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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    This is just sad

    Why'd he give mole his phone number?
  2. Sideburnious

    This is pretty hot.

    I'm impressed. Rant actually posted a site that was funny, clever, and didnt induce vomiting.
  3. Sideburnious

    CM Punk signs with the WWE

    Punks got a good enough build and height that he shouldn't be pushed with all the cruisers and get squashed. I think he'd make a great opponent for Christian if they both end up on Smackdown.
  4. Sideburnious

    The greatest character

    Mr. Humphries Al Bundy Frank Drebbin
  5. Sideburnious

    let it all out

    Whats going on?
  6. Sideburnious

    The new Parents magazine is out

    ....... As in he shitted her out?
  7. Sideburnious

    The new Parents magazine is out

    No, what did this cannibal do?
  8. Sideburnious

    This completely ruins a good cum bath

    I wonder if you shouted in her pussy would you get an echo.
  9. Sideburnious

    Welcome to Earth, Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette

    Were you concieved at a KISS concert or something?
  10. Sideburnious

    what the fuck is this?!

    Ah, evidence from the Jackson trial.
  11. Sideburnious

    Woman on cell gets pulled over doesn't listen.

    The only reason people got worked up about this is because she's a woman. If a man was in the exact same position and got tasered noone would give a shit. She deserved to get shocked. What was the police officer supposed to do? Let her finish her call? He had to show her who had authority or I doubt she would have even left the car.
  12. Sideburnious

    This is just sad

    Yeah thats what I guessed. Who's the one on the right supposed to be?
  13. Sideburnious

    Favorite rap terms

    Yeah, I was about to say skeet
  14. Sideburnious

    An idea for a new sitcom.

  15. Sideburnious

    Kill Yourself

    It's one of those Mad magazine specials. He pushes his shoulder blades together and it makes an image of the Macho Man.
  16. Sideburnious

    I'm Lovin' It - NSFW

    I'd eat it.
  17. Sideburnious

    Very emotional flash movie.

    God I hate student films and I'm a film student!
  18. Sideburnious

    Albums Listened to Today

    Led Zepplin - Led Zepplin IV
  19. Sideburnious

    Little Punk

    Dumb kids. The bus driver should have a big stick to hit them with.
  20. Sideburnious

    A Plea to Dames and Co.

    I felt sorry for him when I saw it. It made it hard to give a shit whether he posted or not.
  21. Sideburnious

    So last night...

    Steal a car the exact same as the one damaged and just change the plates
  22. Sideburnious

    Well, I guess my boss is just out to get me now...

    You know, you should see what rights your entitled to in this situation before you have the conversation. She shouldnt have asked you if you wrote something if it's an annonymous survey and she could probably get in trouble for doing so, especially if you get in trouble for it.
  23. Sideburnious

    Whatcha Gonna Do?

    Did Rant put lipstick on that dogs mouth?
  24. Sideburnious

    An inquiry

    I'm guessing you had to pause for a minute to fart. If you were able to do both at the same time I would be impressed.