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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    Super Hero Clash of The Titans Round 4

    Captain America vs. Batman - I've always prefered Batman even though I'm primarily a marvel fan. Captain America is ok but he's no dark knight. Silver Surfer vs. Wolverine - Snikt Snikt Kyle Rayner vs. Spider-Man - Spider-man is my boy Thor vs. Daredevil - I think Daredevil is more entertaining but I do think Thor has his moments Wonder Woman - Shennanigans.
  2. Sideburnious

    What is with online players...

    I've got a friend who turns into a retard when playing Gears of War. It's embarressing to even be associated with him. He does it in the way just to piss people off. Like, he would just randomly go "yeah, fuck your mother. She loves cock" constantly, to noone in particular. When people tell him to shut up or that his mother does that he goes "Yeah, like that offends me!" and then turns to us and chuckles about how stupid everyone is. I guess because he knows he's being a retarded asshole, he feels that he's not one...because he's aware of his actions.
  3. Sideburnious

    I contacted a BDSM/Fetish escort

    Does he pay for that or does the doctor?
  4. Sideburnious


    I finally picked up my Wii console today. No games except Wii sports at the moment but i'll probably pick up a few wii points on friday.
  5. Sideburnious

    kkk Bowl V

    add me to the waiting list please.
  6. Sideburnious

    Be my new signature.

    If I can somehow write it on my hairy ass I know i'll be a shoe-in.
  7. Sideburnious

    Camping Outside Concerts.

    I once stood front row at a festival in Belgium for 12&1/2 hours dying to take a piss in order to see NiN and Rammestein headliners (other acts including Audioslave, Therapy? & the Game were decent ways to pass the time too). You'll be surprised what your body can do when you really want it too. If in doubt pop a squat. see above on why you shouldn't drink a litre&half of water before you walk into a festival so you "don't get dehydrated before a gig" and then find out it's overcast all day. Last time I did the waiting game I just had a big subway early on to last me the whole day and got all the pissing out of the system before I got inside. If not just bring snacks I suppose. Just talk to the people around you (if there are others) or talk to the friends you drag with you. Suck it up and sit on the ground. Don't forget your ticket. Make sure you don't bring anything you don't want to lose/ will think be stopped at the door i.e digital cameras etc. especially if they aren't easy to hide on your person(s). EDIT: on a seperate note; since you live in Hawaii: have you ever seen dog the bounty hunter just walking around or grabbing a sandwich or something? I've always wondered how notorious he is. The show always makes him look like he's pretty established with everyone, at least the underlife, which I would figure would make hunting for criminals harder.
  8. A) why would lynch be obliged to do this? he clearly doesn't care what people think. b) if he did direct it, i'm sure he'd direct it like a normal episode; unless he also wrote it.
  9. Sideburnious

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Bring back the Ice Climbers!!!
  10. Sideburnious

    I contacted a BDSM/Fetish escort

  11. Sideburnious

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Well you could split up the hindu, greek and roman gods to their own teams. But to the "white religions" you could add L.Ron Hubbard as a DT and Joseph Smith as CB
  12. Sideburnious

    War in Iraq

    See, there is peace at the end of war. The thread did have a point!
  13. Sideburnious

    War in Iraq

    This board has been dead without the Republican aspect. I think a few people should turn pro just for the sake of argument.
  14. Sideburnious

    What-ho, gents?

    So who released this gimmick from the cryogenics chamber?
  15. Sideburnious

    I contacted a BDSM/Fetish escort

    Are you planning to become a bdsm.fetish escort yourself?
  16. Sideburnious

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

  17. Sideburnious

    pbone has been posting a lot, recently.

    Pbone is a good poster but he just seems like a PBP. Something about how much he gels with the board. It's a little too natural for a n00b. He's still better than alot of other posters though. Another one of Leena's split personalities perhaps?
  18. Sideburnious

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    He was in Madrid for the last few years though, so heat shouldn't be too much of a problem for him. I will agree with fan expectations. He's probably not going to get a lot of goals and so people will wonder why he was signed in the first place. He's more of a playmaker than a goal scorer.
  19. Sideburnious

    Dog rapes baby

    Was the baby walking around naked? Or did this dog undress it with it's teeth first?
  20. Sideburnious

    So, David Beckham in Los Angeles..

    There'll be initial press over in the UK about it. I wouldn't even be surprised if they showed the first game, but eventually interest will dissappear unless something contraversial happend.
  21. Sideburnious

    Rock The Bells

    Wow, that's a great lineup. I'm almost tempted to throw my money together and fly to the New York show on the 28th of July.
  22. Sideburnious

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Apparently Mr. Wright from Sim City has been added to the game. Which would be good for one of the tolken obsure Nintendo characters.
  23. Sideburnious

    Mark Henry's "Silverback" Gimmick/Nickname

    Well he left that deal, went to the world strongest man competition in 2002 and they resigned him I think. And fuck all these people saying he's not a good worker. He was showing promise in his character. He's a big man, he's not supposed to be quick or a technical wrestler. He's just supposed to go in and beat the shit out of people. He was ten times more entertaining than people like Khali or Tyson Tomko. Shit, i'd even put him as better than snitsky. Definatly the best Super heavyweight the company had except for Big Show.
  24. Sideburnious

    Pictures I Like

    Belladonna is always the tramp
  25. Sideburnious

    Teddy Hart signs development deal?

    YES! It's about time they brought him in. I really hope he makes it to TV. Teddy Hart would get me watching more regularly.