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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious


    Were alot of the threads about WP started by WP or were they just previous threads that were hijacked & then revolved around him? If the latter is the case would that count?
  2. Dammit! I was thinking of a way to work in a spooks reference but couldn't think of a decent way of working it in.
  3. Sideburnious


    Is it classic 2d worms or 3d worms?
  4. Sideburnious

    2007 NFL Survivor Pool

    Yeah, I'm pretty confident the Seattle will win their match but I don't want to waste them in the first round. I'm currently considering going with the Rams. The argument could be made that it might be worth picking Seattle as at least that way I'm probably going through to the next round rather than possibly being knocked out.
  5. Sideburnious


    Nothing. But we're making the assumption that the AI will be such that the Wii won't have the processing power to handle the AI as it appears on the PS3/360. That's a pretty big assumption though. If your going by the trailer, all I saw was a guy surrounded by alot of "zombies" behaving in the same manner as they did in re4. For all we know he allowed than much people gang up on him to give of the impression that you're constantly in trouble. Same thing could be done in certain areas of RE4.
  6. Sideburnious

    Madden NFL 08

    Recieved my Wii copy in the post yesturday. It's pretty good but the controls will take some getting used too. I'm guessing they have de-evolved the amount of shit in the Franchise mode i.e the radio show/ newspapers etc from '07, or is it just because I'm in preseason?
  7. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    Being super gay. He's the one guy I hope stays banned.
  8. Sideburnious


    Man, this has to happen.
  9. Sideburnious

    Nights: Journey of Dreams trailer released

    I'll pick it up regardless. At worst it'll be an average game. At best it'll be on par with the first Nights.
  10. Sideburnious


    A few years ago I watched these two films for the first time since I was a kid and realized all the adult humor that shot over my head back in the day. I had the same experience with the Back to the Future movies a few years back.
  11. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    I think we should unban everyone (well, most of them) and limit them to CS. Maybe even CS& Current Events; or something like Dama & Leena to Sports as well as CS. Shit just unban them. Sports is the only "decent" folder. Almost everywhere else is dead. Most of them probably won't come back anyway.
  12. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    We all do man, we all do.
  13. They games start sliding downhill after MK2. In saying that, nothing makes me laugh harder than playing with the MK3 characters. For now i'll choose Striker. He has a gun!
  14. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    And King is right. This board needs the controversy back. The board has been in a slump since their departure as it brought out the best in both sides. Now this faux hardcore discussion folder : "The Chocolate Socket", is overrun by VanHalen, Luke-O, Amnesia, pbone & Matt Young. They all seem like nice guys but they're killing the folder. You could take most of their threads to general chat.
  15. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    It was the lead singer from Maroon 5. And I hate it when women "starfish" it.
  16. Sideburnious

    2007 NFL Survivor Pool

    I'm in as the Paisley Park Princes.
  17. Sideburnious

    Welcome back, Leena.

    Why was Leena banned again? I know there was lots of bullshit before hand that never came to fruit but what was the actual reason? I remember something about her talking down to everyone too much, or something along those lines. Personally I never had a problem with Leena. As NoCal Mike put it there were really too main divides and she was constantly berated no matter what she did from either side. It's no wonder that she had some resentment and outbursts to the general populous of TSM.
  18. Sideburnious

    The Candyman

    I'm pretty sure this was posted here a few years back.
  19. Sideburnious

    This is why I don't like Religion

    ^God is what inspires people to make movies as good as this.
  20. Will this effect your rent at all? If not you could start selling t-shirts outside your building. Turn it into the hotest tourist attraction in Portland.
  21. Sideburnious

    XPW Is Back In Business?

    I'm gonna hope it's Ron Jeremy.
  22. Sideburnious

    NFL Discussion Forumtable: 2007

    You'd think the Raiders would just give by this point. I mean he clearly doesn't want to play for them and they'll look like pussies after this. If Russell does sign there's no way the locker room will accept him. They should try and make the most of it by offering another team the chance to sign him for a player or a draft pick. Depending on the team/ player, maybe both.
  23. Sideburnious

    Michael Vick's "Dog Fight" Investigation

    Well, what if she deserved it?
  24. Sideburnious


    Vince McMahon's legdrop. Was that cool or what?