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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    Massive DS Heist!

    Nooooooooooo! I bet it was Sony.
  2. Sideburnious

    WWE News and Notes

    Why, what happend with Axl?
  3. Sideburnious

    Hey Hawk34.

  4. Sideburnious

    On Y2Jerk.

    Never never diss the Black L. He gets nothing but love and respect.
  5. Sideburnious


    More like....drunk!!! Yeah, I suck. Go fuck yourselves!
  6. Sideburnious

    Peeing out your butt

    I remeber te first tiome i pooped pout my dick, god did it scare me. I was propably 10 at the time and it was just heavy diahheria. Well in a nut shell, i remember thinking if the next thing would be poo'ong out my cock. needless to say i was pleased that it wasnt.
  7. Sideburnious

    Pimple Pubes?

    just spots, youll get used to them
  8. Sideburnious


    Ok. So, Im drunk off my head. been away from this boar d ofr two days and dont know what this is abouf (the post that is ) so i voted /"no thanks" And shit. so did wild peguses get banned or shit? Czech rocks btw! Whioops i mean felonies!
  9. Sideburnious

    The MikeSC?

    They can't be red! Thats the colour of those dang Commies!
  10. Sideburnious

    The MikeSC?

    Yeah, just unban all (well most) of the PBP's and see what sticks to the wall.
  11. Sideburnious

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Yeah, that card was bullshit. I still hope the US do well.
  12. Sideburnious

    Im going to need some advice..

    *clears throat*
  13. Sideburnious

    Unholy Alliance Tour 2006 review

    I thought In Flames were playing that. Or ist that only the Europe stretch of the tour?
  14. Sideburnious

    Im going to need some advice..

    Maybe thats it! Maybe thats Marvin's purpose in life! MARVIN IS THE CURE FOR AIDS!!!
  15. Sideburnious

    Where's Leena.

    Graphics & Testing. If this isn't a test, I don't know what is.
  16. Sideburnious

    Why Night Shifts rule!

    Aww, you could have easily slipped out for a few hours, and then just worked twice as hard today with the "buzz" you'd have from all the sex. I doubt you had a supervisor or someone looking over you.
  17. Sideburnious

    Im going to need some advice..

    I know smileys are a bit ghey, but this pretty much had me doing this Kudos Mugs
  18. Sideburnious

    The Day of the Phantom Posts

    I wonder if his teen bride was able to get off school for the wedding.
  19. Sideburnious

    The sand in Kotz's vagina

    I never had a problem with gay abe, unless he's the catalyst for Uncle Ben's return.
  20. Sideburnious

    When dey's a ask me what I likes

    It really depends on what type of book it is. Like if its a collection of articles opposed to a novel i'll probably browse different stories before I go cover to cover. Novels i'll start at the beginning, unless it's a book I started about a year ago, but never finished. Then i'll usually pick it up and read it from where I left off, even if I'm a bit hazy on alot of the previous stuff covered.
  21. Sideburnious

    It's back!

    Meh, I'd love to buy a shitload of dvds but i'm pretty broke right now. I shockingly haven't bought a dvd in months (as to where i was buying at least one a week).
  22. Sideburnious

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Random question here. Is the Macross Plus movie just a "remake" of the 4 part series or is it a new entity. Just seeing if its worth my time watching it or not.
  23. Sideburnious

    Most annoying ROH crowd ever?

    I remember watching an early RoH match with the Carnage crew vs Dunn & Marcos and pretty much once the bell rang the crowd started chanting boring really loudly. I was just like "what the fuck?". It really irritated me that this audience were shitting all over a match before it started, just because they anticipated it being bad because they were so "smart". The ironic thing was the match was actually pretty heavy hitting and the crowd realised it after a little while and started "Ooo-ing" at the moves etc. It could just be the early "we know everything" crowd that was there when the company first came about. I think they've gradually relaxed, though I was at a show that that Green lantern dude was at before and he annoyed the shit out of me. More of that same bullshit that I wrote about in the above paragraph.
  24. Sideburnious

    Why Night Shifts rule!

    Should have given her number to Marvin.
  25. Sideburnious

    caption this picture

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