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Everything posted by Sideburnious

  1. Sideburnious

    Help Win This Bet

    Help win this bayonet:
  2. Sideburnious

    Help Win This Bet

    Help win this Smurfette:
  3. Sideburnious

    Syndication of HBO Shoes

    SJP was hot in Hocus Pocus. After that...
  4. Sideburnious

    TSM Streaming Radio

    Right after these words from TSM PArty Poker, "I Promise Not To Come In Your Mouth." Speaking of Zappa, I was going to see Dweezil doing his "Zappa plays zappa" schtick (as he also had Steve Vai supporting) but i'll be in Germany when the gig's on
  5. Sideburnious

    Fake Rando.

    So a PBP thinks he can still function on the board?
  6. Sideburnious

    Congratulations Mutants!

    I'm still marking out for that CD burner toaster.
  7. Sideburnious

    Bands with the worst fanbase

    I guess you could argue Rage against the Machine as Metal influenced Rap. Has anyone mentioned Marilyn Manson or Limp Bizkit yet?
  8. Sideburnious

    New TOOL single - Vicarious

    It's not too bad. I've heard worse. Not their best stuff, but it's definatly listenable and has playback qualities.
  9. Slayer = Tsm's elephant. He never forgets.
  10. Sideburnious

    "Revolution" officially named

    I dunno, i'd say it will have a surprising amount of sales from all the stoner kids. "Psshhhhh, I'm so high! Weeeeeeeeee bwahahahahah weeeeeee. Dude, lets go buy a nintendo weeeeee. It'll be awesome!" They'll shift half their systems at 3 in the morning.
  11. Sideburnious

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I thought it was an alright episode, but they should have really either started off with the boys in the cave, or actually chasing a manbearpig/ dealing with Al Gore. It was more like they spliced two episodes together. It did have its moments though. I liked the part where they're in the car with Randy discussing what the manbearpig would be half and half of (half man, half bearpig).
  12. Sideburnious

    I'm changing the name of this folder.

    Let's just hope we can all bring the NHB quality.
  13. Sideburnious

    Tijuana & The Dirty Sanchez

    So...did you dirty sanchez somebody?
  14. Sideburnious

    TSM Streaming Radio

    "And this is Bobby Brown Goes Down for all the guys on the east coast. Don't forget to 'Czech' in later with your host with the most, the Czech Republic!"
  15. Sideburnious

    UTSU and Rrrsh

    The important thing is: everyone learnt something here today, and it's still the last of Rrrsh.
  16. Sideburnious

    U2's One has been named the greatest lyric of all-time

    It's their best album.
  17. Sideburnious

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    I think I've found my new favourite thread.
  18. Sideburnious

    Remove my SmartMarks account

    See Chave, you should post like this more often.
  19. Sideburnious

    Taking a Crap At Work

    In went into the bathroom (in college) a few minutes ago, and one of the toilet seats had been ripped off the bowl, and left next to it. All I could think about is that someone (probbaly) went into the bathroom with the sole intention of walking into a stall an ripping the toilet seat off at the hinges. Who in their right mind would bother doing that? Who does it benefit? Lucky the other stall was fine so I just sheeted it up, and then shitted it up (Har har).
  20. Sideburnious

    Charlie Sheen

    The whole "they looked like kids" is only Denise trying to get more out of it, and turn the public and the judges against Charlie. "He's gay and a pedophile" isn't going to really do him any favours. But come on, its Charlie fucking Sheen. He's always been a bad boy. That what probably attracted her to him in the first place and she should have been prepared for this shit. It's not his fault her career is nowhere now too. Oh and on a sidenote. Wasn't her role in Wild things that of a young girl involved in oral sex with another "young girl". She really can't be saying shit.
  21. Sideburnious

    Taking a Crap At Work

    ^ But also i'd say at least one of my breaks is spend with me being in the toilet.
  22. Sideburnious

    U2's One has been named the greatest lyric of all-time

    EDIT: Triple Post (damn you library internet)
  23. Sideburnious

    U2's One has been named the greatest lyric of all-time

    Basically they're trying to create the next big thing so they can say they were there first. There's nothing special about the arctic monkeys. It reminds me of Pete Doherty who everyone is trying to set up as this huge martyr to music, like he's the next Kurt Cobain or Jeff Buckley. It's like they've already planned his premature death and are just waiting to shout from the rooftops about what a talent he is and how we were all robbed. But I digress. Basically the Arctic Monkeys is Englands very own trendy pop band (as they are the originators of it) who are approachable to a mature(er) audience and men. They have a shelf life of about three years, then the mass media won't care. *I had this long winded thing written out, but the wireless internet at the library in my college keeps cutting out, so it didn't post. Each "page cannot be displayed" brings me closer to a murderous rage locked deep within.*
  24. Sideburnious

    Pictures I Like

    Finally, my Evil Dead fantasies can come true!