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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    Eddie's Blade Job

    Lol I dont think it was intentional, especially to the level it was. It got a Holy shit out of me though. That was on the level of Terry Funk at Barely Legal '97 and the Mass Transit Incident
  2. Sideburnious

    Do we know what's on the Benoit DVD yet?

    I'd say Smark friendly like the Foley/Flair/Micheals DVDs. It would be great if they had the whole best of seven series with booker T on there. They might do that as Booker is also on the roster and could inadvertantly promote him also
  3. Sideburnious

    The Rock's weight.

    Nah i think the Lightheavyweight Title was always about 220. But yeah the rock would bring alot to the division if he wrestled in it, it would be like when RVD was Hardcore champion. Vince would never do it though
  4. Sideburnious

    Caption fun

    Or just a single thread where anyone posts a picture whenever they want, and we just caption all of them in the same thread. That could get wild. I have one I want to post already. it sounds a bit messy though. People would be all over the place posting on old pics and ignoring new ones etc.
  5. Sideburnious

    Caption fun

    Hurricane : Holy shit!! He just ate my Cape!! I cant fly without that! Mack : *Burp~!*
  6. Sideburnious

    Best Triple H match post quad tear?

    Id say Flair v HHH from Raw about a year ago personally. The match had a great build throughout the show, the crowd was hot and it had me on the edge of my seat with all the near falls
  7. Sideburnious

    So, uhm, Kurt's dead.

    At least this didnt happen on Raw. We would have had JR screaming BAH GAWD till his head exploded and the King envying Show for putting his hands on Torrie
  8. Sideburnious

    Brock and Sable?

    All I can say is fairplay to Brock. Sable will probably dump him and start sleeping with someone else after he leaves though. I'd say she's just blowing the top guys to keep her job. Wasn't she with one of the top Execs in the WWE when she first arrived on the scene?
  9. Sideburnious

    I Must Apologize: No 12/4 Diatribe

    Ah shit thats a shame. Reading your diatribes were always a highlight to my weeks. Hopefully it will be able to be brought back in the future
  10. Sideburnious

    For those of you who have not seen the...

    Ah dammit I was really looking forward to it
  11. Sideburnious

    Crash Holly passes away

    Wow this took me completely by surprise. Who would have thought he would have died so young?
  12. Sideburnious

    Ambulance match at Survivor Series

    Well there was a lack of Gimmick matches for months on WWE PPVs. Why are people complaining now? Gimmick matches always add an extra twist on the matches if they're pulled off correctly.
  13. Sideburnious

    Has WWE beat WCW

    Yeah but he was ECW World Champion. You cant go from that to fat chick thiller. WCW was by far worse booking than the WWE but its definatly possesing the WWE as of late. WWF used to push young stars to the top when WCW would buy out all of the old ones to get cheap ratings. Now Vince is doing the exact thing that WCW did by buy aload of old wrestlers who used to be over to get higher ratings. In essence WWE has become WCW
  14. Sideburnious


    At least now you can kick his ass with Bret Hart all day
  15. Sideburnious

    Dream feud..

    A RVD(when he comes) vs. Low ki fued would rock I dunno about Douglas. I think he's great, but against Jarret?
  16. Sideburnious

    Rick Steiner is the surprise???

    Lol ah man Rick Steiner back again..........Crap
  17. Sideburnious

    should flair get one last run

    Flair deserves another chance to be champion again, at least one more time. I was on the edge of my seat for that match against HHH in June. What if he won the belt and then stepped down and retired?
  18. Sideburnious

    Questions about the Jericho/RVD match

    I thought they started adding the pinfall stipulation to cage matches cause fat messes such as Rikishi and Big show wouldnt be able 2 climb over the top and win
  19. Sideburnious

    WWE Talent Upset

    Vince will probably just blame the talents preformance because of the low house show attendance just like he did in the past.
  20. A-train for a big man is very good and does have an impressive move set, its just that he has been getting aload of shit gimmicks e.g A-train. Who would ever want that gimmick? Id rather be call Repo man jr. If he just sheved his back or put on a shirt or something id be perfectly fine with his appearance. His back hair is probably my biggest peeve about him
  21. Sideburnious


    Well I need the Diatribes as I'm in Ireland and theres no TNA over here. Besides all the other reviews about TNA I've read have sucked ass. But as long as that Wrestling channel come in September I'm a set man
  22. Sideburnious

    Raven is on Wrestling Observer Live

    LMAO brilliant. He should have that baseball cap surgically stiched 2 his head. Theres good money in the indies for the top guy e.g Styles, Daniels Raven etc. like you said but the real money is still in WWE as long as you upper midcard or higher
  23. Sideburnious

    Russo puts Killings in trouble danger

  24. Sideburnious


    Its cool and expected that it hasn't been posted yet.....for me anyway
  25. Sideburnious

    Names In The X Tournament

    If TNA had put in Low-ki, Red Skipper etc. you'd all be complaining that they need 2 get new X-Division talent which they are obviously doing here. I'm hoping Johnny Storm wins it, he's the man.