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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    What happened to the "pics I like" topic

    Well, you could have looked harder.
  2. Sideburnious

    2008 NFL Draft Thread

    I think their defense is sturdy enough in comparison to the WR problem. They'll probably draft someone for Dawkins when he eventually retires but that won't be next year. They have Celek as a backup/ starter TE depending on contract negotiations and can probably draft later. This of course depends on McNabb staying around (which I hope happens) but Kolb will still need help when he starts.
  3. Sideburnious

    Pictures I Like

    I wonder if they'll start doing Stigma porn. I'm sure there's a market for it.
  4. Sideburnious

    2008 NFL Draft Thread

    The eagles need to take a WR in the first round. Limas Sweed could fall to them or even Doucet could be a decent pick up. It's their largest area of weakness right now.
  5. Sideburnious

    NFL PLAYOFFS! Divisional Demolition

    As much as I'd like to see the Jags win I think the Pats will go all the way. I second Kinetic's Giants prediction though. Both teams can go from very good to mediocre with the flip of a switch. I wouldn't count out the Chargers yet either. Pats Chargers Seahawks Giants
  6. Sideburnious

    Spiderman OMD finale

    Well, its gotten me interested in reading (but I was doing that anyway) but i'm not really sure which way they can go, especially if this is supposed to be long term. One of the first things that crossed my mind is how is this going to effect something like New Avengers which he's heavily featured in, or even the fallout from Civil War. Has Peter and Aunt May moved back into a house after Avengers Tower? Did he even get involved. I'm just concern that this is almost going to be similar to an Ultimate Spider-man title, rather than one in the normal Marvel Universe. I just don't see how they can take probably their number one character, who features some way into almost all of their major story arcs, and now have to somehow make it seem like it never happend. Unless the magic has rewritten all these events.
  7. Sideburnious

    TSM Kangaroo Court

    Lets just hope that "Baltimore" and "Ravens" will be filtered out next season.
  8. Sideburnious

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    heh, I noticed Milky dropping a few Sandler Comedy album routines in the past. The Toll Booth Willie "It's not my fault the bartender cut you off, you lush" etc comes to mind. Anyways the classic:
  9. Sideburnious


    I saw more of a duck beak on the monster in the clouds. I hope it's a giant duck.
  10. Sideburnious

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Am I the only one who's disapointed by the current gameplay footage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9kf0abPuqk
  11. Sideburnious

    Britney Spears' SISTER is pregnant

    Meh, part of me calls bullshit/ an act. If I was going to get carted away for holding onto my child i'd rather go to a hospital than jail. She'll probably even dodge jail time because she's "crazy". If Federline tried this shit he'd be in orange already. All this is going to be is the equivilent of the bathroom/sleeping scene in The Pursuit of Happyness. Britney behind a door, holding her child in the arm while people bang on it and a single tear rolls down her cheek. Trust me, in ten years time she'll be the victim in all of this.
  12. Sideburnious

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    You'll need to get Captain Falcon in the game first.
  13. Sideburnious

    TSM Kangaroo Court

    This could be gold for the selection of the judge & jury alone.
  14. Sideburnious


    Harvest Moon (SNES) just came out for VC in Europe.
  15. Sideburnious

    The Wire: Final Season

    Looks like the torrents for Season 5 (eps 1,2,5,6,7) have all been pulled from the net. At least from the torrent sites I'm looking at. It's pretty good so far but for some reason I seemed to fly through the episodes. Maybe I'm enjoying them too much.
  16. Sideburnious


    When's this happening? I'm guessing it's a way to get games onto your DS (unless they mean to play it on the Wii) but then how would you save them to your DS?
  17. Sideburnious

    A story I'm writing....

    All gimmick accounts should come from something Crono posted.
  18. Sideburnious


    I just leave the Wii mote on a table or the arm of a chair. I just recently got the classic controller and I do have to say it's much handier for snes games. Snes games are almost impossible to get comfortable with with a gamecube controller. It's fine for N64 games though.
  19. Sideburnious

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    Yeah, I generally copy and pasted my last years list with a few changes from dead/ out of the "danger zone" people.
  20. Sideburnious

    TSM Death Pool - 2008

    Fidel Castro *BEST BET* Leslie Nielson Pete Doherty BB King Jimmy Carter Anthony Hopkins Muhammad Ali Pele Sidney Poitier Paul Newman Leonard Cohen Jerry Lewis Queen Elizabeth (of England) Osama Bin Laden Mel Brooks The Pope Judi Dench Rob Reiner Rev. Billy Graham Kirk Douglas For some reason I don't think Amy Winehouse is going to die. I think she'll get cleaned up before then.
  21. Sideburnious

    It's time for the fuckin' playoffs, ladies.

    I think it will be a close game, and it really does come down to Eli. I'd still like the Bucs to go through but a New York win wouldn't completely surprise me.
  22. Sideburnious

    The last week of the NFL season.

    Man, the poor browns, they really got fucked in the ass.
  23. Sideburnious

    So, hey, cockfags.

    It's a shame Carlito dodged that fight. "If" Carlito did fight and "if" he did assault/kill the guy could he avoid child support by sitting in jail for 18 years?
  24. Sideburnious

    Today was my birthday, yet I am home by midnight.

    Snort, smoke or inject?
  25. Sideburnious

    I'm going to get into another fight...

    Bruiser Brody. And Carlito should totally record this and put it on youtube, regardless of the outcome.