesing to play Shadow Squadron ever since I borrowed a 32x from a friend back in 97 and played it.... can someone help me out there?
  22. Rendclaw

    New Street Fighter 2 Game?

    Actually I liked the Alpha series, especially Alpha 3, because the sotrylines were so much more in depth than anything that had come before it... I would play Chun-Li exclusively because of the final battle sequence, fighting Juli and Juni before taking on Bison.... heh, that still gives me fits at times....
  23. Heh, Soul Blade/Edge came out in what 1997? Anything older than five years is old school according to another forum on here... although perhaps in gaming, that might have to be stretched to 8 or 10.
  24. Taki and Li Long were my favorites.... Mitsurugi and Hwang were took much like the old Ryu and Ken pairing, which I was honestly getting a little tired of springing up in almost every fighting game that came out since SF II.... Soul Blade/Edge for the PS was simply awesome just for the story mode.. some of the fights that you had to accomplish we just so freaking HARD.... but I persevered... not to mention that the game had a Boss character thet you could actually fear, after he beat you down several times...
  25. Rendclaw

    Metallica MTV Icon results...

    I didn't care much for Durst's rendition of Sanitarium at all. A point, people... Tallica upset a lot of people with Load and Re-Load, so rightfully they skipped over those albums... I thought it was a very nice touch for Jason to tell his side of the story, as well as the band being honest about some of the reason why Jason had to leave. Heh, the medley started out good, I marked out when they did Hit the Lights.... is it me or were they trying to prove something by playing a good number of their faster tunes? They ain't 18 no more, playing that fast at 40 is HARD. About the new album, they have a LOT to prove with this one, thus they went back to the Kill Em All/Lightning days, with a little bit of the other albums mixed in.... I was surprised that they picked Rob Trujillo for bass, though consider his work with Ozzy, it makes a litle sense.... not the question is, will they let Rob be Rob, or try and stick him in a little box like they did Jason? I guess we'll find out in June.