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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    Francine released

    I always sort of liked Francine. And it looks like she sorted out her teeth, so I'm surprised Vince didnt hold onto her. He's too used to these Playboy models he's bringing in and forgetting about the real wrestling valets.
  2. Sideburnious

    Marvel's Civil War

    You forgot to cover the meeting Norman Osborn had with someone, who gave him a drug to surpress the trackers on him, making him "do good". They sort of silhuetted (sp?) the guys face too, so it sort of looks like a mustache, possibly making it tony, but probably just one of the company execs, like the one wolverine's after in his civil war books.
  3. Sideburnious


    Was it just me, or were others expecting us to get an angle that Sun was at the apartment when Jin was there, and she was the one that pushed the other guy out the window? It was a great episode all the same. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next week.
  4. Sideburnious

    David Cross/ Jim Belushi Feud

    I like David Cross but I do thin at times he can be up his own ass. His comedy albums are good but they both have similar political topics, and after a little bit you just feel like telling him we get the fucking point. His non-political/religious parts are good though. He also seems sometimes to really try to force a point/joke across to the audience if they don't react the way he'd like them to, which ends up with them having a forced sounding reaction. EDIT: Oh and I think Jim living off his brother career (even more) is more reason for me to think he's useless. If he wasn't John Belushi's brother he wouldn't be in comedy/acting.
  5. Sideburnious

    So WP is still roaming the forum...

  6. Sideburnious

    Football Manager 2005

    Ok, someone give me some good tactics/ formations. I started (yet) again, this time as wolves and i'm getting my ass handed to me. The earlier games were soo much easier than 2006 & 2007
  7. Sideburnious

    So WP is still roaming the forum...

  8. Sideburnious

    Pictures I Like

    What movie is it?
  9. Sideburnious

    Farewell JustPassinBy

    Man I'd love to see that porno (Without the Gollum superimposed on the face) for that woman's reaction alone. Anyone know what it's from?
  10. Sideburnious

    So, MarvinisaLunatic is gone

    NO WAI!
  11. Sideburnious

    Kevin Nash re-signs with TNA

    Good old Nash. Glad he's keeping busy. It might even get me watching.
  12. Sideburnious

    Football Manager 2005

    I'm guessing 2007 is a pc hog? I tried installing the Strawberry version but it took forever to install and then kept stalling. I think i'll just wait for the official version.
  13. Sideburnious


    And Tiny toons. And Simpsons. Oh and the same with the usual suspects. I knew the ending 3 mins into it. Especially after watching Scary movie & Wrongfully accused.
  14. Sideburnious

    Wanna know what WP has been up to since getting banned?

    Trolly pusher was Crono T!!!!!!!!!! If someone found a Crono T dating video they instantly win...everything.
  15. Sideburnious

    Wanna know what WP has been up to since getting banned?

    Well, even if he isn't, in everyone's heart he was.
  16. Sideburnious


    While most of the people I know are going to see Tool, alot are bigger mastadon fans (especially as right now, their alot more of a breath of fresh air in comparison). While there will be that big pop for Mastadon, and they'll probably blow tool away, I wouldn't be surprised that the 16yr old/ Tool-heads fans will think its the best show ever.
  17. Sideburnious

    It's Yom Kippur.

    Here was me expecting info on a beatnick musician.
  18. Sideburnious

    Convinient Thread Alignment

    I saw them a few months ago, they were awesome. The lead singer reminds me of Ron Howard. And Leena, if you had a hairy ass (or a very hairy ass) you'd want little to no body hair.
  19. Sideburnious


    I'm right there with you, although E-motive was the worst fucking thing I have heard in my life and I've heard The Ataris live. I know what the purpose of it was but it was still horrible. I opted to skip E-motive...Mer De Noms and 13th Step are as far as I got...and 13th Step wasn't all that great...I could listen to Mer De Noms over and over again. I'd agree, I prefer APC over tool. E-motive was good once you got into it, but the first listen leaves you wondering what happend between its release and 13th step. I still think 13th step is probably their best album (but I think it's more flawed than Mer de Noms). Mastadon are supporting Tool for their second leg of playing Europe so i'll see them again. And yeah, that setlist posted earlier is something similar to what it was like when I saw them in the summer.
  20. Sideburnious

    Warned for flamming.

    Outside of the tabbing, Firefox is pretty overrated. I use it but often go back to IE for certain things.
  21. Sideburnious


    Did she not excuse herself before sex and give it a rub with a wet cloth or you just didn't feel like eating her out?
  22. Sideburnious


    Seems he rimmed her too. You dawg, you.
  23. Sideburnious

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I think he did die. His eyes closed and he stopped moving after the game was over. That and he shit his pants (as we all know thats last thing you do before you die). Also the way Randy said "I'm not a R-Tard" was brilliant.